Beast mode to filter out certain ID field then sum the remaining IDs 'value'
Hi - I am trying to remove certain IDs from a column then sum their values but can't get the syntax correct. Here is what I've gotten to but doesn't work. Problem with adding a filter is the removed values need to be in another line on the chart. Case When sum('value') - (when ID='Liability' Then sum('value')) End or Case…
Adding Images to Table Card Using Beast Mode
Can someone help me with the formula to add a different image for each row in a table? I've been using the attached article. I've been able to get an image added, but the same image is in each row. I can't figure out how to get different images to populate in each row, like the sales rep image example in this article.
Include Data for a specific date range
Hello - newbie here - I need to know how to only include data that falls within my defined start and end dates columns. There are multiple flight dates, so I need to be able to bucket the daily delivery data within those defined dates. It just pulls in all of the data for each flight and I cannot seem to get it to work. I…
Beast Mode: How to aggregate a value for 1yr and remainder of the yr from a date?
Hi - I am trying to figure out how to aggregate values from a run date thru the end of the year as well as aggregating from that same date as_of_date for 1 year out. Essentially if the date is 5/31/23 it'll aggregate a value from that date through the end of the year (12/31/YY). Separately, from that same as of date…
Text box is not populated by Beast Mode
So, I have a beast mode that generates a text block with some basic information about a helpdesk ticket dataset. Its purpose is just to let the user know how recent the data they're seeing is. In short, it tells (1) when the ETL was last run, and (2) the most recent ticket ID and date. Simple enough, I'd think. If I add…
Why is my beastmode to bring in Salesforce Profile Photos not working?
I'm using the html code referenced in this Domo Article: Our salesforce rep profile photos are being brought in as a url starting with "https" into a user dataset. I'm just not understanding what is wrong with the beastmode that it's not bring up the photo when I place the beastmode as a column on a table: CONCAT('<img…
Issue with null data
I am using the below beast modes calculations for a chart. where I am trying to find the no of records received today and yesterday. Data appends itself in the dataset date wise. Eg: if yesterday 1 record received, today 2 records received. dataset will show 3 count for today. Beastmode: today: case WHEN SUM(CASE WHEN…
Make it so that beast modes based on variables are usable on custom app cards
When creating a custom app card, I wanted to use a beast mode that includes a variable on my custom card. The beast mode returned to the custom card will always return the value as if the variable was the default value, even if it has been changed on the page. It would be good if the value from the beast mode (based on the…
Beastmode filter to show when data exists in both datasets
Hi, I am trying to create a beast mode where if a campaign name matches in both Dataset A and Dataset B, then name the filter 'Match Campaign Name' and everything else 'Doesn't Match Campaign Name'.
Reuse Beast Mode field in another calcuation
Requesting to allow Beast Mode field created in a card to be used in another calculation. This feature is currently available in the "Add Formula" function in Magic ETL but not for beast mode calculations done in Analyzer.
Beast mode to generate Batch Date?
Is there a Beast mode that can generate Batch dates? A colleague of mine has a dataset that updates monthly, but does not include a date column. The internal clients who view the report would now like to see a breakdown by date. Is there a way to use a beast mode, or some other tool, to create a batch date calculated…
Beast Mode as Chart Label
Hello! I am using the filled gauge chart and was wondering if you could use a beast mode for a label. I am wanting to show if the the target value has been met or not. So it will say either "On Track" and if it hasn't been met it says "Behind Target." I used a case statement to capture that in a beast mode, but don't know…
Add a condition on line plot to toggle between AVG and SUM conditions
Hi, I have a column in my data 'Volumes' and I am using that as Y-axis of line chart which is currently set to aggregate as SUM(Volumes). I have a problem with it where I want it to perform AVG(Volumes) when one condition is met and perform SUM rest of the times. I am trying to perform this logic using calculated field,…
Is there a way to dynamically select the nth row of a table?
I have a table that is part of a drill path. The table is filtered by a bar chart that has a category and numeric value (x). I want to select row (x) from the table after it has been filtered. Is there a way to make this part of the drill path?
