dynamic slicer selection on page
I have the following date slicer on the dashboard page and want the slicer to auto select the latest month. Is this possible?
Creating percentage change on trellis categories chart
Within an interval say 0-10 mins how can I show % change month over month in each bar?
Trend Lines for Multi-Series Graphs
Related to this community topic, can we add an ability to add multiple trend lines for bar and line graphs that have multiple series displayed?
I want to create a 3*2 (6 lines) for percentiles by their engagement status.
I want to create a line chart with dates on X axis and 6 lines on Y axis. Is this possible with existing dataset?
How to create a stacked bar chart?
I am trying to create a stacked bar chart, but cannot find the option for it on Chart Types panel.
Aggregate counts over time that keep a running total
I have an area chart where time is the x axis, and count of instances are the y axis. I want the count to be a running sum over time, but I am not sure how to do that in domo. See my image for details. (I don't care about the trend line.)
MS Office365 Add-In
I was glad to see Mac OS included in the new MS Office365 Add-in, and more integration. After tinkering with the Powerpoint and Word add-in for a few hours, I've found a few things that are key but missing compared to the legacy Powerpoint plugin: Tile layout - the ability to completely customize the way tiles populated a…
Filtering 2 different data sets with one filter on a dashboard
Hi there, I have 2 different data sets (orders in and orders out) which both contain customer name. I want to be able to filter on both however domo wont recognise them as one column.
Is the data restricted for drill downs?
I am building a drill-down but seem not to have the same options as I would building a separate card. Example: I have a stacked bar overview where I am demonstrating the cutomer base by volume over months and by customer types. I am trying to create a drill down where I am showing in a pivot table view where I want to show…
Percent to Goal in Overlay Bar Charts for each product/brand/client
Utilizing an Overlay Bar allows us to show the actual goal, but only display the percent to goal for each unique client in a hover as opposed to a displayed value by default. The Chart only supports one goal. When trying this on a bullet chart the same issue occurs, no way to display a 3rd unique value without it applying…
Stacked bar Legend not visible when hovering over bar value
Hi, I am using a stack bar chart to show the development for different segments over time. Because there are more than 20 segments, they are not visible all at first look. When hovering over one segment, I was wondering if there is a feature that would bring the segment in the legend a bit up in the ranking? Right now if…
Is there a way to store a beast mode in a filter on a dashboard?
Is there a way to instead of having the beast mode in our cards for the guage multi value visual (Impressions, Web Page Visits, Visit Rate, etc.), have it in a filter that links to the cards in the campaign? Instead of having a static last 30 days vs previous 30 days, our client suggested that it would be great if there…
Colour change depending if beating last years amounts
I have a bar graph with a comparison line showing the previous year. I want the bar to show a different colour depending on if were beating the previous year or not. e.g. red if under and green if over.
More capital cities listed in standard World Map graph
Currently, when enabling the 'Show Cities' option, it is interesting (but likely irrelevant for most organizations' use cases) to see one of the cities displayed is Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. So that users can have easier understanding around the concentration and coverage of…
Option to show an alternate date range when it's a new month/week
Many of my datasets pull in yesterday's data on a daily basis. On charts that are defaulted to show "This month" or "this week", they will blank out at the beginning of the month/week. I would like an option, when selecting a "current" date range default, to show the full prior month/week on these days (or when there's no…
How can I change the order of columns in chart?
Hi guys, I have been trying to reorder my chart chronologically backwards. I have 3 columns that I want from left to right, Current Year, 3 years ago, 5 years ago. The table is transposed. Every column header on the left (transposed) is a beast mode. I have tried clicking the arrows next to 'Year of Tour' and it never gets…
Is there a way to use a matching value filter with a single select filter?
Hello! Currently, the filter control options avaiable for Quick Filter are: Match value Single select Multi-select Is there a way to use these filter controls together? For example, I may have two columns with the following values: Name Pets Ann Cat, Dog, Bird, Reptile Ben Dog, Bird Kate Bird, Reptile Tom Cat Will Cat,…
Graphing multiple metrics in one chart by rank
Hi, I'm trying to create a chart that shows how different GA4 metrics show a different result for which site traffic source performs best. For example, per the screenshot below: Email has the highest avg events per session Direct has the highest share of total sessions. Or, Display has the highest avg engagement rate. That…
Save / Export dataset containing the projections in Domo Analyzer Cards
Let's say we create a Domo Analyzer Card using "Multi-Period Projection" from the chart properties. It uses Linear Regression Recent Weighted and shows the projection in the UI. We need a dataset where all these projected datapoints will be saved.
Color rules not working with bar + line chart
I have a bar + line chart where I am using partner_name dimension (blue) in the SERIES field along with another numerical metric (green) as shown below Despite applying color rules on the partner_name field in the card, I am not seeing the color change when I change the filter values for this field in the dashboard. But…
Is there a reason why you cannot change the legend labels in a Period over Period chart type?
I'd love if there was a quick way you could change them like you can to the y-axis for example when you click the dropdown. I know there is a way in a normal bar + line chart to make a beast mode for the time period you want and add it to series to manually plot the bar and line against each other a year apart but I have…
Ability to edit/change legend labels in period over period charts
Being able to change the legend labels in a period over period chart tyoe would make a huge difference in my workflow day-to-day. Instead of having to write multiple beast modes and adding them to series just to have the ability to have a dfferent legend label show up is too much work for what it does. Allow the ability to…
card design troubleshoot
I'm trying to recreate an excel graph in Domo. I have attached a screenshot of the excel graph I am trying to recreate. They are needing the week number on the x axis, and the distinction between the vertical bars represented with the blue and orange colors. The vertical bars represent net shipment (shipment less returns).…
Scatter Chart
I would like to create a card that shows the revenue we make from each customer in a scatter chart where the size of the bubble depends on the profitability of each customer. i am very new to Domo so please bear with me
How to select which Metric should go on Line in a Line + Bar Graph?
I have a chart where one Metric is $ and rest all is Numbers. How do I graph it in a way where the $ shows as Line and other show on Bar graph. (Like how in Excel we do a secondary axis) In the picture below, its taking the 1st one(USB requests) as Line while I want to show the Red Bar as Line with $
Formatting on cards
Is there any way to manually select where the numbers are displayed on a bar chart? I've got 11/12 months that dont conflict with display data but 1 month that is throwing the rest off. Is there a way to manually take care of this? I need all of the numbers to display from left to right - not top to bottom.
Charting 2 Different Measures Fields
Hoping someone can help me. I'm working with a dataset that breaks out the Number of Questions asked (by users) as two different measures fields (in screen below) as: NoOfAudioQuestionsAsked NoOfTextQuestionsAsked I don't have access to the lineage to change this dataset and must work with it. Is there any way to bar chart…
How to compare last 28 days with prior 28 days?
Hello, I'm trying to compare the number of sessions in the last 28 days with the number of sessions in the 28 days prior to that. How do I accomplish this with a period-over-period multi-value chart? This seems fairly straightforward in google data studio But it seems like I'd have to create BM in Domo based on some of the…
Pivot table field total and sub total options
I created a pivot table and I noticed that the fileds now have options to hide totals and sub totals. But when I check the options, it doesn't seem to do anything. I have columns "division", "category", and "subcategory". I have sub totals enabled and I want to add the item number and the item description. However, now I…
Is there a way to exclude dates from outside months in the MoM comparison?
The current month is March and I have a chart showing sales data graphed by day and when selecting the MoM comparison, dates for March are showing up under the comparison for last month since February had only 28 days which is making our sales for last month seem much higher than they actually are. Is there a way to…