Domo Everywhere Default view/filter
Hi All, I'm trying to create embedded dashboards that will show multiple years worth of outcomes. I would like the end-user's view to default to the most recent year's data, but then be able to manipulate the data using a slicer filter card. So, if we have data from FY19, FY20, FY21, FY22, and FY23, we would like the…
Export Dash as PDF from button in UI
We're using DOMO Embed API and we have a client who would like us to create a report rather than a dashboard. They have requested functionality which would allow them to simply click a button built into our UI that would export the content. We plan to build the report out just as if it was a dashboard embed however, the…
Domo Everywhere - how to remove Embed type of "Off" from report?
On the Domo Everywhere dashboard, I see rows for dashboards that USED to be embedded, but are no longer embedded. These show up as "Embed Type" of "Off". Is there a way to get rid of these rows? I realize I can filter the column, but it would save our users some confusion if these records didn't even exist anymore.
Card Timefilter for Dashboard Embed?
How can we ensure to filter the timeframe per card when using Dashboard Embed? (to confirm: I know how to apply timefilters for the entire Dashboard, but I'm looking for a way to enable the timefilters on a 'per card' basis) Thanks in advance, Ruben Visser
Dashboard embed codes and the API
A quick two-in-one question about the API and making dashboards embeddable. Is it possible to use the API to see the embed code for a dashboard? Is it possible to change a dashboard from "Embed options = OFF" to "Embed options = Public" using the API? Many thanks!
Why do users see different settings in "Embed Dashboard"?
We are preparing dashboards to be privately "embeddable". When looking at Share -> Embed Dashboard, different users see different things set. For example, I can have a dashboard embedded as Public, and someone else has the same one embedded as Private. This is concerning as one user could have it set to Private thinking…
Domo Embed & Custom Apps
Hi there, Is it possible to embed a custom app? Is this done by adding it to a dashboard which is then embedded? Use-case: Salesperson logging into our corporate website to see their sales figures filtered down to them via Programmatic Filtering. Or being able to add/modify customer notes listed in the App. Thanks for your…
Questions about "Embed Dashboard" = "Public"
Folks, My colleague and I are working on a single Domo account; he builds the dashboards in Domo and I embed them in our private portal for customers. We just noticed today that for the exact same dashboards, when he and both click on the "Embed Dashboard" option, and look at the state of the "Embed options" dropdown, he…
Domo Embed & Custom Apps
Hi there, Is it possible to embed a custom App or a custom app that is on a dashboard? Use-case: Custom app embedded on our corporate website for our sales team that shows each member's sales filtered via Programmatic Filtering. I want to be sure they can still interact with the App. Thanks for your help!
window.addEventListener("message") does not trigger when card is clicked
Hi experts, I have successfully built and ran the sample. My card is loaded. Now I want to watch the event of card clicking and get out the selected data. With the help of Domo, the event of message will be just work when card is clicked, or filter is changed, but nothing happened. I also tried to change column&value of…
How to change color and text size when using domo iframe?
Hi! I have been trying to change the color (the original color in the domo card is different) as well as the text size in the card (text size is much larger in domo dashboard). However I am not sure how to do this. Here is how the card looks in domo: Here is what it looks like as iframe: Any ideas on how I can make the…
Private iframe and Clickjacking
is the private embed iframe vulnerable to Clickjacking?
Domo Everywhere- Embed Card- Change Background of card to black.
Hi guys, When I embed a card using Domo Everwhere, I would like to have a background color to be black. But by default I guess it is White. Is there a way we can change the background color of the card.?
How to set a default date-filter for iFrame-embedded dashboard?
Folks, First, this dashboard will be viewed embedded in a webpage iFrame. These seem to behave differently in a lot of regards, to please keep this in mind. Okay...I have 18 months of data and growing. I want users to arrive on this dashboard page and see the previous TWELVE months by default. But I want them able to…
Embedded card leads to login page
Im trying to embed a private card. I got the embed token, but when I load the page, the iframe loads the login page instead of my card
Is there any way to get Embed Id programmatically?
I integrate with DOMO using java SDK and REST API, and I can get dashboard id or card id without any problems. But then I need to embed them on our site. But I see that the iframe for embed that will only use the dashboard/card id mark as deprecated, and now it is necessary to use the iframe with the Embed Id. Please tell…
Confused on how to do embeds
Hey there! I'm following the steps in trying to embed cards into a private page. So far I was able to get the embed token on my backend. Right now, I'm confused on how to use the embed token. I can throw it back at the frontend but how do I use it? Do I create a separate <div>, apart from the <iframe> that I made?
No embed dashboard option in share dropdown.
I'm wanting to test the embedding option - however my dashboard hasn't the option in the share dropdown. How can I enable this?
Scheduled Reporting
I have a few scheduled reports that are set to go to 3rd party partners once a week. For some reason, none of them have been receiving the reporting... Unfortunately, the Domo everywhere public sharing option is not enabled either. Curious if anyone has a solution for this?
Embedded Dashboard with Default Filter View does not display
Embed type = Private Programmatic filtering (i.e. no PDP) We've set up a dashboard with a default Filter View. It works within Domo for our internal users When we publish it using a private embed, the default filter view does not show. Users can still create their own filters using the top filter bar, but we want the…