How to calculate Months between two dates with DATEDIFF?
I was trying to use the formula DATEDIFF(month,date1,date2) to calculate the months between two dates based on the function details that shows up in Magic ETL (which I have pasted below). In the Unit form, the difference is returned in the specified units from the first argument until the second. For example, DATEDIFF(day,…
Seeking Best Practice Advice: Reporting Financials in Domo
Hi community, What is best practice for reporting financials in Domo? Currently, we have raw financials, account by account, fed in through a simple CSV. There are no summaries in this CSV, so I have to aggregate them with Beastmodes to get to summary numbers. For example, EBITDA is calculated as such (see code below) This…
When a value in column B appears multiple times against a value in Column A concatenate those values
Hi I'm really struggling with my dataset as I have a many to one relationship between the DIVISION and CUSTOMER columns which causes issue with grouping later in the ETL How do I write a formula which will affix the Customer name with the Division name if the customer appears against 2 or more Divisions else if the…
SUBSTRING Query (9 day n00b question)
Hi I've only been using Domo for about 9 days so still very new to this but I am trying to use the SUBSTRING function to return the values in my ID column to ignore everything before and including and underscore as this value varies in character size (example EN_, ENR_, ENO_) How do I get the ID column to return the values…
How to shift first week of year from December to January?
The card pictured below is filtered to 2025 - however, Domo's default week starts the prior Sunday which still lands in the month of December. I would like it to show a January date instead for the first week of 2025. I would ideally not like to use week numbers over actual dates on the x-axis. Has anyone else experienced…
Overlapping Date Beast Mode
Hi everyone! For context, I am making a card that flags overlapping contract dates. I want to make sure that the first order finishes its duration first before having another order. I only want to partition the overlap flag by customer and by the same business unit. Please see the Excel visualization sample I made below.…
Base64 Decoder
Would like to have Domo be able to decode a column with Base64 data to a JSON formatted column/file/dataset.
How can I create a beastmode that will return the desired substring in a field?
Hi all, I've given this multiple attempts and just can't seem to get it. I have a field called 'Destination' that I want to use in a Beastmode that will return the first substring of "B-FGI" or "FGI" in a value such as "Doe, John A-B-FGI-20.15.0003.B-FGI" or "Doe, John A-FGI-20.15.0003.B-FGI". I also want to create another…
Add ORDER BY to GROUP_CONCAT Function in Magic ETL v2
Currently, Magic ETL v2 supports the aggregate function GROUP_CONCAT in its Group By tile. While clauses inside the GROUP_CONCAT function like DISTINCT and SEPARATOR are available, the ORDER BY clause doesn't work and causes the tile to fail. SQL DataFlows currently support using the GROUP_CONCAT function with the ORDER BY…
Possible to use a value that ignores filters?
I'm looking for a way to use a value in a beast mode formula that ignores my current filters. I've been wrapping my head around this problem and can't think of another way to solve it. Here is an example with my issue: Let's say my company has 5000 employees. There is a survey database with multiple rows of data for each…
Conditional Formatting - table MoM
Hello, I'm trying to set color rules/conditional formatting in a table card. What I'd like to do is set rules that if that months sales figure is higher than the previous it'll be green, if that months sales figures is lower than the previous it'll be red. (ex. If July sold 10, but Aug sold 8 August's value would show as…
How to create YTD, LYTD, LYLW, etc columns from a FISCAL CALENDAR
I have a dataset that has sales per item going by each week (yyyyww) for the last three years, only I can't use things like YEAR(CURDATE()) or YEARWEEK(CURDATE()) because the yearweek we're getting from the dataset is based on a fiscal calendar (Ex: The first full week of august is the first week of the year, so July 29,…
Company Turnover %
I am trying to calculate the company turn over %. We are pulling data from Salesforce into Domo. We have a custom object that lists all employees. These employee have an active/inactive status and a termination date. I am trying to figure out a way to calculate the total ACTIVE by INACTIVE YTD based on that term date.…
Compare to Industry Trends
Hi community, What's the best way to compare two different series when they are on totally different scales? My hope is to see if our trends compare to industry average. I've got month, year, our total, and the industry comparable. For instance: Date My Company Industry Jan-24 100 50000 24-Feb 150 60000 24-Mar 175 70000 I…
Form Builder and Form Viewer Transformation
I am trying to use submissions we get from forms in DOMO via form viewer/builder apps and turn them into usable datasets that we can create cards with. Right now the form submission data puts the label in one column and the value in another and I would like to make it where the data looks like this: Date: | Model: |…
Solved ETL - Replace Null Values
Hi, I have a dataset with null values and text and I am trying to replace them with 0 and 1 respectively. But, when I try to write a formula using the conditions 'If Null' or 'If not null' I keep getting errors. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks! Edit: I figured out what I was doing wrong.
