Is there a way to "freeze" data in domo to compare net new information to previous information?
For example: I have Promo X that has been running from Jan – Dec 2023 and I can see the impressions for that time frame with no problem by filtering to that date range and looking at the data for that date range. | I’m now running Promo X in March 2024, and want to look at net new impressions to this promo in March 2024…
Calculating Differences based on the Value of a Column
I'm trying to solve a problem where I want to compare the average of two columns based on the value of another column. A simplified version of my data table looks something like this: Score A | Score B | Score C | Survey Type 10 | 20 |19 | pre 14 | 26 |23 | post 7 | 6 |8 | pre 10 | 10 |12 | post I want to calculate the…
Creating Table Chart with Sales & Sales Last Year
I have a dataset where each dow represents a daily transaction 'date' for the 'productSKU', 'size', 'sales channe'l and also contains other columna where it sums the 'sales', 'stock on hand', 'units sold', etc I am trying to create a calculated field for 'sales last year' as a column for the 'sales' from a year ago for the…
Identify percent of people attending current event
I am currently trying to gauge how many consistent event attendees are attending our upcoming show. For context, we have 2 events every year and every registration for an event is on a separate record which I have categorized by year between 2021-2024. I am trying to roll this up into a table that gives us a percentage of…
return a percentage for a measure
I am trying to create a calculated field that will give me the percentage of share for the column total i.e. taking the unit from one data point of measure and dividing that data point by the total of that measure. Is that possible?
Average Count Distinct across Date Range
I am working on Turnover metrics and need to capture the average unique headcount of employees over a user selected date range. Here is what I've tried, but Domo keeps giving errors: COUNT_DISTINCT(CASE WHEN (Team Member status = 'Active' OR Team Member status = 'Unpaid Leave') AND Date BETWEEN 'start_date' AND 'end_date'…
Turnover Beast Mode: Avg Distinct Count / Days in date range
I am attempting to create a Turnover Rate beast mode that would take the Average Distinct Count of employee IDs, then divide it by the number of days in the user selected date range. I've tried the following syntax, but I receive an error: Raw syntax: AVG(COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN Team Member status = 'Active' OR Team…
Flag percent of change when it goes negative
Hello, as the title says I am trying to figure out a beast mode or add an additional column in a view/etl to flag a member when they logged in fewer times this current month compared to the previous month. I manually upload the month's numbers at the end of the month so we are measuring trends and wanting to reach out to…
Beast Mode Function to Hide/Show Columns in a table
E.g. case when metrictype='Actual' then showcolumns(1,3,4) when metrictype='Budget' then showcolumns(2,5,6) else showcolumns(all) end
Using pfilters with more than one value
Hi, we have this dashboard with several card filters and we want to click in one "button" that would open the same dashboard with all the filters applied. We know that this is able to do it easily by creating a BeastMode with pfilters as shown here and in the @MarkSnodgrass video. However, we are not able to find a way to…
Creating a Beast Mode to calculate field sums for remainder of year
Hi - I am trying to write a beast mode calculation that sums a field from an as of date until the end of the year. The variable is indexed across the year and want to count how many are left depending on what date is entered. For instance if 1/22/24 was the date it would count all the values indexed for the variable until…
Beast Mode for same date check
I have a list of companies and their create date. I want to create a beast mode that checks if a list of companies has the same create date. Any help here? Would this need to be done in Magic ETL?
Date Reference Exclusion/Inclusion
I'm attempting to write a beast mode that checks a static date with a dynamic minimum date. If the static date is greater than the dynamic minimum date it would be classified as 'No' and vise versa. The beast mode formula: CASE WHEN Onboarding Date <= (MIN(MIN(Report_Date)) OVER()) THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END When I use the…
beast mode calculation
Hi Everyone, Thank you for assisting me the last time and hoping the community can assist me once again. I have a table that shows the rows of sites along with columns of how many tickets are associated to the sites and the ticket numbers. The data I need are only for sites that have 3 or more tickets. I've tried filtering…
A filter based on weekday or wknd
I have a column with tasks and there are certain tasks I want to see if the current day is a weekday and if the current day is a weekend day id like to see other tasks. Could someone help me with this?
