Period over Period charts and drill down
I have a simple Grouped Bar chart with a date field in my X-axis and a Annual Recurring Revenue (SUM) as my Y-axis. My leadership team has suspicions that a particular product, which I've filtered to, is not selling as well in 2023-Q3 as it did in the prior year 2022-Q3 and we'd like to investigate the data. My card's Date…
How can I flip the legend items and the category items in a grouped bar chart?
I am trying to use a grouped bar chart to compare different brands across several % Change Metrics. I would like the "category" listings to be the different metrics (dollars % change, units % change, etc…) while the legend shows the different brands. However, the chart is defaulting the the opposite layout and I can't…
Organize values on X-Axis
Hi All, I am trying to sort my x-axis values on roles (see screenshot attached) not on the default sort options available in Analyzer. I read a previous note from 2017 that told me to use CASE to sort, so I did: CASE split_detail WHEN 'CEO'THEN 1 WHEN 'Head of Business' THEN 2 WHEN 'key management personnel(KMP)' THEN 3…
Is there a way to create a chart that displays the percentage of null values across all datasets?
I want to know the percentage of null values across all datasets that we have, I am not interested in one particular dataset, I want to know the overall percentage.
Copy/Paste Formatting
I want a feature where you can copy and paste formatting from one card to another similar chart. Example: header row coloring, sizing on single value card.
chart axis issue
Hi I am very new to domo and trying to create a chart where say the data are uploaded to domo with field names on the columns (so "C-3", "C-2", etc are column names) due to general file structure which needs to be like this but then I am facing the issue that then I cannot create a chart like the below in excel where the…
Quarter by Quarter comparison
Hi All, I am trying to have analyzer display the percentage change from 3rd quarter of each year to 4th quarter of each year. Currently my graph looks like this but I am unsure how to get the graph to display it I have tried to format using a period over period chart but cannot figure out how to only show 3rd quarter to…
Presenting Totals in Marimekko Charts
Hi! I am trying to display row and column totals in a Mekko Chart. For example, when looking at a chart like the one below, I'd ideally like to see -- either at the top of every column or as part of the column label -- the total revenue for each of the 4 regions; and similarly probably as part of the legend, the total…
Forecast chart template: color for actual line
We would like to have the capability to change the color of the "actual line" (line with a prediction range) in the forecast template.
Flex Table Improved Customisation
Hi all, I've recently used a Flex Table and was shocked by the few available customisation options. Something as simple as changing my line's colour is seemingly impossible. Improvements that feel essential: Change Header Colour Series Grouping/subtotals Change Line Colour Remove the Area under the line Change…
Date Picker & Period Over Period Chart Enhancements
We have end users who want to set a date range and see the change compared to the corresponding previous period. Currently, in PoP cards, you can: Set a comparison period on the cards that overrides the dashboard date picker OR Use variables and Beast Modes to create current and previous period calculations and add the…
Paging in a Table Card
Hi there, I was reading a closed forum question that suggested an answer that may no longer be true at this date. Original Question: I have a Mega Table with about 600 rows. I don't want to show all 600 at the Dashboard level, even with the scrolling aspect. I'm concerned that it will affect the Dashboard Performance. The…
Allow an opt-in feature for the "Other" bar's truncation
Currently, when you select a Maximum Bars value in a bar chart, an 'Other' bar appears and it often appears truncated as shown in this article: It would be better to have the option of truncating it or not. Even better, show the break in the bar like this:
In App Editable Data and Real-Time Visualizations
Hi Everyone, If users wanted to be able to edit the data that goes into a visualization, and then see how that edit impacted a visualization (and all of it's great metrics), what would be the idea way to do this in Domo? I was thinking that you could use a Domo Webform to let users plug in new data/edit data, and then use…
Trimming Pivot Table to Only Display Items with Top Totals
Hey there forum community. Using the Pivot Table in domo and trying to trim the rows to only display the top "X" of them to cut out a lot of the noise of low value items. Wasn't able to find anything online. In excel pivot would be a simple filter. Andy
Charts with multiple columns on X axis
I want to create a chart in DOMO with multiple columns on X axis in the below way? How can this be done? I tried to add multiple columns on the X axis but it doesn't take.
