Exporting cards/page from embedded Domo Apps

Hi, I have an app created in Domo Apps. It's a good way to organize a dashboard with many different cards, and the persistent filter across pages within an app is a great feature. However, currently it seems there is no way to export cards as Excel/CSV in an embedded app, nor can you export the entire page as a PDF. This is a big issue as users will need to be able to send filtered cards to clients.

Is there a way to enable exporting in an embedded app, or is this a feature on its way in the near future? Thank you.



  • Depending on your technical resources, you might be able to create a custom solution. For example, using Domo’s API to extract data from cards and then generate reports or files programmatically could be a workaround. This would involve some development work and could potentially be integrated into your embedded app.

    Domo often considers user feedback for future feature updates. You can submit a feature request through to highlight the need for better export options in embedded apps.

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