Solution: Beast Mode & Pivot Table Aggregation Error
Use Case: This chart uses a Beast Mode code for the Rows and Values in a pivot table chart. The results provide an error that is hard to understand without knowing what is causing the issue. Based on the results, we can also see the Cases is not calculating as expected. The dataset only has 5 rows of data. The Rows column…
POP Comparison Score Card
Can we create a PoP comparison card based on whatever time date range is selected in Domo?
Recreating DOMO Marketing Ops Dashboard Sample
I saw DOMO sample Market Operation dashboard which has : Tabs within a specific chart (Highlights & Engagement) & distribution plot for each day of the week 2 custom charts at the bottom Which I would like to recreate, does anyone know how to achieve this? I haven't seen these function (tab within a card) or these custom…
beast mode using window function as a filter
Hello, I have a beast mode that's very important to calculate the summary number correctly. I can't find any alternative to this. However, it is using a window function and I'm wondering why it won't appear if I tried to add it as a filter in the card or dashboard. I can add it in the quick filters pane of the card, but…
Bar Chart 2025-2028
Hi, I would like to create a bar chart with X-Axis as 2025-2028, and the series as "Product Name", this is to show the growth in some products from 2025 to 2028. My dataset has columns 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 which have $Value. The rows are opportunity entries which contain a "Product Name". How can I do a bar chart to show…
Bar Chart 2025-2028
Hi I would like to create a bar chart with X-Axis as 2025-2028, and the series as "Product Name", this is to show the growth in some products from 2025 to 2028. My dataset has columns 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 which have $Value. The rows are opportunity entries which contain a "Product Name". How can I do a bar chart to allow…
Area Chart 2025-2028
Hi I am trying to do an area chart which I have on an excel. I have $ values per year, and the series would be "Field Life Cycle" so for example, E&A, Development, Production. When I look at doing an area chart or even a bar chart, how can I add in more than one year? It only lets me add in 'Sum of 2025' for example, but I…
Using the Qualtrics Connector
I used the Qualtrics connector to pull in the survey responses. The data contains the response values. How do I get the response labels so that I can make charts that use the labels.
Isolate Card Visualization on a dashboard page to exclude a page filter
The scenario: » I have a dashboard page with 10 cards. 9 of them are single KPI cards. the 10 card is a vertical bar chart (y-axis=Date, x-axis=Spend) » I don't want Filter cards, because I need the ability for users to save their own Filter views. » Using Page Filters, users can select a client or date range. which should…
Filter using multiple date fields
Hi there, I have created 5 calculated columns in DOMO analyser that get me the max date in each of the fields (Let's call them- Reconsideration date, Complied Date, Status last updated date, Appeal date and Death Penalty Date). They are all derived from a number of different fields with different conditions and then I…
Can a map chart have bubbles?
My dataset doesn't have longitude or latitude, just the Province Name and Province Code, but I would like to have a world map showing sales as the size of the bubble of each Province. How would I achieve this?