Charting Ideas

Charting Ideas

Last X Periods to Date

I would like to add to the date filters on the to right corner of charts the following options:

  1. Life to Date
  2. Last [X] [Period] to Date

I have a dataset where a number exists for 'Max Business Date' each day. As the days pass, the number gets bigger until it reaches the total number of business days at the end of the month. i.e. June 3 =1, June 4 = 2, June 5 = 3. There are future dates in the dataset that I want to exclude. June has 19 business days, but I only want to see 3 because today is June 5. When I use any of the following date filers [week-to-date, month-to-date, quarter-to-date, year-to-date], I see the proper max business date for each month (May is 22, June is 3, July is excluded). However, when I use the following date ranges [Today, This Week, This Month, This Year], I see the max business dates per each month despite those being future dates. I want to be able to use date filters that allow me to see various time periods to-date (life, last X Y to date).

1. 'Life to Date' is pretty straightforward: show the entire dataset through today. This will function as the other to-date columns [week, month, quarter, year].

2. 'Last [X] [Period] to Date' is a combination of the existing functionality [for example, Last 13 Months] and the existing 'to-Date' functionality, as described above. I want to be able to filter the top right of any chart type to see the Last 13 Months to Date.

Thanks so much!


6 votes

In Review · Last Updated

Thanks for sharing your idea! We're currently reviewing it for future enhancements.


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