is there a way to create a bar inside bar chart (similar to nested bar chart)?
Hello everyone, I'm new to Domo and currently exploring ways to create a nested bar chart, as illustrated in the example below. I've experimented with a few options, but haven't been successful so far. I would greatly appreciate your insights and comments on this matter. Thank you!
Why doesn't my line + bar chart show the "Show data label on" option?
I want to display data label only for the line but the option is off.
create a card to display a number ranking
can anyone point me in the right direction on how to create a card with a number ranking that will auto update? we give the sales people a score based on their activities. the one card will put them in order based off their activity score total. how do I create a separate card to just populate their Activity Score Rank?…
Bullet Chart - removing labels of Ranges
Hi all, I've been trying to find a way to show the RAG ranges of acceptability on a graphic I'm currently working on; the bullet chart has been an excellent find, however, I want to display the "actual value" as a data label, but I really want to avoid having the data labels of my Ranges present. Is there a way to do this…
How to recreate this visual in DOMO?
I have all the data needed to make something like this, I just haven't found a setting or chart type to make this. The problem is getting the table to be multi-tiered with column headers able to stack under like in the image. Just wondering if anyone has any idea or knows of a chart type, brick, etc to help me achieve this.
Broken line chart and want to connect the dots
Hi - I have this beast mode that I am using in a bar line chart. However since there aren't values for each time interval the line is showing as dots. How do I get the line to connect? Here is the beast mode and I can't seem to get things connected without breaking syntax: CASE WHEN 'id'='LIABILITY' THEN SUM('value') END
Group by N Weeks option to graphs
Hi all, Recently, we have been building a lot of graphics for Agile Sprint Planning. One thing that has been quite frustrating is the lack of customisation when grouping by date objects. It would be brilliant if the option to group by "N" weeks, instead of grouping by weeks or grouping by months as our Scrum Teams work in…
Specific Customisation options for 0 in Multi-Value Column
Hi all, On value cards that have a change value - it is difficult to control how the change value interprets the value when it is 0. It would be great to have specific colour/formatting options when a change value is 0 (including the ability to remove the directional indicator). Ref to post highlighting issue in more…
Unsync Scale for One Series in a Multi-Line Chart
Hi Domo, I would like to have one of my series plotted on an alternative Y- axis so that the variation can be seen alongside the values with higher magnitude.
Ability to color code the "Other" Category for Pie and Donut Charts
Somewhere in the settings for pie and donut charts it would be great to be able to hard-code a color for the "Other" category that gets created when there are many items in the series. We have a lot of color rules setup for various fields and it is annoying/hard to read pie charts when the "Other" category's color keeps…
Adding new brand colors in brand kit
I need to add brand colors but many client dashboards have already been crated using existing colors. If I add a new hex color that is already selected, will it have any impact on the colors of the existing cards?
How can I make a series of goals on a stacked chart?
Hello! I am trying to make a chart look like this: I have a data set that has goals and I want the series to be the goal milestones and the filled in line to be an operators total sales. I am unsure if there is a chart that can do this or I have a workaround because there are very many goals. My data set looks like this: I…
Need to have a feature to select week start day starting from Monday.
Hi, Can we have a features to select week start day starting from Monday in all types of charts specifically for Bar charts and Multi Value charts. We have this feature in Calender chart.
Reverse the inclusivity of 0 in Multi-Value Column for Value changes
Hi all, I might be being daft here, so I am raising a question before raising an idea in case anyone knows of a workaround to my problem. I'm looking to use a value change graphic to show the changes in the number of risks on projects. As a result of this, an increase is "bad", but a decrease or consistent value (0) is…
Add a condition on line plot to toggle between AVG and SUM conditions
Hi, I have a column in my data 'Volumes' and I am using that as Y-axis of line chart which is currently set to aggregate as SUM(Volumes). I have a problem with it where I want it to perform AVG(Volumes) when one condition is met and perform SUM rest of the times. I am trying to perform this logic using calculated field,…
Drill down options from line chart
The drill down option from a line chart with the X axis as a date field is to click in the dot correspondent to the date. Would be nice to be able to click on the entire line to activate the drilldown, with only one filter resulting from the selection.
