Switch Order of Period over Period Chart
I'm afraid the answer is no - but is it possible to switch the order of a Period over Period Chart? I want "Year to date" on the far left, followed by 1 year ago, 2 years ago, 3 years ago.
Efficient Way to Rollover Filters with New Month
I have a dashboard with monthly volumes by service line. In order to only show the prior month that is closed, I manually set a filter to the prior month. Instead of going through each card and updating this filter manually to the next month (current state), is there a way to automate this rollover? Or perhaps have a…
Card Size Sliders won't go away????
Hi Community, I've never experienced this before and now sure what happened to cause it. See screenshot below - but all of the "dividers" / borders of cards are still present even though I deleted the cards. How can I get rid of these ghost borders?
Missing dates - but not
Hi everyone, We have a few cards that have quite a bit of data to them. Over 1m rows in this case. When we open up the card view and try to find the date in the scroll menu, it doesnt show up. The saving grace is when we type it in, it works and is there (plus it shows in the card it self.) I am wondering, is there a way…
Smoother / Quicker method of entering 'Editing' mode reports
As I develop reports it gets very tedious having to continue to go through all the steps needed to enter the edit mode. It would be amazing if I could simply right click on the dashboard / app canvas to initiate the editing mode.
How can I scale a line graph to actually show the trend?
Hello I have a line graph of actual # and the full year tracker of our target/stretch goal. This is a sum of all 3 areas and can filter to only show an areas progress. How can I use the scaling to actually show the tend line? Currently it is just a thin narrow straight line that does not show any progress? Thanks, Garrett
CYA, LYA, and Budget, Oh My!!
BLUF: Can you change "Previous Year" in PoP charts to just be the actual year? I.e. Instead of "Previous Year", it would just say 2024. Second, can you have Current Year, Last Year, AND this year budget all in the same single chart? My gut response is no - but I know it's the first thing my end users will ask so I want to…
Sorting Year date Filter in Ascending order
Hi All, I have a beast mode created as CONCAT(YEAR(`pickupDATE`),'-',MONTHNAME(`pickupDATE`)) which in turn returns values such as 2020-April, 2020-june and so on...When I try to display this as a quick filter I get the values displayed in the quick filter in my card in random order -such as 2020-April 2020-August…
Provider Prior to Upgrade
I am trying to determine who provided the evaluation prior to an upgraded premium procedure. I have all the data I could ever need, but I'm not sure of the logic to make it happen. The task is made more difficult because there could be multiple evaluations prior to a procedure, and evaluations on different dates than the…
Drill Down while maintaining breadth
I want to be able to interact with a card wherein the scope of the x-axis (time in this case) is sticky, but the series changes. Right now, if you drill down to a point on the x-axis, such as a year, it drills down to the year. Is it possible to drill "across" to a separate series? I understand that the Drill Down isn't…
How to Display Repeated Values in a pivot table?
Running into an issue where a pivot table suppresses a repeated value while in a different group. In the image, I am needing the Care Level "CS" to display "Enhanced Studio" in the "Unit Type" column for unit 237. Currently it is suppressing since the above value is the same… Anyone know how to do this? Thanks!
Filtering on missing / null values is awful - improve it!
TLDR: If a column contains a null value, there is no way built into the UI to filter to select null values only. Additionally, if you happen to choose "NOT IN" as your filter type and select a value, NULL values will additionally be excluded even if not requested. I understand that there is a workaround using beastmodes,…
Group Total - Aggregated Series
Community, Is it possible to have a drill down that retains the prior level's aggregated top-level value? I.e. I want to be able to drill down from an overview, into a series specific break out (And here's the kicker) while maintaining an additional series that displays the group total from the prior drill down. For…
Table card column borders and padding/empty columns for visual enhancement
In excel, financial statements and schedules often include empty columns to visually separate or group together columns showing different metrics. It would be great if Domo had the ability to insert padded columns in the same way. Currently when you have a table card that displays multiple metrics and variances, it all…
Select all/exclude selection on filter cards
Ability to choose if you want to exclude a selection, or a select all feature on filter cards. Currently, with the multi-select feature, if you want to exclude one selection you must individually select every single line item one by one except the one to exclude. If you could 'select all' then deselect the one(s) to…
Drill Down to an Existing Card
It would be excellent if you could choose an existing DOMO Card to use on the Drill Path screen as your Drill-in-Place Card. I have a specific Table Card that I use for almost everything as a Drill-in-Place bottom level card. Because i use it across cards types, datasets, and drill-path levels a simple "Save As" and…
Is it possible to fill in missing dates at the card level | Fill Missing Dates button isn't working
I read the article linked above… Is there a way to do this sort of thing at the card level? The Fill Missing Dates option is not working. I'm having an issue with it dropping dates that have no corresponding values on almost all of my bar charts. My dates are all weekly and there's weeks with no data on every card. I don't…
Bar Chart set to show last 12 months, is only showing 11 months of data as the first value is zero.
