Average Session Duration Y/Y
I am importing GA4 data and trying to display Y/Y in a multivalue on a dashboard. I used SEC_TO_TIME(Avg. Session Duration) to change the data to time format, but it's still not showing appropriately. Any ideas?
Pivot table conditional formatting for text and column totals to the left
Hi, I have a card where I need to show a % total of an opening number and would like the text to be green if 100% or greater and red if less than 100% - in the chart properties I can set colour rules but this only seems to apply to the fill colour, is there any way to have the fill colour remain the same but have the text…
Edit Bar Charts more dynamically
Hi, I was hoping we could begin using Color rules a bit more dynamically. I was hoping we could assign color rules to different fields in the Card. For instance, elements that are not being used in the Bar chart but elements outside as well that are impacting the Bar chart directly For instance, if I have 3 variables in…
HTML Easy Brick Refreshes Unexpectedly on Interaction
HTML Easy Brick Refreshes Unexpectedly when Function to Reveal/Hide Text is Executed from Area Link We're working on developing a custom landing page where team members can click a section of our logo to reveal additional links related to that category of dashboard. In the HTML Easy Brick I was able to create area links so…
Can I take out columns such as "__created__," "__modified__," etc., from my collections?
I am creating a ddx brick in DOMO. My ddx brick has collections support in that when a user makes changes to the brick, the changes are written to collections. However, in addition to user changes, columns like "__created__," "__modified__," etc., are also written to collections. Here is a visual demonstrating what I am…
CSP Error
I am building a ddx brick in DOMO. When I am editing the card, and I click "Run," everything functions fine and works correctly. However, when I click "Save and Finish," the brick/table loads all of the Column Headers but none of the table cells, and regardless of whether or not I refresh the page, the table cells do not…
Average Date Calculation
Hi, Is there a way to do an average date calculation in Domo? I am working with a table that has close to 30k rows and all we are trying to do is get an average date for the date column. Is this possible? I looked in the beast mode functions and could not confirm it was in there. Thanks
Can I show 2 values as a stacked bar and other values as single bars?
I've been asked to create a bar chart that shows 4 values: Prior Year, Actual, Forecasted, and Goal. The request is that the Actual and Forecasted amounts would stack on top of each other for easier comparison but I'm struggling to find a chart type that will support this. I looked into the Grouped & Stacked bar chart…
Show Column Description on Column Hover in Table Cards
As a way of shortcutting a data dictionary card - it would be very useful if you could hover over a column title and have the column description show as hover text. Or even have the ability to add custom hover text to each column via the card editor here.
Option to select which fields will be shown as subtotals in pivot table
When building a pivot table, it is not possible to choose which fields will be summarized as subtotals and which will not, and for each field that is dragged to the rows, a subtotal row is added and this field divided the table's data to segments.
Filter behavior on dashboard/app vs Details View
I wish the default behavior for filtering via-the-legend at the dashboard/app level would mimic what happens when viewing a card in full screen/via the details view. When I click a colored block in a legend, I'm intending to remove that color from my view and allow the chart to re-scale. I think it's confusing that this…
allow users to duplicate (save as) locked cards
Hello, My goal is to have published reports be locked down, but accessible to users to manipulate unofficial copies of them. I would like to lock pages and cards so that only a users assigned to a group that owns the card or page (or is an admin) can edit them, but want all users with a user role that allows them to edit…
Add Count Distinct to Column Aggregation options
For string values, the Aggregation options are currently No Aggregation and Count. Adding an option for 'Count Distinct' would be very helpful. Instead of having to write Beast Mode calculations.
Creating a Rolling 4Q Total
Hello, I have a dataset with a list of all customers and their recurring/non-recurring recognized revenue by quarter. Our business has a tremendous amount of seasonlity so I'm trying to report a rolling 4q total. How could I go about showing the sum of a quarter and the 3 trailing as well?
