Freeze top cards (Filter Cards) on a dashboard
I have multiple dashboards where I have filter cards at the top. When I scroll down the filters disappear. I'd like to be able to move down to different sections of a Dashboard and be able to still see the filter cards and be able to change the filters and still stay at the current position (card) in the dashboard.
Domo Buttons
Hi Team, Is there an option to add a button/or equivalent to a dashboard that when clicked, updates a dataset within Domo? The use case is for maintenance - clicking a dashboard/page button to validate it has been quality checked and the button can capture the username and time of check. Alternatively custom logic I may…
Create a pfilter to filter a Report Inventory on a different page
Hello, Our company has created a Report Inventory Card, Data Catalog Card, and Data Glossary Card. These cards are together on 1 dashboard (dashboard ID: 1212036684) and we have a filter on the dashboard to filter based on any dashboard ID which will then show all reports on the desired dashboard and all the definitions…
Ability for Non-Admin Users to Use "Save as" to Duplicate Locked Cards
We would like to have published reports be locked down to prevent changes to official content, but accessible to users to manipulate unofficial copies of them. Currently, the "Save as" option (which allows for users to duplicate cards to their overview and manipulate them without changing the original card) is unavailable…
Drill down to zip code map not filtering to rest of dash
Hi All, I've successfully created a drill down U.S. map card that takes you to zip code level. However, when zip code is clicked the rest of the dash is not updating. But when I click other cards on dash the drill down U.S. map is being filtered. What am I doing wrong?
Remove demo dashboards/pages from a new user's account?
My organization has noticed that demo dashboards are being added by default to recently added user accounts. I'm unable to find a way to view/remove them. Is there any way to remove these demo dashboards through my admin account? Also, is there setting I can disable to to make sure these are not added onto future accounts?
Using Dremio Iceberg tables and time travel feature in Domo?
Hello everybody, Is it possible to create a dashboard that utilice iceberg tables from Dremio to perform time travel? Looking for something similar to this: Thank you in advance!
What is the best way to filter open-ended comments on a dashboard displaying survey results?
We have several dashboards that we've built to review customer survey data. We always have several open-ended questions/comment boxes on these surveys, with thousands of responses. Currently, I have these text responses set up as drop-down selector filter cards, which then populate table cards that are used in dashboard…
Domo Freelancer Needed
Hello - My company is looking for a freelancer to help support our team in building out our dashboards. Experience with Zenoti is a plus!
Average Session Duration Y/Y
I am importing GA4 data and trying to display Y/Y in a multivalue on a dashboard. I used SEC_TO_TIME(Avg. Session Duration) to change the data to time format, but it's still not showing appropriately. Any ideas?
Is there any way to hide cards on a scheduled report?
Hi All, I want to publish one of my dashboards as scheduled report however I have a few cards at the bottom of the report for validation - is there any way to keep these on my dashboard but to hide them in the scheduled report? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Is there a way for a DDX brick to go outside of its frame?
Looking for a solution similar to the way the dropdown filters work in dashboards, where a card/brick can have a fly out or content extend past the frame of the card in a dashboard. For instance, a small calendar widget once clicked expands into two full month views past its frame, but doesn't take up much dead space on a…
Default - Open card in new tab
Can we please have this dashboard/card property as a default? 99.999% of the time, I want to open the card in a new tab so the user doesn't leave the dashboard. This won't apply when using the expand details button, which is also a nice way to get a closer look at content — but sometimes you just want to pull that card…
What are the best practices/recommendation for displaying dashboards in the users primary language?
We are expanding our services to Puerto Rico and will need to provide dashboards, scheduled reports and visualizations in Spanish and potentially other languages. What tools or best practices have been used within Domo to support multiple languages.
Calculate a ratio
Hi, I am looking for a calculation that will allow me to look at a requisition number and then look at number of people Forwarded to Hiring manager and number who were hired and calculate a ratio For example the calculation should be able to say 3:1 for the below example 3 forward to HM : 1 hire Sometimes we have more…
Dashboard Filters - Way to only show the 'Choose Date' filter?
