Org Hierarchy and Sunburst Chart Limitations
I'm working on a Sunburst Chart to show organizational hierarchy. I'm running into some issues where I've got 3 levels to my hierarchy and I'm only able show 1 of these without the visual disappearing. I've attached the sample data I'm working with and here is the setup on the card: Is this chart just not capable of…
Average Nested Bar
Good day everyone. I was trying to build a nested bar, but wanted the gray at the back to be determined by whatever aggregation we use for the calculation. So for example in the following graph, rather than showing me the bar in the back as the SUM of all the individual bars, it'd show it as the actual average of the…
Bargraph for Employees/Hour when I only have start and stop times
This will probably be obvious in retrospect, but I cannot figure out how to generate a chart based on the data I have. I have data in the following format: Name Store Date TimeIn TimeOut Alice 0001 1/5/2024 6:00 12:00 Bob 0001 1/5/2024 7:00 11:00 Charlie 0001 1/5/2024 7:00 9:00 Denise 0001 1/5/2024 8:00 12:00 What I need…
Create Conditional coloring based on a value not displayed in card
All details are summarized here:
Drill down from chart view
Is there a way to drill down from a bar chart view without only clicking one of the x axis chart values? For ex: I have an inbound vs outbound bar chart - If I click inbound or outbound bar graph the drill path will take me to a view of each (inbound or outbound) by account - But i am trying to see BOTH Inbound/outbound by…
Waterfall Chart that allows for intermediate results
Hi, we are currently not able to built a waterfall with intermediate results using the waterfall chart in domo. It is somehow possible with a workaround using the bar chart to create bars that reflect an intermediate result step. This would be super useful, since for now we are opting out for other solution that are more…
Dynamic (Contextual) Annotations
Annotations are extremely useful as a visual cue on cards to explain why calculations may differ on or following an event. Currently these annotations are generalized to the dataset/date. Annotations could be further expanded to be row-level contextual, only visible when filter conditions are met. Suppose Store A is…
Start change value suffix with a space in multi-value chart
The ability to start the 'Suffix' for the change value in a Multi-value chart with a space would allow users to give more context to the change value. Currently, any space in the beginning of the suffix gets ignored.
Word cloud in DOMO
I see that we do not have inbuilt feature in DOMO to do the text analysis within DOMO. I have got several comments extracted from survey. I want to create the word cloud only with the words and not the entire comments which is what displayed when using the word cloud in DOMO. I want to split the comments into words and…
Is it possible to create a tooltip for one column in a table/card?
Say I have a column "Masked PhoneNo" that shows ***7890. Is it possible to hover over this text (usually a column in a table) and display the full PhoneNo (123-456-7890) which is a different column in my dataset?
Card Title and Description Text Formatting Options
Currently there are no options to format Cart Title and Description text. Potential use-cases for text formatting include: (1) to call attention to Smart Text values (2) to use title text as chart color legends (ex. see the "1. integrated text" example on this page:) Desired formatting options are to be able to use Bold,…
How to visualize survey responses - 4 statements, 5 possible answers
We collected survey responses from customers for multiple programs, where they submitted their disagreement/agreement rating for 4 statements. An example of how the data is collected is attached. I would like to have a drill down that shows the distribution of those answers for each statement for only one program (bonus if…
Compare values in a series against overall average
Hi Domo community, I'm looking to create a card that shows which segments are bringing our Net Promoter Score (NPS) up or down. My idea for a visualization is below. The centre line is the monthly overall NPS and then the 4 bars (International, United States, Canada, and regional) are the series that show the different…
Expand/collapse rows only working for first level of pivot
Hello. I have a pivot table with 3 values for rows. I am able to expand/collapse based upon the first value, but not the second. When I click on the "+" next to the first value it expands to out all three values … but when I click the "-" next to the second value, it collapses everything back to the first value (i.e. how…
I need to make a bar chart that combines multiple columns based on date
Simply put, I want to display how many users completed each program in Q4 2023, and I want to later be able to select a different date (so later, for example, I can see how many people completed programs in Q1 2024). I want my users to see the most popular progams during a given time period. I think a bar graph will…
Have a row displayed with 0/NULL when filtering by date when there's no data
