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Our Pro-code editor will now be available to everyone! Build beautiful, innovative, and powerful apps with our cutting-edge web IDE that enables you to create pro-code apps directly within Domo – no CLI needed. For the developer, write code quickly through bypassing having to download and install packages or configure…
Hi, I'd like to see 2 additions to the Alert email design: 1. In the alert design, I'd like to have the option to include the card data as an attachment (like the export/share data attachment). The data would then be attached in the emailnotification of the Alert. 2. In the email notification, I'd like to have a link to…
Hello, I have a "transaction month" column that can't be sorted accordingly because I have some months with NULL values. When I used sorting ascending/descending my months looks like this: Question, is there a formula that can be used in beastmode or function in domo to correct my sequence by month when I have a NULL…
Our database looks like this: We have separate columns for TransactionType, new_policy and renewal_policy. So when we build the card, the New policy and Renewal Policy won't come under the Transaction type, which we want to visualize like this: Question, How can I add/merge "new_policy_count" and "renewal_policy_count"…
Community, Is it possible to have a drill down that retains the prior level's aggregated top-level value? I.e. I want to be able to drill down from an overview, into a series specific break out (And here's the kicker) while maintaining an additional series that displays the group total from the prior drill down. For…
Hello Everyone, Please help. I am getting syntax error when I'm trying to rewrite this formula in beastmode. Below screenshot of my formula how it looks like in our database that I want to re-create using beastmode: I want to get a Loss Ratio percentage between 0 to 100. and results should have a percentage sign with 2…
I need to make a table with two date fields (report_date and report_sent_date). Domo used to allow you to choose a date field that you used in the Date Range, but now it longer lets me do that. If I just have report_date, that is the date field used on the card. But whenever I have both, it changes the date field to…
So instead of '2024 Sales', the title shows '2,024 Sales'. How do get rid of this comma? I used 'Display any filter' Sales as Card Title
The Community Member of the Year award will come directly from this platform: our engaged Community members (YOU) in the Forum. Many of you are amazing candidates for this award and we want you considered! If you believe you've made an impact on the community or have another Community member in mind for this award, please…
Hello Everyone, I'm trying to create a card that will show what programs we're running will end in the next 60 days. I think a beast mode would help accomplish my goal but I'm unsure of what to do. Each program has multiple billing dates associated with it so I need it to be based off of just the latest billing date.
Multiple jobs were setup by an employee who is no longer at the company. I have removed Domo Workbench from integrated applications on Quickbooks and then reauthorized for every job. It worked yesterday and now will generate this error every time I run the job (manually or scheduled). "This application is unable to log…
anyone used facebook advanced connector? Is this for facebook organic tracking? Question about "Page Posts" and "page post lifetime metrics" reports, if selected same time period, should "likes" in "page post" = "total likes" in "page post lifetime metrics"? I got different numbers. What is included in "total likes"? Thank…
The wait is over—Domopalooza 2025 is here, and this year, it’s bigger and bolder than ever. Domopalooza is the ultimate Data + AI conference, where the brightest minds come together to share, learn, and have a whole lot of fun. Here’s a sneak peek: Brilliant minds (that’s you!) coming together for an explosion of insights.…
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Are your data pipelines working as efficiently as they could be? With the latest updates in Magic ETL, there’s never been a better time to fine-tune your processes. Join us on November 21st for a special webinar where we’ll showcase new features designed to help you optimize your dataflows, enhance accuracy, and boost…
Domopalooza is the ultimate Data + AI conference, where the brightest minds come together to share, learn, and have a whole lot of fun. Here’s a sneak peek: Brilliant minds (that’s you!) coming together for an explosion of insights. Workshops and success stories so good, you’ll want to take notes in ALL CAPS. Concerts,…