Lock all cards at once on dashboard
Hi, As I have around 40+ cards on my dashboard, its frustrating to go into each card and lock it individually to avoid users from editing. Is there any way this can be done at one place for the whole dashboard? I think this should stop the user from going to the Analyzer.
Edge of filters getting clipped in Domo
This is a very minor inconvenience I face when trying to build a dashboard. The right borders of any filters I add to dashboards as cards seem to get clipped. Anyone else face this issue and know how to avoid it? The right edge next to the dropdown arrow in the filter is what I'm referring to
Automatically share the content of the parent dashboard to users and groups added to sub-dashboard
Now when you share a sub-dashboard, Domo shares the parent dashboard with the same users and groups as the shared sub-dashboard, but the content on the parent dashboard is not shared. It would be useful to automatically share the content of the parent dashboard as well.
How can we enhance visual customization in Domo dashboards for better data presentation?
I am reaching out to get some clarifications regarding certain features that I have been unable to locate within the Domo platform: Cards: 1. Separate Background Options for Cards 2. Opacity and Transparency Adjustment for Card Backgrounds 3. Shadows and Borders Options for Cards 4. Shape Adjustment of Cards Dashboard: 1.…
DOMO Mobile APP refresh(lose filters) when another app is briefly open
We are using DOMO mobile app in iPhone and iPad. Our dashboards keep loosing the filters when briefly change to another app or minimize the screen. This behavior decreases heavily the usability because we have to filter the dashboards many times. I tried to troubleshoot the problem without success. It happens across…
Auto add card to every page
Our legal dept. is asking us to add a legal disclaimer to every page in Domo. We have hundreds of pages and this would be a nightmare to manually do and then remember to add each time a new page is added. Anyone know of a way to auto-add a card to the appendix of every dashboard?
Extract/Export metadata information of entire DOMO App/Dashboard in Json/XML etc file format
I created an entire App/Dashboard end to end having lots of widgets including texts, images, layout, text, cards for visualising a particular dataset which I have created say using Database Connector/File upload What I want to extract/export the entire Dashboard metadata out of DOMO in some file format being it in Json/XML…
Some content is too tall to export
I have only 1 html card on a dashboard displaying up to 1000 rows of data depending on menu item selected. can't export this dashboard as pdf and PowerPoint export options are greyed out with message " Some content is too tall to export" what is solution to this as user has to print or send pdf report to mass audience and…
Some content is too tall to export
I have only 1 html card on a dashboard displaying up to 1000 rows of data depending on menu item selected. can't export this dashboard as pdf and PowerPoint export options are greyed out with message " Some content is too tall to export" what is solution to this as user has to print or send pdf report to mass audience and…
Add and Remove Dimensions via Control on Dashboard
As a Data Consumer, I want to have controls that allow me to add or remove dimensions on a card within the dashboard, So that I can tailor the data view to explore various perspectives or drill down into specifics. This flexibility helps me perform individual analysis or combine different dimensions to gain a comprehensive…
Control for Chart type Change on Dashboard/App
This would be similar to the already existing chart chooser that is available in the detail view of a card. Additionally allowing data consumers to pick and customize their view of the data at the app/dashboard level via controls that would be customized and placed by AppStudio designers. As a data consumer, I want to have…
IN vs Not IN two different cards
Is there a way to create a filter in a dashboard includes only the selected value in a card and includes everything else but this filtered value in another card? for example, if I have 10 ids, one card should have the sales amount for the specific ID I'm filtering on and another card should have average sales of the 9…
How can I limit the data based on user?
Hi, I have two Executives who work for two difference regions (Asia, Europe). I have dashboards with all of the data. But I want to limit the data visibility for the executive based on the region. Person 1 should see only Asia data on that dashboard. Person 2 should see only Europe data on the same dashboard.
Custom Filters - YoY, MoM, Last Year
Hello Folks, I understand we can do comparison in terms of YoY, MoM, Last year etc on a graph chart. But can I have those calc as Filters on the dashboard? Please guide me, Also can we add any other customer filters specific to scenario? TIA.