Beast Mode - Grouping
Hi! I am trying to fix this beast mode calculation to group properly. I need the time to group 12am-6am and then show 7am-7pm as separate lines and then group 8pm-11:59pm. The opened date column i am using is in this format '2023-10-22T07:18:17' which is why I am trying to use the beast mode, but the grouping doesn't seem…
Tagging Customers on Services
Hi Community, excited to see what you think up! BLUF: How can I analyze what nurse saw a patient prior to a surgery or a non-surgery? See my simplified dataset below. My hope is to be able to see which nurses saw which patients/customers that led to a surgery (or not). My current thought is a CASE WHEN to create a label…
Calculation of previous dated values
I am trying to calculate trailing period (previous period) calc. I have year(variable selector), month(dropdown selector chart using column from table) If i select Year = 2024 and Month = Feb, I should get the data for 2024-JAN. Tried this formula but failing to get the correct figure. RecordDate(date format col) is…
Multi value comparison
Hi, I am configuring a multi value comparison card. I have Sales column which is being configured in Gauge Value. In Comparison Value, I want to input the value of Sales Column itself but of previous year. I want this comparison to be dynamic because on my dashboard I have dropdown filter (Year, Month, Quarter). So if I…
Dynamic data comparison
Hi, I want to perform QTD, YTD without using Domo inbuilt features dynamically. Like, I will have a dropdown for Year using dropdown chart using the Year column from dataset. And variable selector for QTD, YTD. User may select any of the variable selector and any one year from the dropdown. Example: Variable Selector : QTD…
Datediff in Redshift vs Magic ETL
Hi there! Im trying to recreate a calculation from Redshift to Magic ETL. Im running into some trouble with a specific formula. In Redshift: DATEDIFF('week',"start_date__c","end_date__c") In Magic: v1 - DATEDIFF(`end_date__c`,`start_date__c`)/7 In Magic: v2 - WEEKOFYEAR(`end_date__c`) - WEEKOFYEAR(`start_date__c`) Showing…
How to aggregate a case statement that uses a fixed function
Hello, I was hoping somebody could help me understand how to sum the following case statement. case when `Date` = max(max(`Date`)) fixed () then `On Hand by Day - DO NOT SUM` else 0 end I need the calculation to be dynamic and reference the date selected on the card. All attempts to aggregate the case statement fail and…
Filtering strings that contain letters
I want to filter out strings that contain letters in my ETL. e.g. Serial 112233 445566PN In the ETL Add Formula Column Name: IsInt CASE WHEN serialLIKE ('%[A-Z]%') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END EDIT CASE WHEN SERIAL~* ([a-z]) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END This is working for A-Z and is case insensitive. Next question, is how do I filter out other…
ETL error: "failed to convert value 'Infinity' from type 'Floating Decimal' to type 'Fixed Decimal'"
Hi, I have a magic ETL dataflow. It has 2 input sources. There's a formula tile where we calculate a pacing percentage. (`Delivered Impressions` / (`Campaign Flight` - `Days Remaining`)) / (`Total Goal` / `Campaign Flight`) We've been using this dataflow and formula without any issue for months and now we're getting this…
Count Distinct with Or Case Statement in Beast Mode
Hi! Happy Monday! I'm trying to create a beast mode in which I'm counting the distinct sum of registration IDs regardless of the number of products that are attached to that registration ID except when the product name contains 'Guest.' So if a person registers for multiple sessions all of those are under the same…
dashboard not reflecting filtered values
I have a dashboard which has filters by semester term and college. There is a column for type of housing and a metric in the dashboard. The metric should display upon the filter on college as a whole as it is constant across all terms . However, it displays only upon filtering the terms, as the data is present across rows…
How do I search for rows containing specific text and replace the information in that row?
I have a column in my ETL dataset that is named "City", in that column there are multiple city names however they have been put in in all different ways (ie: st george, St. George, ST George). I would like to search that column for rows containing 'george' and replace the information in that row with 'St. George'. I've…
Allow Window Functions in MagicETL Formula Tile
It would be helpful to be able to write MagicETL formulas using window functions, similar to in beast mode. While the Rank & Window tile is often sufficient, there are some use cases where having this feature in the Formula tile would simplify the dataflow steps: Using a sum window function with unbounded rows This does…
Combining data in two separate columns
Can someone please help me learn how to combine data from two separate columns of a table? There are only two values in my pre-lease % summer 2024 column, and I need those two values to override/replace the values in the same row for the "pre-lease % 2024 column. I hope the attached screenshot helps.