How to Embed Domo UI for Data Explorer as an Iframe?
Hi everyone, I'm looking to embed the Domo UI for a Data Explorer into another application using an iframe. Has anyone done this before? If so, could you please share the steps or any documentation that might help? Specifically, I'm interested in: The necessary permissions and settings in Domo. The iframe code snippet or…
Exporting embedded card doesn't apply filter
Hi, I have an embedded Domo app. I have exportable cards enabled. However, when there is a filter set, and the card export shortcut button is clicked, the export shows all the data instead of the filtered data. Image attached to clarify which button I'm referring to. The only way to export the filtered card correctly is to…
Why does private embed redirect to login page?
I am trying to implement a private embed using programmatic filtering, based upon the .NET sample, but instead of displaying the dashboard it tries to load the login page (which is blocked from displaying in an iframe). I have successfully obtained an embedToken and I believe I'm sending it correctly via a form that…
enabling embedded App Studio app to have export functionality
We use domo everywhere currently using dashboards and like the design flexibility that App Studio brings but there is currently no option to add the export functions to embedded apps. Adding this even at card level would be a real improvement
Public embed URL length
Current public embed URL has 5 characters by default. There is a risk of someone being able to brute force our current public embed URL. Do we have a way to make the random strings in our public embed URL’s longer. This increases the Security drastically while allowing the sharing of cards and pages. The alternative is to…
Embedded Exporting
A feature that would allow users to export cards and pages to Excel, CSV, PPT, and PDF within embedded Apps.
Exporting cards/page from embedded Domo Apps
Hi, I have an app created in Domo Apps. It's a good way to organize a dashboard with many different cards, and the persistent filter across pages within an app is a great feature. However, currently it seems there is no way to export cards as Excel/CSV in an embedded app, nor can you export the entire page as a PDF. This…
Reinstate embed options for app studio embeds
When embedding apps from app studio the display options have been removed as most aren't applicable. Some still are though and do work so I would like these added back in please. The dialog below shows how this would look. Interactions: this allows us to stop users interacting with the individual cards within an app Card…
Is it possible to public embed an App from App Studio with a form?
I currently use Squarespace forms to process appointment requests, which are then sent to Google Sheets and subsequently to DOMO 🤯. It seems more efficient to use an integrated DOMO form within an app for various reasons. However, when I embed the app, everything else appears except the form. Is this feature not currently…
User Tracking Analysis within DOMO Embed
We have deployed dashboards across our member portal using DOMO embed. We are hoping to be able to really track how much time users are spending on a dashboard, which dashboards are popular and unpopular, where are they clicking and how far are they scrolling, and when are they dropping off the dashboard. This is critical…
All cards using federated data sets and using filters are broken
I woke up this morning and all of my embedded dashboards were broken. After some analysis it looks like any card on a federated dataset that is also using a filter is not rendering. These are embedded cards using programmatic filters below and none of them are currently rendering. They were all rendering properly…
Export and Email Issue
Hi everyone, I am facing a bit of a issue. We have set up a customer instance for one of our customers which we embed into their CRM. We have enabled the export functionality so end users can export as pdf but also send and schedule reports as email. And this is where the issue is. The customer is sharing that instance…
Data Export an Embedded App Question
Hello, I had a question about the DOMO App Studio. Traditionally we have embedded DOMO dashboards into our customer facing app. We have always used public embed on the dashboard and relied on our company app for user authentication and login. We also do not use and PDP or row level filters in our DOMO dashboards. This…
access page embed applied filters in brick to pre-select filters
Hi, We have an invisible brick inside a page embed. It's only job so far is to notify the host through a postMessage when a filter has been applied ( using domo.onFiltersUpdate() ). The host then listens for this postMessage and stores the chosen filters in session storage. This is all working well. When the modal is…
Embed error, duplicate of dashboard does not work
We're getting an error returned based on the embed we are trying. Private embed. Embed: https://public.domo.com/embed/pages/gJ6z3/stack?parts=metadata,datasources,drillPathURNs,domoapp,slicers,dateInfo&includeV4PageLayouts=false Error: {"status":404,"statusReason":"Not Found","toe":"1T0CBEN7LS-682ON-K3KSH"} this one…
Public embedding of a dashboard
I've used Domo for a couple years now and I am just now starting a separate company of my own and I want to feature some dashboards on my website. I have attempted to publicly embed a dashboard I created onto a website; however, I keep getting the error: "public.domo.com refused to connect". I have tried using the link as…
Why do private embed links resolve to a "public.domo.com" address?
