How to Filter for "Today AND Last 7 Days" in Domo Visualizer?
Hi everyone, I’m trying to implement a date range in Domo (using `Reservation Start Date`) that includes both Today AND the Last 7 Days at the same time. This will be for a weekly scheduled send. I know Domo has built-in filters for "Last 7 Days" and "Today," but I can't find a way to combine them in a single filter within…
Future Date Filter
Hi, I have an App Studio app that I would like to add a quick future date filter to. This is similar to the presets in the Date Slicer Filter, but I want to allow users to select Week to Go, Month to Go, Next 2 Months, Year to Go, etc. I considered using a Beast Mode, but "Week to Go" would not be included in "Month to Go"…
Hide default "Choose Date" filter in App Studio
I have pages in my App that use individual dates instead of a date range. To work around this, I created a filter where the user can select an individual calendar date. However, since you can't hide/disable the default "Choose Date" filter, users are confused on which filter to use.
Multi-value Columns Gauge Card | Compare between Current Headcount vs. Dynamic Historical Month
I have a situation where I am trying to show how the Headcount moved by comparing Current Month Headcount with any of the historical Month which the user will select. The problem that I am facing is that when any period gets selected Current Month Headcount calculation becomes Zero. My dataset is very complex and massive…
How to get Prior Year Values on the same table row
I’m trying to create a row which shows the “Prior Year” value against a field for comparison, simply a 12 month offset of the data as shown below with the "Value" field. This would later enable me to create YoY differences. I will also note that I'm looking for a solution that should be able to transcend filters i.e. you…
Help with Date Range/ Period to Date
As you know Domo has a selection Date Range, Period to Date, and if I click on Week to Date, my 3 cards will update the date dimension to current Week to Date, Month to Date, and Quarter to Date. I'm trying to create a filter or a button to do same functions Period to Date: WTD, MTD, QTD, YTD without clicking on Date…
How to shift first week of year from December to January?
The card pictured below is filtered to 2025 - however, Domo's default week starts the prior Sunday which still lands in the month of December. I would like it to show a January date instead for the first week of 2025. I would ideally not like to use week numbers over actual dates on the x-axis. Has anyone else experienced…
Show Headcount based on Date Range Selected
Hello Everyone, I have been breaking my head over last 2 weeks looking for a probable solution to a scenario that I have. I tried ChatGPT as well but nothing worked. So, I have a Headcount App where I show Headcount based on various dimensions like - Geo, Region, Country, Gender, Leader, Job Role, etc, etc. Currently the…
Make Dynamic Date/Time Functions Respond to the Company Time Zone
The dynamic date and time functions—such as CURRENT_DATE() and NOW()—are represented in UTC, regardless of the Company Time Zone in your Admin Settings. This creates a problem during the hours of the day when the UTC date and your company time zone's dates are unaligned. For instance, say you have a Beast Mode that uses…
Strange datetime behavior when using the Five9 Domo Connector
I am using the Domo Five9 connector to pull a report containing list data into Domo and am encountering challenges relating to datetime fields. The two fields I am having issues with are: Timestamp - This field tracks the date and time that a given record was added to a list. created_date_string - This field within Five9…
Allow Dynamic, Rolling Between Date Filtering in Charts
Idea: Allow either the 'between' date range filter for charts to also allow selection of 'X months ago' to '2 months ago' (see second screenshot for current version), or have the 'Last' filter allow an "Exclude" last 'X" months option. (see first screenshot below) Problem: Needing to do date centered visualizations with…
Filter using multiple date fields
Hi there, I have created 5 calculated columns in DOMO analyser that get me the max date in each of the fields (Let's call them- Reconsideration date, Complied Date, Status last updated date, Appeal date and Death Penalty Date). They are all derived from a number of different fields with different conditions and then I…
Calendar date to be aligned with other filters
we have seen an issue when we created date filters, Date calendar is not cooperating. The expectation is that when a stakeholder select the fiscal year and month the calendar date is showing the chased month, not the current month
MagicETL Transform Settings: Timestamp to Date
I can't seem to find a clear answer as to what is happening here, so I'm turning to the community. I have a dataset with a timestamp field, createdAt The dataset arrives to Domo in UTC, and my company timezone settings are converting it to USA\Eastern Time. This is working as expected. Using this as an input dataset in…
Filtering and Adjusting Cross-Month Records in MagicETL
Hey Domo Dojo Community, I'm working with a dataset containing reservation start (RSD) and end (RED) dates in the format of MM/DD/YYYY. I need to identify all records where the reservation spans across two different months (i.e., RSD and RED fall in different months or years). My objective is to filter out these…
Number of business days in the month
I am trying to write a beast mode that given a date can tell me the number of business days there are in that month. My company's hours are a little different so I want it to count days according to these rules: Sun: 0, Mon: 0.5, Tues-Fri: 1, Sat: 0.5 I can't seem to figure out how to loop through to do this calculation so…
Is it possible to fill in missing dates at the card level | Fill Missing Dates button isn't working
I read the article linked above… Is there a way to do this sort of thing at the card level? The Fill Missing Dates option is not working. I'm having an issue with it dropping dates that have no corresponding values on almost all of my bar charts. My dates are all weekly and there's weeks with no data on every card. I don't…
Bar Chart set to show last 12 months, is only showing 11 months of data as the first value is zero.
