Option to label the date range on a card
I often hide the date range on card details because there is no way to indicate what the range is for. Launch date? Expiration date? Data upload date? Would LOVE to see a text box perhaps here (yellow highlight below) that would allow me to write text before the date range. In the example above, I would write "Activity…
Is the data restricted for drill downs?
I am building a drill-down but seem not to have the same options as I would building a separate card. Example: I have a stacked bar overview where I am demonstrating the cutomer base by volume over months and by customer types. I am trying to create a drill down where I am showing in a pivot table view where I want to show…
How do I set up the append option for updating data correctly?
Use case: I have callrail data that begins in 1/1/2021. Currently the dataset is updating everyday and has REPLACE as an update method. The dataset is now taking at least 1-3 hours to update. I thought about changing the update method to append but when I did, I had duplicate data from 2021. How can I change the update…
Update Date Selector "Chart Type" to Match Global Date Range Selector
<Please direct me to an existing feature request if exists, the closest I could fine was a 'need help' linked below> We are currently using Domo Everyone embed and are limited with our date filter options. The current date selector is clunky and limited. I have to use a ton of dashboard space to get it to look just OK. The…
Option to show an alternate date range when it's a new month/week
Many of my datasets pull in yesterday's data on a daily basis. On charts that are defaulted to show "This month" or "this week", they will blank out at the beginning of the month/week. I would like an option, when selecting a "current" date range default, to show the full prior month/week on these days (or when there's no…
Query Based on a Value Between Two Date Columns
I've got a data set that includes job tickets with create_date and last_update columns. If the date range for a card is set to include a date in between the create_date and last_update, the ticket should be considered "open" at that point in time, and any tickets outside of the date range should be considered "closed" at…
Creating an Artificial downtime for maintenance for only week and work hours
I am trying to calculate downtime within DOMO. The downtime we have currenlty coming from the other system does not put in the factors of weekends and holidays as well as after hours. How can I calculate a correct amount of time between the starttime to endtime while only subtracting within the window. For example if A…
皆さん お疲れ様です。 Domoのダッシュボード上の右上のダイナミック日付範囲フィルターにて単位を四半期とかヶ月に選択してるかをBeastmodeで見て判定でコントロールしたいですが、方法はございますでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。
How to compare last 28 days with prior 28 days?
Hello, I'm trying to compare the number of sessions in the last 28 days with the number of sessions in the 28 days prior to that. How do I accomplish this with a period-over-period multi-value chart? This seems fairly straightforward in google data studio But it seems like I'd have to create BM in Domo based on some of the…
Can you turn a date range into each individual date in the range?
I have a start date and end date with a total sum of hours to work. These are each 10 days with an average of 3.2 hours and 2.8 hours respectivelivy. Is there a way i can display each indiviudual day of the date range with the work per day? Something like this?
Cards - BeastModes Need to Know the Dates that are selected by the user (card/dashboard level)
I am always trying to find a way to detect what the user has either selected for a date on the card or the dashboard when building my BeastModes. Can Domo not find a way to pass this in as say a Macro or something. And I am saying Macros for both the card and dashboard level date selections
Creating a Heat Map Based on Start and End Times
I have a data source that includes one row each for scheduled activities, with a column with the start date/time and end date/time (i.e. 2022-09-06T09:00:00 and 2022-09-06T13:00:00). What I need to produce is a heat map showing blocked out times in hour or half hour increments on a heat map, with the days of the week as…
Fixed to Flex Date selection
Hiya, does anyone out there know best practice (if possible?) to set more dynamic date ranges? Say I want to display “campaign to date” e.g. launch was on 2/4/2023 and I want my dashboard/cards to display data from that fixed point through [today] (variable) — how is this achieved? The only options I can see are either…
Using date filter as input for Beastmode calculated field
Hi, I have a Beast mode calculated field where I use MAX('Sales_Date') to keep the calculations fresh automatically (as we are getting the data with 1-2 months lag so I can't use current date). Problem is when users start changing the date range filter in the dashboard to a range not including the MAX('Sales_Date') in the…
Filtering data automatically for a specific Monday in a Domo dataset
Hi Everyone. I have a Domo dataset that updates daily but I need to create a chart that is essentially a snapshot in time showing WoW as of every Monday. I am not coming up with any way to do something easily in BeastMode that would work for me. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Calculate time between two dates during business hours, excluding holidays & Sat/Sun
Need to calculate the elapsed time/minutes between Start Date and End Date, using business hours of 9:00AM to 5:00PM, excluding Saturday/Sunday & holidays. Anyone able to help? either in Magic ETL or Beast Mode.
