Word cloud in DOMO


I see that we do not have inbuilt feature in DOMO to do the text analysis within DOMO. I have got several comments extracted from survey. I want to create the word cloud only with the words and not the entire comments which is what displayed when using the word cloud in DOMO. I want to split the comments into words and then remove the extra verbs and words that does not offer any sense and include only terms that gives the important insights. How do I achieve this within DOMO.

Also is it possible to make the interaction that upon clicking the word , it takes you or hovers the text of the comment the word is extracted from?
or is it feasible to do the sentiment analysis and have both positive, neutral and negative tone indicator for comments within domo.


Best Answer

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    I use the calendar because it is an easy way to have a built in incrementing list of numbers (1,2,3,etc.). You could just have an Excel file or a Webform that has a list of numbers, but I thought I would just use what is already available.

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  • MarkSnodgrass

    Here is a video on how to break up comments into individual words and remove particular words.

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  • art_in_sky

    Thank you so much Mark, It worked!! However it is a long process to apply for making word clouds in DOMO. Also Why did we make use of calendar for numbering the words, is there any other approach or alternative ?

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    I use the calendar because it is an easy way to have a built in incrementing list of numbers (1,2,3,etc.). You could just have an Excel file or a Webform that has a list of numbers, but I thought I would just use what is already available.

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  • art_in_sky

    I understand, thank you!!