Bulk Add Filter Cards into a Layout

Currently when adding your page filters as Cards to a new App/Dashboard the fastest way to add multiple is to
1. Create New Card
2. Select Dataset
3. Change Chart Type to Filter
4. Add Dimension
5. Save
6. Click on the card & Save As whatever your next filter name will be
7. Open the new card
8. Change the dimension/beast mode
9. Save
10. Rinse & Repeat

An idea for a much faster/better experience might be

1. Add a Layout
2. When selecting which one you can mark that you're using it for page filter cards
3. Shows what datasets are on the page and allows you to select any you want it to apply to
4. Shows all the dimensions & beast modes available for those datasets
5. (Optional) select what type you want each to be

Save and go!!!

I could not find this in searching the forum and currently I don't think a faster alternative exists than the first I shared. If anyone believes I'm incorrect in either of these please lmk!

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