Tips for Setting up UKG Connector

Here are some tips to succesfully connect data from UKG
UKG vs. Domo Conector
User API Key = User Access Key

Customer API Key = Client Access Key

Services Host Name: Needs to have https:// in front of it but here is some documentation from UKG that will help you get that.


Web Service Host Name

The report path is located on each report.


/content/folder[@name='zzzCompany Folders']/folder[@name='Vedder Price, P.C.']/folder[@name='UltiPro']/folder[@name='Human Resources/Benefits/Payroll - CONFIDENTIAL']/folder[@name='Historical Reports']/folder[@name='Time Off Reports']/report[@name='UTM - Vacation, Sick & Personal Detail Usage (LAST WEEK OF the YEAR ONLY)']