Hi all, Is there anyway to show only the "Choose Date" filter on a dashboard, while keeping all other page filters hidden? I am creating a dashboard with some DDX customizations, I have a custom set of filter dropdowns to streamline and speed up dashboard use within one of these bricks. I want to hide the non-date filters…
Trying to create visuals like PBI in DOMO
Hello, I am in the process of exploring Domo visuals and charting. I am familiar with other visualization tools but want to see how I can do the same on Domo. Can someone guide me in achieving the visual I have created earlier on other tool. Motto is to see, How I can achieve it. What are the major differences I benefit…
Lock size of cards in a dashboard when using autowidth layout.
Currently the size of cards dynamically change based on the viewer's screen settings, and when a user has zoomed in quite a lot, the cards reduce or can sometimes not show at all. It would be great if there is a way to lock the size of cards in a dashboard when using auto-width layout.
I am trying embed a dashboard and apply filters using the pfilter param and it is not working
Currently I am having issues getting the pfilter query param with the embed working in an iframe. I have followed many of the examples out there and have replaced every special character in the value with their ascii counter parts but nothing has seemed to work Here is an example of what I have been trying:…
One text box for multiple text cards?
I may be coming at this wrong. I tried to concat but on occasion a zip is missing or something like that. I think I want to use a notebook card somehow, but my brain is blocking me from thinking outside the box. How would you get this data in multiple text cards, into one?
Check for condition against the whole
Assume the dataset I am given looks like the following (below). My downtown store was flooded in 2023. Some of my customers may have moved their shopping uptown. I need to filter the list so I only see customers that had "Downtown" amounts in 2022, and also had "Uptown" amounts in 2023. In the scenario shown, I expect to…
Card Format "Painter"
When editing multiple cards and finalising formatting, it would be great to be able to Copy formatting properties between cards on a Dashboard as opposed to having to individually edit card properties, as each card requires at least 3 clicks to edit attributes; some of our more complex Dashboards have over 100 cards, and…
Using pfilters with more than one value
Hi, we have this dashboard with several card filters and we want to click in one "button" that would open the same dashboard with all the filters applied. We know that this is able to do it easily by creating a BeastMode with pfilters as shown here and in the @MarkSnodgrass video. However, we are not able to find a way to…
Scheduled Report Owner
Currently Scheduled Reports are only able to be "owned" by a single user. If changes are required and that user is on leave, the reports are unable to be edited. Requesting that Groups are able to be added as owners of Scheduled Reports, this would solve the issue by enabling teams to manage the scheduled reports for a…
Can I take out columns such as "__created__," "__modified__," etc., from my collections?
I am creating a ddx brick in DOMO. My ddx brick has collections support in that when a user makes changes to the brick, the changes are written to collections. However, in addition to user changes, columns like "__created__," "__modified__," etc., are also written to collections. Here is a visual demonstrating what I am…
Reduce blank space in dashboards
Dashboards currently have extra space between cards on all sides, and text boxes have a minimum height, which leads to a large amount of blank space both vertically and horizontally. This is especially problematic when creating a dashboard that needs to be exported to PDF or PowerPoint. Ideally, we need the ability to…
Column borders
The suggestion has already been made, but I want to mock-up how easy it would be to add border styles via the Domo interface. This could be on mega tables, html tables, or simple table. We need some way to darken and thicken borders. Telling us to use bricks or something is like suggesting we go to some other application.…
How do I get future data being populated to current year?
I have a requirement to show Next fiscal Year data into Current chosen fiscal year. So if user choses , FY 23, it should show data for Fy24 in 1 column. Please see below: If FY is selected, then monthly data is shown for current fiscal year. and similarly NextFy data (Fy+1) is also displayed like below. Please suggest.…