How do you change a date to a digit to get a sum?

ScottLeeds Member
edited June 2023 in Beast Mode

I have a column that has the completion date. I'd like to change that to a number 1, so I can calculate how many have been completed.

If completion date equals 6/12/2023, 6/13/2023, 6/14/2023, 6/15/2023, or 6/16/2023 then change each of those values to the number 1


Best Answer

  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    edited June 2023 Answer ✓

    @ScottLeeds You can create a numeric field that you can sum through either a beast mode or ETL formula tile like this:

    case when `Completion Date` >= '2023-06-12' and `Completion Date` <= '2023-06-16' then 1 else 0 end


  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    edited June 2023 Answer ✓

    @ScottLeeds You can create a numeric field that you can sum through either a beast mode or ETL formula tile like this:

    case when `Completion Date` >= '2023-06-12' and `Completion Date` <= '2023-06-16' then 1 else 0 end
  • @MichelleH thank you! do you know if there is a way to format it to be current day of the week, or prior week day instead of specific dates? this would help to automate it.

  • @ScottLeeds Yes, you can use a rolling 7 days approach like this:

    case when `Completion Date` >= CURRENT_DATE() - 7 then 1 else 0 end
  • @MichelleH thank you. the rolling 7 days is working for us. we would also like to capture dates that are 7-14 days ago, or another way to look at it would be the week prior to the last 7 days. I can't figure out how to do that. Any thoughts? And your help is greatly appreciated.

  • @ScottLeeds To count the whether the completion date was 7-14 days ago, you can add a second condition to your case statement like this:

    case when `Completion Date` >= CURRENT_DATE() - 14 AND `Completion Date` < CURRENT_DATE() - 7 then 1 else 0 end