I have a Bar Chart with the last FY worth of data up to 30 June 2021. I'd like the chart to show the last 12 months of data, however, it is only showing the last 11. There is no data in July 2020, which is why I'm guessing it's not showing the column. The nature of the data is that there will be no entries if there were no…
Create a "Latest Available Date" selection for page level and card level filters.
I know I can do a max (`datefield`) over () in a beastmode, but this only works for card level filtering and not page level filtering due to the fact that this is an aggregation beast mode. For the page level, it requires a rank and window in a dataflow. Both of these work arounds break any smart text that would refer to…
Dropdown Selector: always have pre-selected the latest date on a filter card.
Hi, I have a filter card (dropdown selector) to display all dates available and I would like to have pre-selected the latest date. Is this possible? Right now I added it by manually typing the latest month but I'd like it to switch automatically when the month ends. Any ideas are welcome! Thanks
Additional Functionality when charting by Week
When charting by week it would be nice to have the following additional options: Ability to choose the method that determines 'Week 1'. For example, is it the first Monday of the year? The first Tuesday of the Year? The Tuesday that includes the 1st day of the year? Is it simply whichever date is the 1st day of the year?…
Date Filter to Omit Last 45 Days
Does anyone know if there's a way to set the date range filter to exclude the last 45 days but still give YTD numbers? For example, today is 8/19/2024 and the last 45 days is irrelevant to a certain set of data we have so I would want to look at July 5th and earlier. I know I could use the "Between" filter to just go…
Period over Period Beast Mode
I have the following Beast Mode working for a comparison table (Period over Period is the name of the variable: CASE WHEN Period Over Period = 'Week over Week' THEN (CASE WHEN WEEK(Date) = WEEK(CURDATE() - INTERVAL 1 WEEK) AND YEAR(Date) = YEAR(CURDATE() - INTERVAL 1 WEEK) AND DAYOFWEEK(Date) <= DAYOFWEEK(CURDATE()) THEN…
Hi All, I want to create a column for YTD, YOY comparison by month and M-1. Example output is below: I have datetime in a format at yyyy-mm-dd Can someone show a use case for this?
Filtered Period Comparison reflect in tables
Hi I want to create a table where user can select the date comparisons between two periods. Just want them to pick the date comparison and the data reflect in the tables accordingly. And how to create another dimension with %chg based on two periods. For ex. User wants to see total GMV between Sept 1st to Sept 5th for 2024…
How to Aggregate Daily Data into Weekly Totals in Domo?
I'm working with a dataset that contains daily level data, including a date column. I've created a calculated field based on this date column. However, when I try to aggregate the data by 'week' using 'graph by= week', I'm only able to see the values for each individual date rather than aggregated weekly totals. I've tried…
Is it possible to make the multi-value guage dynamic?
I have the multi-value PoP gauge on my dashboard showing a comparison to the previous year. The default date period is set to previous month. But, altering the global date on the dashboard removes the previous year comparison. Is there a way to keep the previous year comparison while also allowing the user to change the…
Grouping dates of service to match a pay period
I have two data sets one with employee pay information that is bi-weekly. And one that has information about the employee's work services they provided The one with employee work data has dates that show when the service was performed (Date of service) and how many hours it took to do the service (Billable hours). What I…
Creating a date range in Beast Mode
Hi Community So I have 6 months data, which i need to present in weekly using bar graph. When i do so its giving me as Week 1, Week 2 ..etc , but we need with a date range like from 1 Jan to 7 Jan Can anyone please help me to create a beast mode to fix this issue