help in building a form and embedding

I am planning to build a form with DOMO everywhere or App studio that has few contact info fields and two agreements that need to be checked by the user before submitting it.
the agreements can be embedded within the form and allows the user to accept it and are required fields.

These forms need to be embedded on the website so that users can fill.

Submissions should be stored in DOMO dataset automatically and now I would require an automation after 48 hours, where the dataset need to filter out the submissions list based on the university and email them to the assigned university lead so that they can add the users in the portal and send the portal invite.

This happens only once that is after 48 hours after members filling the form on a particular day. How do i achieve this?

Best Answer

  • DanHendriksen
    DanHendriksen Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    If I were tasked with this, I'd look at the "Workflow Form Start Brick" to create my form, and have the data fed to a workflow that took care of your data logging, your 48 hour wait and the additional actions you need to take.


  • DanHendriksen
    DanHendriksen Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    If I were tasked with this, I'd look at the "Workflow Form Start Brick" to create my form, and have the data fed to a workflow that took care of your data logging, your 48 hour wait and the additional actions you need to take.