Number format in Indian numbering system
Hello, How can I have the numbers presented in Indian numbering system like Crores, Lakhs, Thousands? I understand we can do the formatting using the custom format and comma separator, but I would like to print Crores, Lakhs instead of K (thousand), M (mill) on a card (graph chart, single value) TIA.
Ability to share pages (not just cards) without Manage All grant for Domo Everywhere
My company whitelabels Domo as an offering within our software to allow our customers to report on their data from our product. Each customer has their own subscriber instance that we push a pre-defined set of data sets and dashboards to. I have a Customer Editor role, which grants the "Edit Cards" and "Edit Pages"…
Getting Calculated Line to appear on dashboard bar graph card
I have a horizontal bar graph showing percentages. On the graph I have selected to show the average as a calculated line: When I view the graph full-size, not as part of a dashboard, the line is visible, and it has a label underneath it showing the average value; in this case, it's the red line: The black line is a goal…
Dashboard Editing
When I create a new dashboard it allows me to edit the format, add text, etc. initially, but once I save it, it does not allow me to edit it again. When I click the wrench, it gives me two options: Add to Favorites or Open Conversation. From other guides/screenshots it seems like there should be many more options to choose…
Multiple values in Single value card
Hello, I am using a Single Value visual on the dashboard. So basically I am displaying the current value on the card. While I show that value, I am seeking to display its, Previous and Next values as well. I am able to use the subtitle for one value. Besides, how can I display the other value? Thanks in advance.
Dashboard Editing for Different outputs
Currently under the 'Edit Dashboard' option, there are 2 options to choose from: Desktop and Mobile. These are really powerful for customising the layout and sizing between the two device types, however the mobile is really specific for phone, and when viewing dashboard on an iPad/tablet the customisation doesn't render…
How to apply filter to card that is always showing the most recent dataset update?
I have a dataset that is aggregated by a calendar week number. How could I ensure that when a user goes to view a respective card, that they see the most recent week (even if the dataset hasn't updated in 2 or 3 weeks?) i.e. the user views the card in week 15 but the dataset hasn't updated since week 13. So I would want…
How to connect two cards.
Hello, I'm currently working on a Dashboard. In this dashboard I have three different cards: one is a slicer that allows you to select certain deal numbers, the other is a product description based on the deal number, the last one is product description by date. Now what I have not been able to figure out when I select a…
Improvements to Headers in App Studio and Dashboards
I wish there were more customization for the Headers function in both AppStudio and Dashboards. Right now we are limited to a single horizontal line and I have a handful of use cases where I'd like to limit the width of the page so I can have multiple headers in a line (see example above). The ability to change the…
Is there a way after deleting cards or pages to undo or restore? without having to rebuild them.
Disable Card Options Button for non-owner/admin only
It would be great if the owner of a card could disable the card options button for the purposes of other users, but not for themselves. For example - I will often disable card options to keep the dashboard cleaner looking. It's frustrating to have to go in and re-enable for each card in able to edit.
Selective filter settings on the dash
If the Domo dashboard filters can allow specific filters for selective cards on a dash level, that'll be a useful feature! I understand that we currently have the "Change Filter Exceptions" editing feature on a dash level to either filter the card on a dash level or not but I think we should have more than that. For…
Anchor Links for Dashboards
Looking for the same functionality on a web page or Google Docs' bookmarks.
Is it possible to create a tooltip for one column in a table/card?
Say I have a column "Masked PhoneNo" that shows ***7890. Is it possible to hover over this text (usually a column in a table) and display the full PhoneNo (123-456-7890) which is a different column in my dataset?
Audit for Dashboard Deletion?
Does any one know whether there is an audit log entry for a deleted dashboard and if so, where that would be found? Thank you
When I export an dashboard to pdf, the card description doesn't show in the pdf, how do I fix this?
When I am exporting a pdf, the card description that is showing on the dashboard, doesn't make it into the pdf. The top is what you see on the dashboard and the second image is what comes out in the pdf.