Apps/Dashboards Naming Convetion Rules

Is there anyway to create rules regarding the subject? I can't find anything in the documentation but if I could place rules looking for certain regex patterns that would be amazing.


Best Answer

  • DavidChurchman
    Answer ✓

    I don't think you can enforce a naming pattern when people are creating the dashboards, but you could use the DomoStats datasets to check your names against a pattern. You could set an alert that sends you (or everyone, for some good public shaming) an email every time someone creates a new app/dash that violates your naming convention.

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  • DavidChurchman
    Answer ✓

    I don't think you can enforce a naming pattern when people are creating the dashboards, but you could use the DomoStats datasets to check your names against a pattern. You could set an alert that sends you (or everyone, for some good public shaming) an email every time someone creates a new app/dash that violates your naming convention.

    Please 💡/💖/👍/😊 this post if you read it and found it helpful.

    Please accept the answer if it solved your problem.