Forcasting Data by Zip for a 24 month period
I am looking to forecast mover data out 12 months looking at a 24 month period of historical data for each zip code in the US. Currently we run this with a spreadsheet and a forcasting formula. Looking for anyone who might have done this before or has any ideas how this can be done in Domo. Open to other tools other than…
Trying to create vertical bar chart that shows Count of Jobs based on Hours of each Job?
Hello, I am trying to create a distribution that shows the count of transactions ("jobs") grouped into buckets of hours. I thought using a window function to partition the hours buckets by Job (X-axis) and then doing a count(distinct) of jobs as the Y-axis would work, but it's not grouping correctly. When I set the Hours…
Reloading Recursive Dataflow Data
Hello, I have a recursive data flow running daily adding on and updating our sales data. It was discovered that the join wasn't using a fully unique identifier so some rows of data have been cut out over time. I want to clear out the data and resend it all to domo so that I make sure I have it all. Is there a way to clear…
Can I see the basic dataset length between different steps of an etl flow?
For example, I want to know how many rows are in the table before and after a pivot.
Using LAG() OVER function to get difference in a Snapshot dataset
Hello! I am trying to get the right formula to calculate the difference in data within a table (same data APPENDED to create snapshots). Here is an example of a beast mode I have been playing with. I have unique data by Opportunity ID & Snapshot YearWeek in the rows summarized in this chart, I would like to take the 202413…
How to do percent of totals for different totals
I have totals , value, dimension, three columns which i want to show as percent of totals vertical graph, However, my totals is a different column and is distinct to each dimension . I want to display botton 10 rows for dimension that has the totals with the value in ( percent of total graph) How do I achieve this. I tried…
Date Type capabilities
I'm trying to do something again, but I forgot how I did it. Coming from a PowerBI background when you choose the Date type it allows you for some dynamic presentation. Below I did it once, now it doesn't work any more where my columns are showing it by date. Compared to this How do I get it in the format to show…
Preview Window Limits in Magic ETL
There is currently a 100 rows preview window limit when you do the preview run on the ETL. We need to increase this as it can help drastically with further work in the MagicETL.
Accounts with Profit Sharing Formula and Filter
Hello, We've got some customers that have profit sharing rules in place. As my data comes over it doesn't take this into account so it shows full profit attributed to us. I'd like to have a filter to toggle profit sharing on or off to show either full profit or the profit taking into account the sharing. If, for example, I…
Date Formatting in Tables/Charts
Hello, I am new to domo so hoping this is pretty basic to update. My date columns come in the following format "Jan 23, 2024" in my raw data. When I pick my date fields in any cards it only shows the year 2024. In some cases I will want columns or rows to be months or possibly days or weeks. How am I able to pull other…
Y Axis on Horizontal Bar - Allow Long Labels by Default
I was thrilled to discover the "Allow Long Labels" checkbox on the horizontal bar chart - however, I only think to go into Analyzer and apply it when I realize my labels are cut off in the first place. I would love to have Long Labels allowed by default, and we can uncheck to shorten to the ellipses version of labels Can…
Year Selector / Filtering for YoY Function (more than 5 years)
Hi folks! I have a range of cards where I am quite limited by only being able to show current year and back 4 years YoY. There are times when I need to show much older data or exclude years (like 2020 or 2021). Can we add the ability to select more years / filter the available years etc. Using this in conjunction with…
Custom colors based on PDP's
I would love to be able to show a bar chart (or a variety of other charts) that would allow me to call-out the specific user within the data. For example, if I have a bar for 100 doctors ranked high to low, it would be very useful for a specific doctor logging in to be able see everyone else as blue, and he/she as orange.…
Domopalooza Workflows Feature Release
We are excited to announce new Workflows enhancements. Workflows is a low-code logic-building tool that allows you to streamline data-driven processes and spend less time on complex business activities. With Workflows, you can automate routine tasks to increase operational efficiency; orchestrate steps and actions; and…
DataSet View -- Add to DomoStats
I would like a DomoStat report that included information on ownership and use of DataSet views. We have something like this for Datasets, Dataflows, Cards, Pages, …
Use Case for Recursive CTE -- Or is there an alternative?