Our private embeds resolve to an address at public.domo.com. Is this normal? For example, if I go to a link like: https://mycompany.domo.com/embed/pages/n1234 I get redirected to public.domo.com address like this: https://public.domo.com/embed/pages/n1234 The embeds do not seem to actually be public. When trying to access…
45 token limit for embedding reports
We're running into a 45 token limit when embedding reports (i.e. we're doing some custom filtering using tokens pulled from Domo). Is there a way to get around this limit?
A Single Embed Link For A Domo Dashboard With Multiple Subpages
In many cases, a Domo dashboard is built with subpages, however Domo Everywhere only supports one embed link per page when I need to embed the dashboard in a non-Domo environment, so this means I have to create multiple embed links for the same dashboard with multiple subpages. I would like Domo to offer the feature to be…
I am trying embed a dashboard and apply filters using the pfilter param and it is not working
Currently I am having issues getting the pfilter query param with the embed working in an iframe. I have followed many of the examples out there and have replaced every special character in the value with their ascii counter parts but nothing has seemed to work Here is an example of what I have been trying:…
Embedded DOMO dashboard not loading on click
Hi experts, I do have a system in which I am showing my 4 domo dashboards on one page via tabs. Each dashboard is embedded and does visible when we click on them and then I change the src attribute of iframe to load that embedded link. Now what's happening is that, when I first load the page using hard refresh, the first…
Date Filter in Embedded Dashboards
The date filter in DOMO's native site is very powerful. I can group date variables by day, week, month, filter on Between dates, a single date, last month, year…etc. However, when I embed a dashboard, all of that capability goes away and I have to create filter cards which are cumbersome and not nearly as dynamic. Please…
Card URL with Quick Filter parameter
Would it be possible to have a card URL with parameters for quick filters ( two filters)? Need to add the URL in other applications. The application will build the URL dynamically with parameter values. For quick resolution, user authentication could be left out of this scope. For this case, it will be expected that the…
Can you show quick filters and also maintain their state on embedded cards?
Is it possible to utilize quick filters/controls from a card when embedding? We're doing private embedding with SSO. I found a similar post and it looks like they ended up using a programmatic option for filters.
DOMO Card Variable access via API
I created a DOMO Variable to filter metrics by period-to-date values across several Cards. These Cards are embedded and displayed together within our product's UI on the landing page (no filters shown). The variable functions as expected within DOMO. How am I able to call this variable through the API as I would a regular…
How can I embed a website into my DOMO Dashboard? Not a hiperlink to open a new tab.
I would love to add additional resources right into my DOMO Dashboard by embedding a website into it. Any thoughts on how to do that? Would it be possible to write a custom app to allow for that?
Is there any way to get Embed Id programmatically?
I integrate with DOMO using java SDK and REST API, and I can get dashboard id or card id without any problems. But then I need to embed them on our site. But I see that the iframe for embed that will only use the dashboard/card id mark as deprecated, and now it is necessary to use the iframe with the Embed Id. Please tell…
Does Domo provide any datasets that have the Embed ID for each card?
Hi, I am wondering if there are any datasets that provide information such as Embed ID and Dataset ID in Domo? Instead of going to each card, clicking 'Domo Everywhere' and get the Embed Id one by one manually, is there an existing dataset that Domo can provide for users, such as the DomoStats connector that provides usage…
Embedded dashboard filter bar
Hi, Does anyone know if you can default the filter bar to be open like this on an embedded dashboard. Currently it defaults to being hidden and you have to click the filter button. Thanks
Ability to Schedule Report from Embedded Card/Dashboard
I would love the ability for our users to schedule an embedded Card/Dashboard as a report without the need for them to have a Domo Login. This would use much the same template for scheduling reports inside Domo and these scheduled reports could be controlled by a Domo Admin under Admin>Content>Scheduled Reports. The…