Is there a way to use DropDown Cards to display text or tables?
Hello! I am trying to allow users to select a dropdown for a data dictionary. The idea is to allow users to select the terms they want to understand, and for a description to populate below. For Example: When the user selects 'Cost per Session' from the dropdown, I want the card to display the definition directly below…
Why doesn't my line + bar chart show the "Show data label on" option?
I want to display data label only for the line but the option is off.
Tool Tip Functionality for Table Viz
We pull our data from SFDC and have opportunity pipeline tables we review weekly. We have long string fields (Next Steps, etc) that I'd like to be able to provide functionality to view but not make part of the table itself since the visual formatting gets messy. If we had tool tips for tables I could add the long text…
PDF output large data
exporting to pdf is limited to 800 records. need to be able to export a large table to pdf.
Bullet Chart - removing labels of Ranges
Hi all, I've been trying to find a way to show the RAG ranges of acceptability on a graphic I'm currently working on; the bullet chart has been an excellent find, however, I want to display the "actual value" as a data label, but I really want to avoid having the data labels of my Ranges present. Is there a way to do this…
Using Fixed Function with Filter None but don't want to use the By argument.
Hi, I have a SITE column. This column itself I have taken as a interactive filter. I want the total unique count of sites irrespective of what I chose in the filter. Don't want to use By because I want the overall count of sites. This is giving processing error when I am filtering out some sites. I am using something like…
Group by N Weeks option to graphs
Hi all, Recently, we have been building a lot of graphics for Agile Sprint Planning. One thing that has been quite frustrating is the lack of customisation when grouping by date objects. It would be brilliant if the option to group by "N" weeks, instead of grouping by weeks or grouping by months as our Scrum Teams work in…
Specific Customisation options for 0 in Multi-Value Column
Hi all, On value cards that have a change value - it is difficult to control how the change value interprets the value when it is 0. It would be great to have specific colour/formatting options when a change value is 0 (including the ability to remove the directional indicator). Ref to post highlighting issue in more…
Reverse the inclusivity of 0 in Multi-Value Column for Value changes
Hi all, I might be being daft here, so I am raising a question before raising an idea in case anyone knows of a workaround to my problem. I'm looking to use a value change graphic to show the changes in the number of risks on projects. As a result of this, an increase is "bad", but a decrease or consistent value (0) is…
Horizontal Alignment of Multi-Value Cards
Hi all, I've wanted to align some of my multi-value cards to the centre of my card when using the Single Line Number format - I've found the vertical Alignment options under General settings. Still, I cannot find the ability to align this horizontally. Does this option exist somewhere less obvious? Best, Sam
Is there a way to dynamically select the nth row of a table?
I have a table that is part of a drill path. The table is filtered by a bar chart that has a category and numeric value (x). I want to select row (x) from the table after it has been filtered. Is there a way to make this part of the drill path?
Cumilative running total bar
I have a running total bar that I am trying to have give the running total for all time but when I try to show only this year it is only giving me the running total since 1/1/23 (as if 1/1/23 started at zero) Is there I way that I can have it still give the all-time total while only displaying this year as the output? I…
Variables limitation: Date filter is not working on the trend cards
When I select the date filter in domo dashboard, all the cards are updating based on the date filter except the M/M Trend card. Screen shot 1: When I select the current Month (Oct 2023), the M/M Trend card is showing the date range from 2022 Oct to 2023 Oct which is expected. Screen shot 2: When I select 2023-July, the M/M…
Forecast chart template: color for actual line
We would like to have the capability to change the color of the "actual line" (line with a prediction range) in the forecast template.
Textbox Card for Filtering on Dashboard
Hi there, I am trying to make a dynamic landing page that filters based on the domain that they select. For instance, "Finance & Accounting". (We have linked that to a dataset for the dashboard parent pages. ) If I click on Finance and Accounting, it should filter the below two cards : (it is currently filtered manually to…