How to calculate against row values, instead of a summation, when using a beast mode within a pivot

I'm currently using a simple beast mode within a pivot the table. The beast mode calculates the percentage change in the values from two columns.

The issue is that, for subtotal and total, the beast mode is summing up all the percentage change values above it, therefore returning inaccurate values.

Is there a way to calculate, for subtotals and total, to calculate laterally to return the correct percentage change?


Best Answer

  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    @muahmmad_zaidi You can set up your % Change beast mode to calculate based off of the sums of your two fields like this:

    (sum(`Field1`) - sum(`Field2`))/sum(`Field2`)


  • MichelleH
    MichelleH Coach
    Answer ✓

    @muahmmad_zaidi You can set up your % Change beast mode to calculate based off of the sums of your two fields like this:

    (sum(`Field1`) - sum(`Field2`))/sum(`Field2`)
  • The totals and subtotals tend to follow the aggregation type used on the field itself. If you switch to average, your subtotal should show the average. Additionally, you may want to look at using the additional aggregation types available on the field that allow you to show the percent of the row or column for that field.

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