Beast Mode To Find Cumulative Progress Towards a Goal
Hello, I am currently using a filled gauge and I need to create a beast mode that takes the number of days in a month(needs to account for all 12 months) / days total of the month and multiply it by the goal of the month, which will always be 3. Any help appreciated, I have not been able to get my head around what this may…
How to add hyperlink in the table
I have the data of different segments and want to represent it in a single dashboard. To make it user-friendly, I want to make an index table stating all the segments and I want that when I click on the name of that segment or the link (which can be created in beast mode) from the table, to navigate to that particular…
Unable to use "AND" filtering
I have a column named "response_value" which is to be used as a global filter in the dashboard. I would like to filter distinct users who have all of the selected values under column "response_value". Currently, it works like an OR condition and counts users who were part of any of the response_value selected
Pivot Table and Horizontal Calculations
Hello, Wondering if we can get some advice on how to program horizontal calculations in a pivot table. Please see below the current view of the Pivot Table and how we need to put in horizontal calcs.
Remove dates from a card with a beastmode?
Hi, is this possible?
Sorting Heatmap by Month-Year Concat on y-axis and Day of Month on x-axis
Hello, I have a heatmap that on the x-axis has the Day of the Month and on the y-axis has the month and year concatenated, i.e. January 2022. My question is how can I order the axes in such a fashion that I get the most recent month and year concatenation at the top of the y-axis and have the rest of the month and year…
Extract Quarter Value from Date Field and Return First Date of that Quarter
Hello, I need to extract the quarter from a date so it returns that quarter it falls into (example: 01/01/2023 falls into Q1. Instead of Q1 I want it to return the first day of that quarter. Example: DATE 01/05/2023 QTR DATE 01/01/2023 To note I am making a beast mode to do this in a view. I have already tried to use DATE…
Organize values on X-Axis
Hi All, I am trying to sort my x-axis values on roles (see screenshot attached) not on the default sort options available in Analyzer. I read a previous note from 2017 that told me to use CASE to sort, so I did: CASE split_detail WHEN 'CEO'THEN 1 WHEN 'Head of Business' THEN 2 WHEN 'key management personnel(KMP)' THEN 3…
Beast Mode Decimal number to Time Format
Is there a way to convert the current decimal number to (HH:MM:SS) format? We are using a beast mode that currently calculates minutes for us.. SUM(Talk time to decimal) / SUM(LIVE CONNECT count) = 1,167.83 / 85 = 13.74 mins.. Can i turn that into 00:13:74?
Can you use a beast mode in Segments?
Hello! I am trying to build out a Segment although for some reason it isn't populating when I use a beast mode as the Columns to filter. Can you only use data from the flow and not use beast modes?
DateDiff formula in Redshift
Hi Team, The formula below was built as a beastmode but would like to move it to dimensions, the backend. However, "DATEDIFF()" isn't recognized in Redshift, any workarounds? Thanks CASE when ("date","published_date") >0 and DATEDIFF("date","published_date") <=29 then '01 Month' when DATEDIFF("date","published_date") >29…
Window function beastmode error-ing
I had a beastmode that worked (attached below), but now it doesn't work. The beastmode is intended to calculate a 12 week average for a KPI we track in the business. On the card where I'm using the beastmode, the card does not load and I get this error: "An issue has occurred during processing. We are unable to complete…
Beast Mode is valid but does not print all options, how can I fix it?
Created the beastmode below and although its valid I'm only seeing options "Low Performers" and "Other". The beastmode is suppose to look at revenue and at month-12 revenue and meet certain qualifications to identify it as either Non Public Videos, Low Performers or Videos Exceeding Lifespan. Thank you in advance! i.e. if…
How to make FILTER ALLOW clause dynamic?
Hello all, I want to make it so that a user can decide on what columns that a particular chart could be filtered on. For example: SUM(SUM(Website Engagements)) FIXED (FILTER ALLOW (case when Allow Filtering - Website = 'Mobile Device Type' then Mobile Device Type else Mobile Device Type end)) This is a fixed function with…