Disassociate 'Card Name' with 'Dashboard Card Name'
I would like the ability to change the title of a card on a dashboard without it renaming the card everywhere in Domo. Often when the card is on the dashboard it has additional context surrounding it to give it meaning and this allow the card title to use a more concise title such as 'Revenue'. The problem is that doing…
How can I set up a text box Variable that can search for a text string in a field?
Hi Domo Community, Like the title says, I'd like to set up a Variable to be used in a dashboard where users can input text and it will search for the text string in related reports and return the results. For example, I have a "Description" field for items. I'd like to search "6mm bolt" in the Variable/text box and have it…
More Versatile Tabs Positioning in App Studio
I really like the tab Elements, I think it's a very efficient use of space on a dashboard. However, I would like to be able to position cards NEXT to them. Currently, I can only position cards above or below them. Here is what I’m able to do currently: What I would LOVE to be able to do, is to clean this view up by…
Variable Control Title and Descriptions - Ability to Format Text
The current way that Variable controls show up on a dashboard are non-configurable. To add to this, they look completely different than the current Dropdown Selector Filter Cards. My ask would be to allow formatting for the Variable Title and Description to be selected when Editing the Dashboard, with the following types…
Barchart elements not visible
Hi All, The bar chart above has all font on largest, why is it fomatting like this and how can I get it more like this: (Wrt the font size and bar length.) P.S I don't mind a scroll.
Domostats Dashboard/Cards
It would be nice to have a Domostats dataset that shows dashboards and their cards. That way, when we go to delete cards, we can check if they are on a dashboard (or several dashboards) more easily.
Allow Table Cards to Control More Than One Filter at a Time
I received feedback from a stakeholder who was using a dashboard with multiple cards on it. They applied the default filter for their dashboard, and then applied a filter in the first card by selecting a specific Team Member #. When they navigate to another card and apply a filter. The default filter as well as the filter…
Filter Line without Column Turning Blank
Hi All, I'm using a calculation with a variable (see below) to select designed time periods and need to remove my revenue line (Hierarchy = Revenue) however, when I add filter "Hierarchy Not In 'REVENUE'" the column using the below formula returns BLANK for every row in that column but does not cause any of the other…
"Send Now" Dashboard Feature - please add Card Descriptions
I love Send Now, it's a great way to get a whole dashboard into someone's hands without creating a PDF or PPT (and worrying about line breaks, etc.) However - it looks like CARD DESCRIPTIONS do not appear in the Send Now picture. I hope that's a small enhancement and easy to do - please consider. Those descriptions can be…
Save Filter View for Dashboards & App Studio Pages with Selected DataSet
For dashboards and app studio pages that consist of cards across multiple datasets, the page filters are automatically set to the first dataset in an alphabetically sorted list. However, there are often situations where 1 dataset may not contain all the values as another dataset for a column intended to be filtered on. The…
Efficient Way to Rollover Filters with New Month
I have a dashboard with monthly volumes by service line. In order to only show the prior month that is closed, I manually set a filter to the prior month. Instead of going through each card and updating this filter manually to the next month (current state), is there a way to automate this rollover? Or perhaps have a…
Card Size Sliders won't go away????
Hi Community, I've never experienced this before and now sure what happened to cause it. See screenshot below - but all of the "dividers" / borders of cards are still present even though I deleted the cards. How can I get rid of these ghost borders?
Enhancing Dashboard Aesthetics with Custom Borders
Currently, the dashboard only provides an option for vertical borders. Can an option be introduced to add horizontal lines or smaller border to better partition cards and highlight specific sections? This enhancement would improve visual clarity and provide a more structured and aesthetically pleasing dashboard layout.
Scroll Bar in Bar Charts
I would like to suggest the possibility to add (optionally) a scroll bar within the card’s dashboard view like the expanded card view, when the "limit row" is not an option due to customer needs. That because when a Bar Chart with a lot bars is placed in a small place into a dashboard, The card's automatic solution is to…
Quick Filter Displayed on Dashboard or App
Could quick filters on cards become something users can interact with from the dashboard or app? Right now, a viewer can only interact with it if they expand the card—ideally we could toggle the quick filter being viewed in the "appearance" settings and any dashboard or app viewer could interact with it right away. Or the…
Filter Interactions with other Filters
Dear Domo Support, We can set filters interacting with other filters in a dashboard. However, when we change a filter selection, the selections in the other filters are as is and this can show invalid or no data in the cards. Here's the filter interaction scenario. We have 4 filters. Filter 1 interacts with filters 2, 3,…
Import App Studio App to Dashboard
I'm currently building App using App Studio for my company, and I realize that people will go to the 'App' tab at the top navigation bar and access these shared apps. As there would be more and more apps replacing old dashboards, it would be inconvenient to look up and categorize these apps. I'm wondering if DOMO could…
Formatting on Dashboard
Has anyone ever seen this? One of my cards extended further to the right pane on the dashboard than all the others and I'm unsure why. Don't know if I accidentally hit something on the keyboard or a shortcut, but I can't get it to go away. Would also like to know how I did it so maybe I can make my dashboard wider without…
Ability to customize Request Access for card/pages
Dear all, We need an ability to modify/customize the request access responce or existing button where we can add some steps like how to get access to this dashboard, page or card instead of it's just asking to request for an access. Please advise how can we modify this message here
Add filter for Locked/ Unlocked Cards in Admin Page
Dear all, We need filter for foe locked/unlocked content in Admin page like cards, page/dashboard, app . Currently it just have
Custom Formula Default Selections for Slicer/Filter Cards
Currently, Domo’s slicer/filter cards require manual selection of default values, which can be limiting for use cases where the default selection should change dynamically based on the current date or other conditions. I propose the ability to set dynamic default values for slicers using conditional logic. For example,…
What does your landing page look like?
Looking to get some inspiration to revamp our landing page in Domo. Would love to see, or have you describe, what you've put on yours and why? Looking to get more value out of the first page everyone sees when logging in. Or do you have a different page for each user/group? Please share what is working for y'all!
Subpages for Pages in AppStudio
"Currently using tabs for this, but client has big desire for mobile, and some tabs don't make sense to have in mobile but you can't disable tabs in mobile only pages. Ideally I would actually love for tabs to be treated as pages (both would obviously be best for flexibility) but things like importing dashboards would be…
Mass Card/Dash sharing
Hi DOMO experts, Is there a way to share more than one card or dashboards with users, so they can edit them? I tried putting the user as a co-owner on the dataset, but it didn't work.
Correctly show financial information: Show positive sign on Expenses, COGS, Other Expenses.
As a financial dashboard, currently the way that domo display the P&L is incorrect. In the P&L, the table follows the formula: Total Net Income = Income - Cost of Goods Sold - Expenses + Other Income - Other Expenses in the card. However, all the COGS, Expenses and Other Expenses are showing the negative signs which…
Allow users to rearrange cards in the appendix
Currently, you have to remove all cards from the appendix and then add them to the appendix in the order that you would like. It's extremely inconvenient when you have more than 2 or 3 cards in an appendix. It would be incredible if we could just drag and drop them in the order that we need them in while editing a…