Horizontal Alignment of Multi-Value Cards
Hi all, I've wanted to align some of my multi-value cards to the centre of my card when using the Single Line Number format - I've found the vertical Alignment options under General settings. Still, I cannot find the ability to align this horizontally. Does this option exist somewhere less obvious? Best, Sam
Cumilative running total bar
I have a running total bar that I am trying to have give the running total for all time but when I try to show only this year it is only giving me the running total since 1/1/23 (as if 1/1/23 started at zero) Is there I way that I can have it still give the all-time total while only displaying this year as the output? I…
Period over Period charts and drill down
I have a simple Grouped Bar chart with a date field in my X-axis and a Annual Recurring Revenue (SUM) as my Y-axis. My leadership team has suspicions that a particular product, which I've filtered to, is not selling as well in 2023-Q3 as it did in the prior year 2022-Q3 and we'd like to investigate the data. My card's Date…
How can I flip the legend items and the category items in a grouped bar chart?
I am trying to use a grouped bar chart to compare different brands across several % Change Metrics. I would like the "category" listings to be the different metrics (dollars % change, units % change, etc…) while the legend shows the different brands. However, the chart is defaulting the the opposite layout and I can't…
Organize values on X-Axis
Hi All, I am trying to sort my x-axis values on roles (see screenshot attached) not on the default sort options available in Analyzer. I read a previous note from 2017 that told me to use CASE to sort, so I did: CASE split_detail WHEN 'CEO'THEN 1 WHEN 'Head of Business' THEN 2 WHEN 'key management personnel(KMP)' THEN 3…
Is there a way to create a chart that displays the percentage of null values across all datasets?
I want to know the percentage of null values across all datasets that we have, I am not interested in one particular dataset, I want to know the overall percentage.
Copy/Paste Formatting
I want a feature where you can copy and paste formatting from one card to another similar chart. Example: header row coloring, sizing on single value card.
chart axis issue
Hi I am very new to domo and trying to create a chart where say the data are uploaded to domo with field names on the columns (so "C-3", "C-2", etc are column names) due to general file structure which needs to be like this but then I am facing the issue that then I cannot create a chart like the below in excel where the…
Quarter by Quarter comparison
Hi All, I am trying to have analyzer display the percentage change from 3rd quarter of each year to 4th quarter of each year. Currently my graph looks like this but I am unsure how to get the graph to display it I have tried to format using a period over period chart but cannot figure out how to only show 3rd quarter to…
Presenting Totals in Marimekko Charts
Hi! I am trying to display row and column totals in a Mekko Chart. For example, when looking at a chart like the one below, I'd ideally like to see -- either at the top of every column or as part of the column label -- the total revenue for each of the 4 regions; and similarly probably as part of the legend, the total…
Forecast chart template: color for actual line
We would like to have the capability to change the color of the "actual line" (line with a prediction range) in the forecast template.
Flex Table Improved Customisation
Hi all, I've recently used a Flex Table and was shocked by the few available customisation options. Something as simple as changing my line's colour is seemingly impossible. Improvements that feel essential: Change Header Colour Series Grouping/subtotals Change Line Colour Remove the Area under the line Change…
Date Picker & Period Over Period Chart Enhancements
We have end users who want to set a date range and see the change compared to the corresponding previous period. Currently, in PoP cards, you can: Set a comparison period on the cards that overrides the dashboard date picker OR Use variables and Beast Modes to create current and previous period calculations and add the…
Paging in a Table Card
Hi there, I was reading a closed forum question that suggested an answer that may no longer be true at this date. Original Question: I have a Mega Table with about 600 rows. I don't want to show all 600 at the Dashboard level, even with the scrolling aspect. I'm concerned that it will affect the Dashboard Performance. The…