Efficient Way to Rollover Filters with New Month

I have a dashboard with monthly volumes by service line. In order to only show the prior month that is closed, I manually set a filter to the prior month.

Instead of going through each card and updating this filter manually to the next month (current state), is there a way to automate this rollover? Or perhaps have a "Master" filter at the dashboard level that edits each card's specific filters?

Hoping to improve our efficiencies and help automate myself out of our processes

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  • DavidChurchman
    Answer ✓

    The way I would approach the "master" filter is using a variable, and a BeastMode filtering against that variable on each card.

    case when month(Date) = Variable then 'Include' else 'Exclude' end

    (Filter for "Include")

    Then, when you need to change the whole dashboard, you can use a Control to change the variable for the whole page.

    Even that seems too manual to me, though. Can you filter on a BeastMode like?

    case when month(`Date Column`) = month(current_date()) - 1 then 'Include' else 'Exclude' end

    Or when you say "prior month that is closed", is there something else in the data to identify that it's closed or the prior month that we use to build a formula to filter on?

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  • DavidChurchman
    Answer ✓

    The way I would approach the "master" filter is using a variable, and a BeastMode filtering against that variable on each card.

    case when month(Date) = Variable then 'Include' else 'Exclude' end

    (Filter for "Include")

    Then, when you need to change the whole dashboard, you can use a Control to change the variable for the whole page.

    Even that seems too manual to me, though. Can you filter on a BeastMode like?

    case when month(`Date Column`) = month(current_date()) - 1 then 'Include' else 'Exclude' end

    Or when you say "prior month that is closed", is there something else in the data to identify that it's closed or the prior month that we use to build a formula to filter on?

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  • Data_Devon
    Data_Devon Contributor

    Even if that seems too manual to you, it's still an improvement over current state.

    There isn't an indicator or identifier of the month being closed. We are just dependent on another team saying "we are done!" at which point we can trust the data and publish it.

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