I have a Bar Chart with the last FY worth of data up to 30 June 2021. I'd like the chart to show the last 12 months of data, however, it is only showing the last 11. There is no data in July 2020, which is why I'm guessing it's not showing the column. The nature of the data is that there will be no entries if there were no…
Variable control at card-level does not ever show all variables
The UI on the variable control when looking at a card in Expand Details mode is not big enough to actually work with the variable. It seems to only populate 2 options, and the scroll bar makes it super hard to actually see what they are. Unlike Quick Filters, which expand to the height of however many items are in them…
Drill in Place
Hi All - Guess I will kick things off here too :) I know this is interation 1 of AppStudio, but I'm impatient and already playing around with moving some of our global dashboards to AppStudio. Is there functionality build a drill in place on a card in AppStudio editor? I see linking to another card and opening in a pop…
Allow NOT IN option on dropdown filter cards
Chart Properties for a filter card allow for a few controls (multiple selections was a big win, thank you) However, it does not allow us to show an In/Out filter, which is default feature on page filters. If I add a dropdown filter card in App Studio, we can use it for "include" but not "exclude". The control panel is…
Dropdown Selector: always have pre-selected the latest date on a filter card.
Hi, I have a filter card (dropdown selector) to display all dates available and I would like to have pre-selected the latest date. Is this possible? Right now I added it by manually typing the latest month but I'd like it to switch automatically when the month ends. Any ideas are welcome! Thanks
Color Formatting on Directionality
Hi Community, Thanks in advance for your help! I'm trying to highlight directionality of referrer's volumes. I want to compare to each referrer's prior month, not to a total or to an absolute value. For example, we can see that Jacob dropped off in April. We can see that Bob and Smith are trending upwards. These insights…
Percent of Series?
Hi team, this feels like it should be very simple but I'm missing the key ingredient. I currently have "Percent of Category" as the data label. I'm using an Overlay chart. What is happening: 🚫 Green / Green + Blue = Displayed Percentage What I need to happen: ✅ Green / Blue = Displayed Percentage Any ideas?
Sub-Category of a Category?
Hi All, We are working on a report that has a few different program_namesthat are summed up in a pie chart using orig_loan_amount. I have been tasked with trying to sub categorize our bonds using a taxable/tax-exempt designation The problem I am trying to overcome is that our bonds (identified by pool_name) are actually…
Combining Multiple columns into one column using beastmode
I am making a table card that uses multiple different rows. The way I am doing it is creating a variable named 'unit type' that when set to specific values returns a specific column. It then sets all the rows for which that column is blank to null and finally I filter out any null values. bellow is the beastmode I used,…
Include Variable modifiers inside a filter card
I have my dashboard set up so that the filter options displayed are modified by the value of the variable. EX: notice how the filter by time options change depending on the time frame adjuster value in the screenshots. This is the best way I have found to do it, but my employers find it still extremely unintuitive. I think…
Compare to Industry Trends
Hi community, What's the best way to compare two different series when they are on totally different scales? My hope is to see if our trends compare to industry average. I've got month, year, our total, and the industry comparable. For instance: Date My Company Industry Jan-24 100 50000 24-Feb 150 60000 24-Mar 175 70000 I…
Personal Use Domo Platform
The competitor-that-must-not-be-named () has a public version for personal use and distribution. This allows for refinement of skills, freelance use, and public portfolio building. Does Domo offer anything similar? It doesn't seem like it, but I'm surprised that we don't.
Need Some Inspiration On How to Represent This Data
Hi folks I need some inspiration on a chart type to represent the following data: User Feature A Feature B Feature C Feature D Feature E User 1 Yes Yes No No Yes User 2 No Yes No Yes Yes User 3 Yes No No Yes Yes User 4 Yes Yes No No Yes User 5 No No Yes No Yes User 6 No No Yes No No User 7 Yes No Yes Yes No User 8 Yes Yes…