HappyReturns API
I am looking to set up a custom connector for HappyReturns webhooks. Has anyone done this before?
Hi , Am getting the error while saving the card
This error " There was a problem saving your card, If the problem persists, contact Domo Support Team. Please assist on this.
DP Feature Release preview
Hard to believe it is already almost Domopalooza week. We are pushing a ton of cool stuff next week (and some sneaks up our sleeves also)….Those hard core Domo dorks who are in Domo on a Friday afternoon may have noticed in product announcements that listed the features. Posting them here as well as I know they go away and…
Group By Question
Im trying to do a group by to get a new column with total sum of charges by bill ID. I want the total sum to be constant all for every day associated with Bill ID. When I do a group by I am not getting the new column to sum the charges. Bill ID Date Charge 502 4/10/2023 $85 502 4/11/2023 $76 502 4/12/2023 $110 502…
How do I save my card when it throws" there was an error while saving your card'
I have tried troubleshooting the issue by refreshing, creating the beast mode calculation again, validating it , saving it and saving the card, still the same issue
Share DataFlow (all input datasets)
It'd be great to have a Share Dataflow button which would allow users to share all of the input datasets with a user instead of having to track down all of the multiple dataset inputs and share each of those individually which is quite time consuming.
Magic ETL 2.0 - Remove Duplicates needs an "ADD ALL COLUMNS" option
The title says it all!
Allow Window Functions in MagicETL Formula Tile
It would be helpful to be able to write MagicETL formulas using window functions, similar to in beast mode. While the Rank & Window tile is often sufficient, there are some use cases where having this feature in the Formula tile would simplify the dataflow steps: Using a sum window function with unbounded rows This does…
Block tiles in Magic ETL to simplify complex dataflows
"Block Tiles" are larger tiles that contain a string of tiles inside. Block tiles could make large Magic ETLs (100+ tiles) easier to document, and much easier to read and understand. These tiles would contain a group of tiles that have a single output tile (not an output dataset) to make for an easy way to connect block…
Assign colors to tiles
I would like to be assign colors to tiles: this would make troubleshooting and code reviews much easier. A stretch goal would be to add setting the color of tiles to the options when you select more than one tile in addition to Delete, Duplicate, and Copy To Clipboard. Using this to visually indicate functional sections of…
Add Formula Rule to Join Tile in ETL
It has been extremely useful in Magic ETL 2.0 to have the Add Formula Rule available in certain tiles such as the Filter tile or Group By tile. I would like to see it be available in the Join tile as well. This would make it operate more like a SQL join. For example, if I need to use a BETWEEN statement for my join key, I…
JOIN on LIKE and BETWEEN in Magic 2.0
related to: https://dojo.domo.com/main/discussion/comment/28356#Comment_28356 It would be ideal to be able to perform a JOIN on a LIKE, BETWEEN, LESS THAN (or equal to) and GREATER THAN (or equal to) in Magic 2.0. Currently, users have to either do a full cartesian product (see threads above) or shift their pipeline over…
Magic ETL - Copy Single Tile
I share a lot of ETL code both internally and here on the Dojo. It's great that you can multi-select tiles in Magic ETL and select Copy to Clipboard, pass it along and have someone them copy and paste that into their ETL to get the same tiles. There are many times where I'm showing an example for a single tile in magic ETL…
Magic ETL Organization Tiles
Would be nice to have a feature to add a box around several tiles in order to organise better the dataflow. Sometimes we have a complex dataflow with several business logic and a lot of tiles, and it would be easier to identify the several steps with that boxes. An example of that is like the one in Unreal Engine:
Comment out tiles in MagicETL
When building complex ETLs it would be handy to be able to "comment out" tiles so they are ignored for execution. For bonus points, I'd like to be able to have an unterminated chain of commented-out tiles not block the ETL's execution.
More Dataflow suggestion: When I "cancel" out of a data flow don't dump me back to the Dataflow page
It doesn't always happen, but when it does, UGH. I hit cancel when in an ETL and then I go all the way back to the All Dataflows page. I don't want to go that far back. That's not even where I started. It seems to depend on how I get to the ETL. In this case I can be in the Overview page, click edit etl, once in the etl I…
Undo button on cards and ETL
It is crazy that there is no undo button. There are countless times that I've had to go back to the beginning of something because I made an irreparable mistake in either a card or an ETL.
RANK() in pivot table issues
Hi, I have a pivot table and I am trying to only show a top 10 based on a field and then bucket the rest into an "Others" group. My data contains monthly sales per country. My table is setup as follows. Rows: Country beastmode below Columns: Date Values: sum(sales) My beast mode for Country is case when RANK() OVER(ORDER…
JSON No Code Connector - Base64 Encode and Basic Authentication?
Hi All, Does anyone know how to use the JSON No Code (or any of the JSON connectors, really) to do basic authentication via a client id and secret where the client id/secret are base64 encoded? Based on the API documentation, I need to pass the following header where the client id:secret string is base64 encoded.…
Audit for Dashboard Deletion?
Does any one know whether there is an audit log entry for a deleted dashboard and if so, where that would be found? Thank you
Instagram Connector Issues? Met Business Suite related
Hi everyone, I am trying to build cards/reports from the Instagram connector, but it fails to pull any reporting metrics. I think it's because my company's instagram is managed through the Meta Business Suite. Do any of you DOMO experts have experience getting Meta Business Suite and the instagram connectors to play nice?…
Certify Dashboards
It would be nice if we could certify dashboards.
Reporting the negative
I have a business case to that requires me to report the locations or at worst the number of locations per region that have not had an audit in the past x number of weeks/months. My data set only includes the locations that have a started an audit. However, the entire location base had at least one successful audit in the…
Descriptions in PPT and PDF Outputs
Card descriptions are omitted in PDF and PPT outputs of Pages even when chosen in the display options. The PDF and PPT output should be as identical as possible to how the Page is displayed in the browser.
When I export an dashboard to pdf, the card description doesn't show in the pdf, how do I fix this?
When I am exporting a pdf, the card description that is showing on the dashboard, doesn't make it into the pdf. The top is what you see on the dashboard and the second image is what comes out in the pdf.
Expand/collapse rows only working for first level of pivot
Hello. I have a pivot table with 3 values for rows. I am able to expand/collapse based upon the first value, but not the second. When I click on the "+" next to the first value it expands to out all three values … but when I click the "-" next to the second value, it collapses everything back to the first value (i.e. how…
Domo Datagovernance Datasets Connector Error
We're attempting to use the Domo Datagovernance Datasets connector and receiving this error: "The API Key you entered is either invalid or has expired." Can anyone assist with isolating and resolving this error?
Floating Decimal
I am trying to connect to data sets together, but I continue to get the message of remove 1 column, Budget DH TTH: Floating Decimal, after run the preview, but in my preview, I see there is a floating decimal. I also try to add it in the alter columns, but it still doesn't fix it. Any ideas?
Add ability to copy color rules across datasets
Copying color rules from one file to another is a very tedious task that gets exponentially more tedious with each rule. Any way to copy color rules from one dataset to another?
A way to show the UTC timezone conversion in the timestamp?
I have the PST timezone conversion set for my company's instance of Domo, meaning that all timezones fed in from our database are being converted from UTC to PST. Example: if there is timestamp in my database saying 2024-03-15T11:43:02, then it will show (post-conversion to PST) as Mar 15, 2024 3:43:02PM as the timestamp…