I am pulling DomoStats data sets for: DataFlow Input DataSets DataFlow Output DataSets First Step - Combining input_output defined as: Select dfin."Dataflow ID" as dfid , dfin."Datasource Input ID" as dsin , dfout."Datasource Output ID" as dsout from "dataflow_input_datasets" as dfin join "dataflow_output_datasets" as…
Window Function KB article
Domo does not appear to have a KB article for window functions despite having one for (newer) Fixed Functions. It would be nice to have both. Additionally it would be ideal if the Functions list in Beast Mode editor included all the available functions including window functions or statistical functions (MEDIAN() ) once…
Appended datasets, output displays alternative blended datasets
I appended 5+ datasets, technically I should have all rows appended one another the other without overlapping. Some of my rows in the appended dataset looks overlapped with the rows from other datasets. what could be the possible reason for this?
Maintain Input DataSets when Pasting Copied Magic ETL Tiles
Currently, when copy and pasting Magic ETL tiles between flows, input tiles are scrubbed and become a plain input tile without a DataSet selected. I understand why you'd want to scrub this if pasted in the same flow, but it should be maintained when pasting in a different flow. This should be relatively easy to implement…
Dynamic Pivot
I love the functionality of dynamic unpivot for transforming my data vertically, I would love to see a similar functionality for adding columns
SSO between two apps
We have an app that uses the same SSO as our DOMO app. Is there a way to programmatically log into Domo at the same time as we log into our app without the user having to interact with any DOMO UI? We want to add a card to our app that uses PDP.
Update all attributes(department, title..etc) of User API
With the dynamic groups being able to pick the users automatically through user attributes, it is very convenient if we can automatically change the values of user attributes, example, department. set department through API→ pick that department and set to dynamic group, with such dep name,, I badly need this now actually..
Filter Rows Tile | Option to include or exclude NULL
Currently if you use a filter such as <> or != "xyz", this will also filter out any NULL values in the column as well. This is default behaviour for SQL, and I do understand that the reason it's filtering out NULL is because it cannot compare a value to a NULL. So it implicitly excludes NULLs, just as SQL would. The…
Allow lag/lead on multiple columns at once
I think it would be helpful to be able to lag/lead on multiple columns at once, as long as the partition and ordering are the same. We have multiple ETLs where we have to lag/lead many columns, and having to create a tile for each column doesn't feel very efficient. Thanks!
Magic ETL | Remove Duplicates Tile | Select all fields option
It would be good to have a "Select All Columns" option for the remove duplicates tile in magic
Select All Columns in Remove Duplicates ETL Tile
Instead of having to add each column individually, it would be great if there was a select all columns feature for the remove duplicates step in the ETL.
Maintain tile position when copy and pasting Magic ETL tiles
When working with large enough groupings of tiles, or groupings near the bottom of the canvas in Magic and copy/pasting, there is a tendency for tiles being pasted on the canvas to be squished into the bottom. This can be a pain to untangle and reposition the grouping. It would be helpful if by default or through maybe a…
Beast Mode Summary Number HTML for filled Gauge
Hi All, Reading other post, it appears you can format summary numbers via beast mode. I have done so and my beast output for my number is correct but it is stripping out my style tag when implementing. I can change the span to a div or other html element and I can see that reflected in the UI but it always removes my style…
Adding Sort to Custom Values
Hi, I have a card that identifies days since last activity date: Days Since Last Activity Date: DATEDIFF(CURDATE(),Enrollment Initiative: Last Activity Date) And I made a bar chart with a custom range using this beast mode: CASE WHEN Days Since Last Activity<7 then '<7' WHEN Days Since Last Activity<30 THEN '7-30' WHEN…
Domopalooza Cloud Amplifier & Magic ETL Feature Release
We are excited to announce enhancements to Domo's Magic ETL and Cloud Amplifier tools. Magic ETL Magic ETL is Domo’s secret weapon for building data pipelines with ease. With a simple drag-and-drop interface, Magic ETL makes it easy to clean and combine data without knowing SQL. In this release, enhancements have been made…