Scatter Plot with a dynamic x-axis scale marker?
Hi, I am using this nice feature that allows me to mark the average (median, etc) value on the y-axis, that would also adjust dynamically. However, it doesn't seem it is possible to do so for the x axis. you can set one manually using quadrant lines, but that would require manual adjustment every other day. Any ideas?
Force Pie Chart to show data for only most recent day of date range
I have a dataset that has the following columns: Date, Store, Plan, Total. My users want a pie chart that shows the total for each plan type on the last day of whatever date range the filters set, i.e.: if today is the 24th and the filter is set to month to date, I want only the values for the 24th. Unfortunately, no…
Legend in Pie Charts
Hi, It seems that something recently changed so my pie charts are displaying the total on the side and in the summary number as well. The graph on the left is how I am trying to get it to look but I cannot figure out why the graphs on the right are showing the total in the chart. Was this a recent change? Any suggestions…
Can I make a grouped bar chart with 2 series/categories?
Hello! I am currently trying to make a grouped bar chart that is also stacked. In this scenario I want to compare our power and core members and within those groups how many of each are a website client with us. If they are a website client, I want that bar to be stacked to show what type of website that member has. This…
Aggregate Count While Still Filtering By Time
I want to make a pie chart out of the following rows where a row value is based off the count (not just 1). The rows are grouped by time. The table looks like the one below. The problem is the chart doesn't aggregate Success to 12 but leaves them as separate series Success 5 and Success 7 in the legend. I have multiple…
More customization in text cards
Allow more customization in text cards (line breaks, text size and color...etc)
Limit Quick-Sort options
For example, a particular card may only want the quick-sort options to be Value-based, vs. category based. If alpha-numeric category sorting isn't relevant to a card, users may (are) be getting confused, but it'd be nice to save the 2-3 clicks to go "back" to the other value-sort they were looking at.
Can I omit certain values on line graph from being calculated in avg line?
I have an interesting case here, I have a cost per lead value being graphed by week for the past 9 weeks. Only problem is that when there are no leads the value is blank and the line breaks. I can fix the problem by using a beast mode to say when there are no leads to just zero out the Cost per Lead value. When I do that,…
Barchart behaviour when the sorting criteria doesn't match the fields shown
Barchart has an umpredictable behaviour when the sorting criteria doesn't match with the fields shown in the card
Multiple Values on State Map
I'm not really sure if this is a visualization question or a Beast Mode question. I have built a map showing profitability by state, that changes depending on what the user filters for. For example, if the user filters for the year 2023, the map updates with the profitability for that year. Now, I want to determine the…
comapare current-3 days in period over period chart
I have a use case where the data gets updated everyday, however the complate data will be available only for current-3 days. How can I display a period over period chart to compare current-3 to current-4 days?
aggregating average value of a month
date any_hva 1/4/2023 123 1/4/2023 233 1/4/2023 234 2/4/2023 115 2/4/2023 111 I have a table in a following format, same dates are present in multiple records since there are other categories(not shown) in whichany_hva is split. I want to display a monthly chart in which I want to display average value per day. Just…
More dynamic elements in the cards
It would be very useful if not only the "Summary" but also the titles of the cards could be made dynamic. In the summary you can put fields that do not exist in the visualization while in the title you can only put certain limited fields (filters, date, etc). It would be solved by allowing the inclusion of a field,…
Dynamic Values for Scale Markers
It'd be good to have the ability when using Scale Markers to use Fields and Aggregations just like you can do for Summary Numbers. Even on a basic bar chart, if you use the Average, it just does an average of the Totals Shown, rather than the actual average of the field being used for the Y Axis, so if you show Average on…