Recurring Pagination - JSON No Code Connector


I'm retrieving data from Shopify's GraphQL using the JSON No Code Connector. I have a token in my request body and am using in in the native Pagination feature (screenshot below). However, it only iterates once (uses the token once then stops, instead of using the next token and so on until all data is parsed). How do I get Domo to keep using subsequent tokens until all data is retrieved (e.g., hasNextPage = false)?

Request body:

"query": "{ products(first: 100) { edges { node { id title handle vendor productType status description metafields(first: 100) { edges { node { key value } } } variants(first: 100) { edges { node { id title barcode inventoryQuantity sku price compareAtPrice availableForSale image { originalSrc } } } } } } pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor } } }"

Sample JSON result (end of page 1 or many):
