Apps/Dashboards Naming Convetion Rules
Is there anyway to create rules regarding the subject? I can't find anything in the documentation but if I could place rules looking for certain regex patterns that would be amazing.
Hide features users don't have permissions for
Is there a way to hide features users don't have permissions for? For example, I have a role with all permissions related to Apps turned off. And yet those users can still see the Apps tab; they just can't do anything on it. There isn't even a message that they're lacking a permission, as happens with some other features.…
Cloud Amplifier grants
Hi, Cloud Amplifier requires Manage Cloud accounts. We’d like to request the enhancement to split this grant into 2: Create cloud accounts Manage All Cloud Accounts So, we could assign more granular grants to our end users who could create the Cloud Accounts but not manage all of them. Does it make sense? Thank you,…
DomoStats Datasets report - Add Cloud Provider
Hi team, Our DomoStats Datasets report doesn't currently include a field which shows the cloud platform a dataset is stored on (e.g. Domo, Snowflake, Redshift). Same with the Domo Governance Datasets connector. Raising this here because a customer is looking for this functionality, and I do think it would be a useful…
Specific Role Permission for Custom Charts
We whitelabel Domo into our company's software to provide a limited Domo experience for our customers. I would LOVE to be able to allow our customers to upload their own custom charts and maps, but currently that requires them to have the Manage All Cards permission. I do not want to give that permission for a host of…
Good Names for Domo Super User Group??
Hi Domos! We are scaling effectively and I'm kicking off our first "Super User" group to help grow the team of capable users. Tapping into the collective brilliance of this community - what's a fun name for our super user group?? Bonus points if there's some play on words regarding: Vance Thompson Vision (our company)…
Documentation on Activity Log Event/Action Definitions
This knowledge base article lists all of the events that are tracked in the Activity Log, but it's not obvious what some of them mean (eg. “Shared” vs “Added” vs “Access Granted”). It would be helpful to add definitions to the documentation so that admins can better leverage this data.
Governance toolkit - User management
Hi I'm about to implement User Governance and have some concerns about user passwords. 1- I assume that existing users that are already in the user management dataset will keep they current user password, right? 2- What about new users passwords that will be created once I create the job? How will they get his password?…
Alphabetize Share App "Shared" list
Hard to manage who an app is shared with when it isn't in alphabetical order.
DataSet Default Access Set to 'Can Share'
When sharing a DataSet in Domo, there are currently three options: Co-Owner: Allows for editing and deleting DataSet (same as owner) Can Edit: Allows for editing and sharing DataSet, but can't delete Can Share: Allows for sharing, but can't edit DataSet at all Currently, our instance defaults to the 'Can Edit' permissions…
Allow Promotion without Grant
A non-admin user is unable to promote an App without having the security grant: "Manage All Datasets." Alter the product so that this administration level grant is not necessary to do the promotion.
Domo: 📈📈📈📈📈
Team, Domo started as my little playground where I could explore data and visualizations. Fast forward to now - and it's blowing up. Leaders, directors, owners (oh my!) are all wanting access and are trying to answer business questions with Domo. This is a good problem to have as it puts me in a strong position to lead our…
Ability to turn off the "REQUEST MORE ACCESS" button for Social users
We have over 1,200 social users and it is a headache to deal with so many users clicking this button on a weekly basis.
Add a governance dataset for DataFusions to identify datasets used as inputs
Governance data is readily available to identify input datasets for dataflows and dataset views, but there isn't a governance dataset for DataFusions that allows the same. We need the same visibility into how DataFusions uses datasets as any other object in Domo.
Tracking Usage & Measuring Success
Hi team, We've loved Domo and every day and every dashboard it feels like we are making progress towards a more-informed future. I want to be able to measure the success that we've had. I am aware of the DomoStats People app and the DomoStats Activity Log, but how do you all measure the impact of all that we do? How can I…
Login as a user
Allow administrators to log in as a specific user to help resolve issues by viewing the datasets accessible to that user, the content shared with them, and how PDPs on various datasets interact to display data to the user.
Impersonate User
It would be very useful for an admin to have the ability to impersonate a user. As an admin, it would be very helpful to be able to view what my user views and also to make changes to their settings/filters/schedules, etc.
Export Magic ETL Code for External Version Control
In our current environment, we use an external repository (Bitbucket) to maintain version control and the ability to run detailed diffs before making changes to our SQL dataflows. It would be helpful to have a way to export either the code or some representation of the current state of a Magic ETL dataflow to be used in…
Can an App be set as the default landing page?
Has anyone found a way to have an App be the default landing page for a user/group/instance upon logging in to Domo?
Add Path/Input_Dataset_ID/Filename fields to Domo Stats/Governance reports on Writebacks?
Would it be possible to add three fields from the "configuration" structure of Writeback connectors — like the Domo-to-S3 writeback connectors — for the "Path", "Input Dataset ID" and "Filename" values to either DomoStats or DomoGovernance reports? Doing so would allow more transparency into what data sources are being…
Can You Edit a Role's Description After the Role is Created?
Hi everyone! I hope this is the right category for my question. I’m reviewing the Roles set up by a previous Admin at our organization. I noticed they created a new custom Role by duplicating a default Role but didn’t update the Description field. As a result, the description is inaccurate and doesn’t reflect the access…
Dataset Views Governance
The versioning history available on Dataset Views is only accessible when editing the view and doesn't appear to be included in any Governance reports. In addition, the version history view lacks key information such as old/new calculated field syntax and user info. Finally, the version history view appears to attribute…
Further Custom Role Permissions Granularity
It would be ideal if, when adding permissions to a custom role from the admin features, the permissions were as granular as the individual options listed on the Admin menu. For example, we have UI/UX designers that need access to the Brand Kit but to do this, currently we'd have to allow them access to all company settings…
Domo Stats/Domo Governance Groups dataset
Can we get a groups dataset which includes all of the Groups attributes, ie description. With that said can we get any of the domo stats/domo governance datasets to include all of the attributes of the data. Another example is Reports to on the User dataset.
API Log in DomoStats
We want to do an audit of datasets accessed via API calls, as well as the clients using those calls, and I was amazed that this isn't logged as part of DomoStats (or the deprecated (?) Domo Governance datasets). I am recommending that this be added either through DomoStats or some other mechanism.
Manage Dashboards Enhancement - Search
The current "Manage Dashboard" dialog is functional, however if you have access to a large number of dashboards, it becomes difficult to manage having to slowly scroll through a long list to make sure you don't miss the dashboard you're looking for if you want to add a sub-Dashboard. I think there are 2 aspects of this…
Dashboard Descriptions
I'd like the ability to add Descriptions to Dashboards and for that Description to be available in our Domo Governance Data
Move Dashboards for Non-Admins
The location of a dashboard can be an essential part of the appearance and structure within a DOMO instance. However, as we know, the original location a dashboard is created may or may not be the best location; or the best location for that dashboard may change with your organisation's structure. Admins are able to move…
Total views for different cards in a dataset
Is there a dataset or a combination of datasets in Domostats which can be used to get the total number views all cards belonging to a certain dataset have?
DomoStats Cards Dataset
Hello, We have a script running on the background that updates the ownership of content if a user has left our company. We are using DomoStats datasets to figure out what content that user had so that we know what to update. However, the Cards dataset from DomoStats does not contain a column for Owner (Pages, Dataflows and…