Are there any workbench reports available to show configurations for all jobs?
Is it possible to get a list of all directories and files used by Work Bench without having to go through each job one by one? My colleagues and I are working to clean up our workbench instance. One of the issues we've run into is that the jobs are pulling from personal folders that we don't always have the permissions to…
Make "Save and Comment" comments available within the DomoStats or Domo governance connector.
We allow certain individuals to do minor card edits on the fly to our production pages but require them to document their changes using the “Save and Comment” functionality. While this logs to the card history on the card, it would be very helpful to grab this as a dataset to track these changes over time in one location.
Update to Grants!
I would love for some of the grants in Domo to be more granular. Some examples include Export from Domo - This is a very high-level grant, there are so many things you can export from Domo. I would love this to break down into Export dataset from Domo, export card to ppt, export report etc. Manage Datasets - I would love…
Ability to remove self from content
As a user, I may be shared to various pages that are no longer relevant to me. While there is an option to hide these pages, this can make page management still cumbersome when I am shared to 100s of pages. For instance, I am shared to over 400 pages, and that makes it difficult to navigate what pages I want to find. Being…
How can I know the departments that have access to cards/dashboards?
Hello DOMO - Good Day! Is there a way to get a DOMO card to show a report of people's departments which departments has access to card/dashboards? Thanks
Who has access to Cards and Dashboards
Hello DOMO - Just wanted to ask if there's a way to get the people or groups that have access to a page or dashboard? We created groups to use to provide access to cards and dashboards. and we wanted to create a card to know who are those that have access to cards individually, those that were added to the cards or…
Domo Governance: Quick Filters
I think it would be very valuable in the the "Card Fields & Beast Modes" if we could add "Displayed as Quick Filter" to the list of "Field Type". There are certain cards where we want to QA if we forgot to set up some useful quick filters for our users.
Domo Governance - Chart Types
It would be helpful to see the Chart Type in our Governance Datasets. Right now I think we can just see if it is a Textbox or a Chart. It would be very valuable to be able to tag if it is a Table Card. I would like to add dynamic glossaries at the top of each dashboard to have hyperlinks to each table card on the page for…
Is there any way to find how many times a dataset/dataflow has failed?
Hello everyone, I am building a table view card that shows the owner name, dataset/dataflow name, no of times it has failed, and timestamp when it has failed. I got the first two columns but how do I find the other two columns: Number of failures and Timestamp? Thanks
DOMO Display Name reverting back
Hi DOMO Team - Question regarding the DOMO Display Name. when we update the DOMO Display name, we notice that some changes gets reverted back. We updated around 79 names and there are about 12 of them that keeps reverting back. For example, we updated Jim Redfield to James Redfield, after a couple of days, it would revert…
User Group Hierarchy Question
Hi, a Quick question about User groups in Domo can I have a group within a group. in user management. example I have users Jhon,Bob,Joe they are in group A. I create Group B but i dont want to include Jhon,Bob,Joe one by one. Can i reference Group A in Group B. basically, like Active directory . child parent groups ??
DOMO Groups filter
Hi DOMO Team - Good Day! I just need some help with regard to groups. we created a list of new groups for all our people and created a card to show all the groups that they are in and it shows that including the new group that we put them in. we would like to create a Beastmode where, when this person is in their 'legacy'…
DOMO Groups
Hi DOMO Team - Good Day! I just need some help with regard to groups. we created a list of new groups for all our people and created a card to show all the groups that they are in and it shows that including the new group that we put them in. we would like to create a Beastmode where, when this person is in their 'legacy'…
SyntaxError: Invalid JSON when using the DOMO Governance Datasets Connector
Hi DOMO - I just want to know why I am getting this error when I try to create a dataset using the DOMO Governance Datasets Connector > SyntaxError: Invalid JSON: <json>:1:0 Expected json literal but found N No subject alternative DNS name matching five9.com.domo.com found. ^ at line number 24 Need help to know what I am…
Ghost Beast Modes can not be viewed or archived in Beast Mode Manager
When executing bulk archiving for a client, we found a few ghost Beast Modes that no longer exist (or are not accessible in the Beast mode manager or cards). They are still selectable in the Beast Mode Manager, but can not be archived or viewed. The error message we received when click this beast mode is :…