Some content is too tall to export

I have only 1 html card on a dashboard displaying up to 1000 rows of data depending on menu item selected.

can't export this dashboard as pdf and PowerPoint export options are greyed out with message " Some content is too tall to export"

what is solution to this as user has to print or send pdf report to mass audience and so have to have this big single card on dashboard.


Best Answer

  • ColemenWilson
    edited May 14 Answer ✓

    The solution is to export the card, not the dashboard. When you export content as a PDF, Powerpoint, Scheduled Report, etc… it creates a static export that you cannot interact with as you can in Domo. For this reason, table cards that have over a certain number of rows will be cut off with no scrolling functionality. If you have a single html card you need to export, export the card only in CSV or Excel format. If you want to schedule the table card as a report, you can check the option to "Include a spreadsheet of your data as an attachment (5MB limit)" so the entire data table (up to 5MB) can be explored.

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  • ColemenWilson
    edited May 14 Answer ✓

    The solution is to export the card, not the dashboard. When you export content as a PDF, Powerpoint, Scheduled Report, etc… it creates a static export that you cannot interact with as you can in Domo. For this reason, table cards that have over a certain number of rows will be cut off with no scrolling functionality. If you have a single html card you need to export, export the card only in CSV or Excel format. If you want to schedule the table card as a report, you can check the option to "Include a spreadsheet of your data as an attachment (5MB limit)" so the entire data table (up to 5MB) can be explored.

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