Tried my best to summarize in the question... I have a data set of Google Adwords Data. I'm putting the data into a Pivot table and have campaigns as a Row. I'd like to have every campaign show in the table even when it has no data to report for the selected time frame. It essentially would the the row for the campaign and…
Histogram Buckets Beast Mode
I have created 5 buckets and I am not sure why only the last bucket is showing on a bar chart. I can see more buckets in the underlying data. Any insight on this? For reference I am using a case statement to create my buckets. Something like this. CASE WHEN (SUM(min(1)) over (partition by cat1,cat2 order by sum(value)…
Bell Curve - Large Data
Hello, I am working with a large amount of rows, due to sales items having multiple sizes/colors. Looking to build a size/bell curve to present to the client but when I use the Histogram, it doesn't group by the category names/sizes but in the table view it shows the units by group. Histogram: Thank you in advance for the…
Favorite Chart Type Collection - A New Dropdown Option
Hello! Has anyone ever wanted a new dropdown option in the Chart Type area for their favorite/most used charts? It would be helpful to have vetted chart types used for specific purposes in one place. Furthermore, it could also serve as a collection of "approved" chart types for business units. Would anyone else find this…
Need an option in our domo instance to have user specific timezone.
We need an option in our domo instance to have user specific time-zone. If a user is in EST time zone, he/she could see have an option to view the date according to their time-zone rather than a universal time zone. Example: Run time of any dataset is 9PM IST but someone from EST time-zone could view the dataset run at…
Custom colors for waterfall chart type
Currently, the waterfall chart type is one of the only bar chart types that does not allow for custom bar colors via the Color Rules tab. I know we have some limited options for color customization with waterfall charts but these options impose some limitations in their current implementation. For example, when…
Edit Bar Charts more dynamically
Hi, I was hoping we could begin using Color rules a bit more dynamically. I was hoping we could assign color rules to different fields in the Card. For instance, elements that are not being used in the Bar chart but elements outside as well that are impacting the Bar chart directly For instance, if I have 3 variables in…
New application for enhanced data Viz
I wanted to inquire if there is any new application in the recent release that could enhance data viz or any other application that I should consider using to make any reports more meaningful for the client. Your insights on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Best way to get multiple data types in a visualization?
Hey, I have total sales (in the millions), avg. selling price (max $20/unit) , and then a % metric. I want to have them all together in a time series chart to show trends. I can't figure this out for the life of me because I can't get them all appropriately graphed without taking one off the graph completely to see. Make…
Beast Mode calculation when data is in rows and then how to chart
Hi All I have a dataset (a sample is attached) where the 2 series I want to track are in the same column, identified by the Split Answer (i.e. male or female). I want to calculate the % split answer value by dividing the value by the sum of all values where the Split Detail is held constant (i.e. what is the % of female…
Create X-Axis to Only Display Day over Several Months
I am wanting to recreate the X-Axis here only showing days - then show changes MoM using lines. Ultimately, I want to create a filter that allows users to pick how many days they would like to go back and allow that to be compared. Any suggestions?
Median Calculation
Does Domo calculate median? How so? I am building a card - a table specifically - and am looking to put median price instead of the average. How is this possible? And most efficient? Thanks
Looking to create a benchmarking bar chart showing +/- % from prior year
I am wanting to create a bar chart similar to below. I want the +/- % to be based on prior year CPM. I am not seeing a bar chart that would operate similarly to this - does anything have any experience with this? Thanks
Trying to create visuals like PBI in DOMO
Hello, I am in the process of exploring Domo visuals and charting. I am familiar with other visualization tools but want to see how I can do the same on Domo. Can someone guide me in achieving the visual I have created earlier on other tool. Motto is to see, How I can achieve it. What are the major differences I benefit…
Change chart sort order based on variable value.
Hi, I have created a variable that I am using on the y-axis of a bar chart. With the toggle letting switch between categorical and date values. I would like to be able to alternate how the y-axis is sorted based on which variable value is currently on the chart: Date values: The date values are calculated by year and I…