Specify different date formats for multiple sources in ETL
I am combining a number of data sources with date columns using an ETL before performing other calculations on them. Some of the sources have Australian date format (DD/MM/YYYY), and others have US format (MM/DD/YYYY). The ETL gives me results in YYYY-MM-DD format, where it's actually incorrectly converted some of the…
Changing Date format to YYYY/MM to exclude days as uploading Monthly data
Hi there, I was wondering if someone could help me with a date format issue. The data is being uploaded as YYYY/MM and it turns it into the format of YYYY/MM/DD but the DD is always 01 since we only uploaded Monthly data and do not have it broken out by day. This does not allow me to use the 'All Time' filter which is…
Historical Facebook data
In Facebook Quickstart, am trying to edit a card for Fan Growth in 2016 data but you cannot edit the date range beyond "All-time" (which is the date you signed up). It just says "no data exists". Any help / ideas?
Dynamic date range (last two quarters)
HI All, I am looking to create a dynamic date filter on my card. The objective is to get last two financial year quarters data. I am aware that there is an option in DOMO to get last two quarters data but this gives me incorrect results i.e if we are in May then this gives me nov - april data but what I need is oct 1st -…
Dynamic date range (last two quarters)
HI All, I am looking to create a dynamic date filter on my card. The objective is to get last two financial year quarters data. I am aware that there is an option in DOMO to get last two quarters data but this gives me incorrect results i.e if we are in May then this gives me nov - april data but what I need is oct 1st -…
Allow Users To Show Time in Local Time
We have users around the world and we store our dates in UTC. But users would really like to view the UTC Date Time in there local preferred time zone. Currently we have to add a lot of beast modes and formulas inside of datasets to accomplish this. And we end up storing the data many times. And create cards to show the…
Create Dynamic Date Range End Date in Analyzer Date Range Filter
It would be valuable to have the ability to choose a date range for a card in analyzer that is relative to the current date. For example, "Start Date - X days ago" where X is a number you can set to determine the end date of the filter relative to the current date. Currently to do this, I create a beast mode that I then…
Table Date Range Field Drop Down
The table Date Range option should not be fixed on the first Date field in the table. The drop down should be functional regardless of the fields in the table. Currently, the first date field is used for the date grain. This limits functionality and flexibility in reporting. You can only select the date range field when no…
Additional Date Filters and Conditions
It would be helpful if there were additional date filters and conditions available to select. For example, we have reports for previous day shipments which works great Tuesday - Friday. However on Monday that report is blank because no shipment transactions were completed on Sunday. It would be great if there was a toggle…
Total/Subtotal options for dates
When building a table, it'd be good to have the option to subtotal date fields by something other than COUNT. Basic options like MIN or MAX, would help answering key business questions like when the last interaction took place, or when we first interacted, while still displaying in the table the full list of interactions…