How do I change my week to Mon - Sun and fix this report?
I have an auto weekly report that shows the dates of a week and the corresponding data. The report goes out on Monday and I need it to show the previous two weeks (Mon - Sun), not including the current Monday data. Right now I have manually typed the dates (if 1.2.23, 1.3.23..then week = 1/2 - 1/8) and select the next week…
Converting string to date
Hi, I know there's a STR_TO_DATE function but maybe I could use more insight because it's not working. I have a date field that looks like this: 8-1-22 I want to convert this to a date. How can I achieve this with a ETL formula tile? Thank you.
Why are my days of the week out of order when there is a 4-day work week?
How do I filter duplicative entries when two date fields are involved? (entry & modified dates)
Hey Domo Smarties! [Annotated Screen Cap Below] What's the best way to filter out duplicate rows according to the latest modified date in an ETL? Desired Result: One unique entry by "start date" and "model" with the latest "ob modified date".
Calculate Previous Quarter Start and End Date
Hello! I am looking to calculate the Previous Quarter Start/End Date and the Previous Two Quarter Start/End Date. For example: Input: November 8, 2022 Desired Output: Previous Quarter Start Date - July 1, 2022 Previous Quarter End Date - September 30, 2022 Previous Two Quarter Start Date - April 1, 2022 Previous Two…
Can you subtract days based on case when statements?
Hello! I have a case when statement that I need to subtract a certain amount of days based off of: Case when 'ID' = '1066' THEN `Maturity Date` - 45 when 'ID' = '1019' THEN `Maturity Date` - 55 when 'ID' = '2600' THEN `Maturity Date` - 66 when 'ID' = '2507' THEN `Maturity Date` - 70 when 'ID' = '1075' THEN `Maturity Date`…
Using RegEx to Extract Date
Hi all! I am looking for advice on extracting a Maturity Date from a column containing a string of text, example: string: 12months,MATURITY DATE:23-Jun-2022,BALANCE;$12345,PRODUCT Return: 23-Jun-2022 I am able to successfully select the date by using: \d{2}-[A-z]{3}-\d{4} But am unable to replace this so that it only…
how to the find difference between dates ( in days ) that are in one column?
I am currently trying to figure out the days between each customers transaction. I know you can use the DATEDIFF function but what if my dates are all in one column? Any suggestions?
Convert all dates to last day of year
I am trying to convert all my dates to the last day of the year in a beast mode. I have a column in my dataset that is already showing the year for the data and have tried this STR_TO_DATE( CONCAT(`YEAR`,'-',12,'-',31),' %Y-%m-%d ') It doesn't seem to work. Any help would be appreciated
Can't Graph by Month
I've merged two tables and used the following formula to make sure the date doesn't get converted to String The two tables joined successfully. But My chart doesn't let me Graph By - Month The Table format still shows as 'String' under the Date columns. What can I do maintain the dates as 'Date' format so that I can Group…
Beastmode for Datetime to Group by Month in a Mega Table
Hi. I need to create a Logins by Month Mega Table. I have a datetime field for each login. I want to create a beastmode for the month of the login so that I can count by month. I want this column to sort correctly. I am having some trouble finding a good way to write the sortable beastmode for Login Month. Any ideas?
How do I convert a string to a date within Magic ETL?
I've seen questions asked about converting string to date, and answers were all given to use Beast Mode or add a separate field. Is there a way to do this in Magic ETL? I want to just have all the cleaning done in one place but can't find a way to do this in either version of Magic ETL.