How to calculate against row values, instead of a summation, when using a beast mode within a pivot
I'm currently using a simple beast mode within a pivot the table. The beast mode calculates the percentage change in the values from two columns. The issue is that, for subtotal and total, the beast mode is summing up all the percentage change values above it, therefore returning inaccurate values. Is there a way to…
Dynamic quickfilter values by default (ie last month)
Being able to tell DOMO that by default the card appears filtered by values that are not always the same. Right now you can only point to a specific value but you cannot enter a logic so that, for example, it selects the last month.
Drill down & quickfilters improved communication
When Drilling Down from one visualization to another with different datasets: to link the filters that are created when drilling down with the quickfilters. If I want to continue browsing a visualization, it becomes inconvenient to have to delete the specific filter created by drill down, in order to continue filtering by…
Fixed colors based on dimmensions / measures not used
In bar charts, being able to define a fixed color based on a value even if it is not used, for example, the maximum value, or a certain peer. We frequently required to highlight based on logic, such as max/min value, contains value, etc. There are a lot of scenarios where this feature would be handy.
Dual-axis settings
Dual-axis visualizations should have different settings at the element level, hover...Today, the settings are common for both axes, which means that the information displayed is often not optimal.
Table customization
Allow modification of table attributes: borders, colors... With the phoenix library (the one used by Domo to design tables) it is not possible. Customization options are very limited.
Quickfilters Hierachy
Define hierarchy between quickfilters. Currently any selection in a quickfilter affects the rest of the filters and it sometimes causes values in filters to "disappear", while other filter has to be deselected for them to reappear- It is not something intuitive for the user.
Quickfilters alternative sorting
Quickfilters are always sorted alphabetically. To work around that, we have to add a numeric prefix to the values to sort them as needed, it would be nice if the quickfilter could be sorted by showing the original values.
Kind of footnote
Possibility of adding a note. Currently domo allows annotations on the data series, it has a summary field, the title and the description. None of these options covers the need to add a clarifying note that helps to explain the card, be brief and visible (with the function of a footnote to a text).
Drill down into table
Hi, I have a table and I'd like the ability to click on a field and open a new view that shows a more granular table. My table looks like this: Account | Dollars If a user clicks on an account in the table, it will drill down into a new table: Account | Media Outlet | Dollars How can I achieve this? Thank you.
Creating a multi category chart
I want to display column "l1_dist_value" within the same date. Meaning the values of Hyperion, Artemis and Foundation should come within a single date chart as provided in the excel snippet. How can this be achieved in domo?
Stacked Waterfall Graph
Please could a stacked waterfall chart be added as a standard card type within Domo? Here's an example from the web. Thanks!
Pivot Table Week over Week % Change
I want to show the WoW % change for my data but not really sure how to go about it. My raw data is daily and I grouped it into weeks in the pivot table. I want to add a column to my table where it will show the % change of sales from the previous week.
Top N items in tree map
I'm working on a tree map and its way too clutter due to the large number of items in the data. Is there way to limit the number of items showing in a tree map? I want the top N items based off sales.
How to stop a dashboard's background change from impacting charts
Our end users strongly prefer a dark mode layout on their desktops and mobile apps. We're running into a issue that sounds minor, but it makes the cards unreadable on the dash if we use any dark colors for a background. Here's the standard dash, white background, default backgrounds for the chart. When they hover their…
Filter Chart Type
I am creating a dashboard page and we prefer using filter chart types so we can move the filters anywhere in the dashboard that we see fit. My cards have variables that contain options for different data points so users can choose how they want to see the same report (eg. by year, by quarter, by month). Is there a way to…
Re-order Colour Rules
Hi, Colour rules are applied from Top to Bottom, which is great until you realise you want to add something that shouldn't override your other colour rules, and so needs to be added to the top of the list as you cannot reorder the colour rules. It would be great if there was functionality to drag the order of colour rules…
Has anyone used Illustrator to create an SVG for custom filter charts successfully?
I have been trying to create a custom chart for a few weeks with little success. I have used this guide found on a forum here to help me. I initially tried Inkscape, but it was less successful than Illustrator for me. I have gotten it so close at this point but I can't figure out why some of the regions are uploading…
Faceted Bar Chart Labels
I'm using a Faceted Bar Chart to show a conversion metric for sales. It's probably my favorite chart I've used so far and really scratches an itch my end users have had. It's pretty basic, it has a sum of opportunities, a sum of sales, and the resulting conversion. My issue that I'm having is the label on the right side of…
Hybrid Stacked Bar Chart?
Wondering if this is a "thing". I have 3 metrics for some call center reps. Available (blue), Talk Time (green), and Unavailable (pink). Our leadership likes to see a total of Ready/Working next to Not Working. X axis is the call center reps. First Version was a Nested Bar, and it's close: I'm wondering if it's possible to…
dynamic slicer selection on page
I have the following date slicer on the dashboard page and want the slicer to auto select the latest month. Is this possible?
Creating percentage change on trellis categories chart
Within an interval say 0-10 mins how can I show % change month over month in each bar?
Trend Lines for Multi-Series Graphs
Related to this community topic, can we add an ability to add multiple trend lines for bar and line graphs that have multiple series displayed?
I want to create a 3*2 (6 lines) for percentiles by their engagement status.
I want to create a line chart with dates on X axis and 6 lines on Y axis. Is this possible with existing dataset?
How to create a stacked bar chart?
I am trying to create a stacked bar chart, but cannot find the option for it on Chart Types panel.
Aggregate counts over time that keep a running total
I have an area chart where time is the x axis, and count of instances are the y axis. I want the count to be a running sum over time, but I am not sure how to do that in domo. See my image for details. (I don't care about the trend line.)
MS Office365 Add-In
I was glad to see Mac OS included in the new MS Office365 Add-in, and more integration. After tinkering with the Powerpoint and Word add-in for a few hours, I've found a few things that are key but missing compared to the legacy Powerpoint plugin: Tile layout - the ability to completely customize the way tiles populated a…
Filtering 2 different data sets with one filter on a dashboard
Hi there, I have 2 different data sets (orders in and orders out) which both contain customer name. I want to be able to filter on both however domo wont recognise them as one column.
Is the data restricted for drill downs?
I am building a drill-down but seem not to have the same options as I would building a separate card. Example: I have a stacked bar overview where I am demonstrating the cutomer base by volume over months and by customer types. I am trying to create a drill down where I am showing in a pivot table view where I want to show…
Percent to Goal in Overlay Bar Charts for each product/brand/client
Utilizing an Overlay Bar allows us to show the actual goal, but only display the percent to goal for each unique client in a hover as opposed to a displayed value by default. The Chart only supports one goal. When trying this on a bullet chart the same issue occurs, no way to display a 3rd unique value without it applying…