How can I set up a text box Variable that can search for a text string in a field?

Hi Domo Community,

Like the title says, I'd like to set up a Variable to be used in a dashboard where users can input text and it will search for the text string in related reports and return the results. For example, I have a "Description" field for items. I'd like to search "6mm bolt" in the Variable/text box and have it return any attributes in the "Description" field that contain "6mm bolt".

I know how to set up a Variable. My biggest struggle is how do I implement in the Beastmode of a Card so it will work successfully? Thanks in advance.


  • zaclingen_fwm
    zaclingen_fwm Member
    edited March 21

    We use the Searchable Filter Card to let users search through a DomoStats dataset of Cards, Dashboards, and Datasets to find what they are looking for.

    If you point that filter card to the dataset containing that "Description" field then it should work pretty easily.

    Edited to remove the link to my instance. Search for "Searchable" in the app store to find it

  • Hi @zaclingen_fwm ,

    Thanks for your response. Can you elaborate more on the search filter card and/or provide pictures? Your link takes me to your company's Domo domain which I cannot access.

  • Yeah I realized after the fact that the link wouldn't work for you.

    Navigate to the App Store and search for "Searchable Filter Card"

  • @zaclingen_fwm ,

    Great, I will give this a shot. Thanks!