comapare current-3 days in period over period chart

I have a use case where the data gets updated everyday, however the complate data will be available only for current-3 days. How can I display a period over period chart to compare current-3 to current-4 days?

Best Answers

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    You can use a Multi-Value Columns chart with two beast modes, one for -3 days and one for -4 days and use the last 4 days in your date range selection. You can use the -3 days beast mode as your gauge value and -4 days as your comparison value.

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  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    @chetan_cricut here is what @GrantSmith is suggesting.

    From the list of charts, choose Gauges and select Multi-value Columns chart.

    In the date range select Previous and Last 4 Days

    Create a beast mode called "Last 3 Days" that looks like this:

    CASE when date >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL 3 DAY) THEN confirmed_total END

    You will need to swap out the date field and the confirmed_total field with the date field in your dataset and the value field that you want to total

    Create another beast mode called "Last 4 Days" that looks like this:

    CASE when date >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL 4 DAY) THEN confirmed_total END

    You will need to swap out the date field and the confirmed_total field with the date field in your dataset and the value field that you want to total

    Drag the Last 3 Days field in the Gauge Value field and choose an aggregation type of Sum.

    Drag the Last 4 Days field in the Comparison Value field and choose an aggregation type of Sum.

    You can then use the Chart Properties to change the look and what values you want displayed.

    Hope this helps

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  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    You can use a Multi-Value Columns chart with two beast modes, one for -3 days and one for -4 days and use the last 4 days in your date range selection. You can use the -3 days beast mode as your gauge value and -4 days as your comparison value.

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  • GrantSmith How can you drag two beast mode for current -3 and current-4? Also, I did not understand which chart type you were referring to. Can you pls share a snippet?

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    @chetan_cricut here is what @GrantSmith is suggesting.

    From the list of charts, choose Gauges and select Multi-value Columns chart.

    In the date range select Previous and Last 4 Days

    Create a beast mode called "Last 3 Days" that looks like this:

    CASE when date >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL 3 DAY) THEN confirmed_total END

    You will need to swap out the date field and the confirmed_total field with the date field in your dataset and the value field that you want to total

    Create another beast mode called "Last 4 Days" that looks like this:

    CASE when date >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL 4 DAY) THEN confirmed_total END

    You will need to swap out the date field and the confirmed_total field with the date field in your dataset and the value field that you want to total

    Drag the Last 3 Days field in the Gauge Value field and choose an aggregation type of Sum.

    Drag the Last 4 Days field in the Comparison Value field and choose an aggregation type of Sum.

    You can then use the Chart Properties to change the look and what values you want displayed.

    Hope this helps

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  • @MarkSnodgrass Thanks for explainig. Somehow I am not getting the required result. Unable to see the change

  • @chetan_cricut make sure you are choosing an aggregation of SUM on both the gauge value and comparison value

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  • @MarkSnodgrass sorry for the delayed resonse, however this doesnt seem to be working.