Min(Date) Question
I'm having issues getting my beast mode to show the earliest displayed date. In the attached screenshot I would like the "Test - Min(Report_Date) column to all be the same date (2023-01-01) I've tried the "Min()" function and it appears to only check for the earliest date in each row, not displayed date on the card. Any…
Create A Beastmode filter that Shows Prior Year Sales in January, then switches to YTD starting Feb
Hi - I'm looking to create a beastmode that is a filter - what that filter would do is display 2023 sales in January 2024 (excluding January), then starting February 2024 would switch to YTD. This stems from our YTD cards going blank at the beginning of the year. It is important to keep the cards YTD and to only display 12…
Calculate correlation coefficient in beastmode? Do not want to use correlation chart.
Hi, I need a formula in beastmode to calculate the correlation coefficient between two variables? Thanks, Paul
SEC_TO_TIME Not Displaying in HH:MM:SS
Hello! I am attempting to use the sec_to_time to convert my duration in seconds to HH:MM:SS although, I can not sum duration as it duplicates and when I apply just SEC_TO_TIME(`duration_seconds`) the calculation displays as 'count' and does not display as HH:MM:SS. When I do (SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(`duration_seconds`) it…
Sum x for each unique y
Hi all I'm hoping you lovely people can help me sort the following out, please I have tens of thousands of rows of data which all repeat themselves (for boring reasons). There are 20+ columns but two are always a pair. I've used 'country' and 'value' here to demonstrate (see table below). All I would like to do is add up…
Average Date Calculation
Hi, Is there a way to do an average date calculation in Domo? I am working with a table that has close to 30k rows and all we are trying to do is get an average date for the date column. Is this possible? I looked in the beast mode functions and could not confirm it was in there. Thanks
Remove duplicate unknown comma separated values within a single 'cell'
Hello good people of Domo Very frustrated trying to remove duplicates WITHIN a comma seperated list. I have the following webform: If I 'Group By' (Magic ETL) by 'Who' & 'Manufacturer' (combining 'Model' & 'Colour' with commas) I get the below. This has repeats in R5:C3 (2x 'TT'), R6:C3 (2x V70) and 'Black' is repeated in…
Cumulative Sales between December and January not calculating correctly.
Hello, I'm trying to create a table with daily net sales by date and also cumulative sales up to the current date (1/3 ATM) between two years: For the "Date" column, I used a beast mode to create date index formatted as %m/%d value: CASE WHEN YEAR(`created_at`) = '2024' AND DAYOFYEAR(`created_at`) <= DAYOFYEAR(CURDATE())…
How to calculate % change between these two years in a beast mode on several columns of data?
How do I set up a Beast Mode to count distinct events within a date range?
Hi Domo geniuses, I have a dataset with a timestamp 'Start' field that tells me the date and time that a user session began. There's another column for User Session ID, which has its own unique ID. I want to count the number of distinct user sessions in the first year but Domo is having difficulty processing the data. The…
Calculation inconsistently disconnecting from Date field
Howdy y'all! What I imagine would be a simple Beast Mode formula is confusing me and my team. In advertising data from Facebook, we are making a new field called 'Test Facebook Engagements' that is the sum of reactions, shares, and comments. Here is the formula: SUM(ActionsPost)+SUM(ActionsPostReaction)+SUM(ActionsComment)…
Conditionally formatting colors of horizontal bar chart for over/under budget
I am trying to figure out how to conditionally format my "Actual" sales either green/red for over/under "Budget" by location. Is this possible? I know this may have to be done with a beast mode (unsuccessful so far) as it cannot be done in chart properties.
I would like to do predictive lead scoring for my data
Hi, I have a dataset with the leads information (demographic, titles, etc..). What would be the way to build the predictive score in Domo? For example, Domo can help me predict the score of this lead based on the assigned columns. Thank you for your help!
Date Format formula
Need a date format formula to take this date from 24-hour format to 12-hour format so my date and time goes from 11/02/2023 15:53 PM to 11/02/2023 3:53 PM. Thanks
Table Total Row and Beast mode Aggregation
Hi experts, I'm tying to build a table of consumption by subtracting a total on different days. I'm using the lead to get the next value and subtracting the current one: When I able the total row option an error occurs: My first question is why is it happening? My second question is why doesn't the bar chart aggregate the…