Bullet Chart - removing labels of Ranges

Samuel. Contributor

Hi all,

I've been trying to find a way to show the RAG ranges of acceptability on a graphic I'm currently working on; the bullet chart has been an excellent find, however, I want to display the "actual value" as a data label, but I really want to avoid having the data labels of my Ranges present. Is there a way to do this with the bullet chart?




  • jessdoe
    jessdoe Contributor

    In card analyzer, you can click on "Tooltips" at the top to activate these options on your card and then drag the actual value column you want displayed in your data label settings into the "Tooltip 1" field. In your data label settings, choose tooltip 1 so that only this value shows.

  • Samuel.
    Samuel. Contributor

    Hey @jessdoe great idea! Unfortunately, it populates all data labels with that value instead πŸ˜…

  • jessdoe
    jessdoe Contributor

    @Samuel. same for me, actually😫

    I can somewhat get around the repeating by changing the font size to the "largest" option, then rotating the values and changing the position to outside top in data label settings but not sure if that works as well with percentages as it does with the 7+ digit numbers in my card.

  • marcel_luthi
    marcel_luthi Coach
    edited November 2023

    While not as visually pleasing, if the break of the lists always go between specific % values, you could use the Scale marker property to highlight the middle section, and leave with no color the sections above and below this range, and just hope people understand that things below that section are good and outside of it are bad.

  • Hey, I also hate this about bullet charts in Domo. I would use them all the time if there were more control of the labels. Give my idea exchange an upvote if this is bothering you:

    Please πŸ’‘/πŸ’–/πŸ‘/😊 this post if you read it and found it helpful.

    Please accept the answer if it solved your problem.

  • Samuel.
    Samuel. Contributor

    Thanks @jessdoe and @marcel_luthi, sadly they don't really work present the visual as I'd like - I think I'm going to keep it to hover text only πŸ˜…

    I found that idea before posting this but I wanted to call out the specifics just to see if anyone had worked around this issue - @DavidChurchman 🀞 this one gets adjusted soon