Is there a way that I can use the inline editor on a live data set connected to google sheets? I'm trying to edit information that I'm getting from a google sheet, but every time the data set updates the inline edits I made are overridden. Is there a way I can work around this?
When configuring the NetSuite Connector, I receive an error. I validated that the NetSuite User Name and Password are correct, I also reverified that the Role, Script and Deploy ID's are all correct. I'm able to login to NetSuite as the user and run the saved search without any problems. Error Message: Domo is ready, but…
Any tips on utilizing an XML stream via URL? I can't seem to get any of the XML connectors to work.
I’m hoping to pull in some data from Prisma, they have a pretty standard API pass a username and password to /login get back a JWT token and then put that token in all further calls in a custom header field and have to login again after 10 mins. The main API is JSON (with quite a few arrays inside arrays) I notice a couple…
Hi, we want to utilize this connector but are having trouble finding and setting up the required credentials. Any advice or resources sent our way would be extremely helpful! Thanks, Paul
I need to setup the Xero and Xero payroll connectors. I have completed steps 1-4 in this help article (including purchasing the custom connection subscription from Xero) but need some guidance on how to complete steps 5-7 please and to activate the connector in Domo. I have basic technical knowledge! Any help would be…
Hi I am new to Domo and would like to use the connector for Unleashed however it doesn't have the option to pull in the Sales Quotes table. Can this be added to the Unleashed connector as it is available through Unleashed's API? If not, can I use the JSON connector to retrieve this table and if so, can you please provide…
We are using the query below to filter for displayTime $gte "$fourteenDaysAgo", which is the added field. It doesn't work in Domo, but returns expected results in db explorer. Does anybody have any ideas? [ { $addField: { fourteenDaysAgo: { $trunc: {$toInt: {$divide:[{$subtract: [{$toLong: "$$NOW"} , 1209600000]},1000]}}}…
I am having trouble with the LinkedIn Ads API connector. In January/February of 2024 it was bringing in data at 100% and stable. In March the amount of data dropped to 77% of expected. Now in April its only brining in 60% of the expected data. I haven't made any changes. In March the connector did go down for about a week…
Hi all, I heard something in DOMOPALOOZA24 about having a card with Confuence content, does anyone know anything about this? I couldn't find a connector or anything… The idea was to have a card with the dashbboard documentation that lives as as Confluence page. Thanks!
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