Exporting embedded card doesn't apply filter

Hi, I have an embedded Domo app. I have exportable cards enabled. However, when there is a filter set, and the card export shortcut button is clicked, the export shows all the data instead of the filtered data. Image attached to clarify which button I'm referring to.

The only way to export the filtered card correctly is to click the expand button and export from there. Is there a fix for this, or is this a known issue with embedded Domo apps? Seems pointless to have this export shortcut if the filters aren't compatible with it.


  • Jones01
    Jones01 Contributor

    @jrtomici i don't have this issue.

    Once the app is filtered then the export to Powerpoint or Excel shows only the filtered data for me.

  • @Jones01 are you sure you're specifically using the export shortcut button on an embedded Domo app? I've tested multiple times and the exported card is not filtered. Maybe you could demonstrate with screenshots?

  • Jones01
    Jones01 Contributor

    yes this one

  • Are you sure it's an embedded App and not just a normal embedded dashboard? This export button for embedded Apps was only recently added at our team's request.