Number format in Indian numbering system



How can I have the numbers presented in Indian numbering system like Crores, Lakhs, Thousands?

I understand we can do the formatting using the custom format and comma separator, but I would like to print Crores, Lakhs instead of K (thousand), M (mill) on a card (graph chart, single value)


Best Answer

  • david_cunningham
    Answer ✓

    @LearningNinja - I'm not super familiar with the Indian numbering system, so did my best to provide a good answer for you. You may need to adapt/adjust this. This was the reference material I used.

    WHEN LENGTH(ROUND(value)) < 6 then value
    WHEN LENGTH(ROUND(value)) < 8 then CONCAT(value/100000,' Lakh')
    WHEN LENGTH(ROUND(value)) < 10 then CONCAT(value/10000000,' Crore')
    WHEN LENGTH(ROUND(value)) < 12 then CONCAT(value/1000000000,' Arab')

    You could also expand this to format the numbers < 1 Lakh to include commas.

    David Cunningham

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  • david_cunningham
    Answer ✓

    @LearningNinja - I'm not super familiar with the Indian numbering system, so did my best to provide a good answer for you. You may need to adapt/adjust this. This was the reference material I used.

    WHEN LENGTH(ROUND(value)) < 6 then value
    WHEN LENGTH(ROUND(value)) < 8 then CONCAT(value/100000,' Lakh')
    WHEN LENGTH(ROUND(value)) < 10 then CONCAT(value/10000000,' Crore')
    WHEN LENGTH(ROUND(value)) < 12 then CONCAT(value/1000000000,' Arab')

    You could also expand this to format the numbers < 1 Lakh to include commas.

    David Cunningham

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