A filter based on weekday or wknd
I have a column with tasks and there are certain tasks I want to see if the current day is a weekday and if the current day is a weekend day id like to see other tasks. Could someone help me with this?
Min(Date) Question
I'm having issues getting my beast mode to show the earliest displayed date. In the attached screenshot I would like the "Test - Min(Report_Date) column to all be the same date (2023-01-01) I've tried the "Min()" function and it appears to only check for the earliest date in each row, not displayed date on the card. Any…
Create A Beastmode filter that Shows Prior Year Sales in January, then switches to YTD starting Feb
Hi - I'm looking to create a beastmode that is a filter - what that filter would do is display 2023 sales in January 2024 (excluding January), then starting February 2024 would switch to YTD. This stems from our YTD cards going blank at the beginning of the year. It is important to keep the cards YTD and to only display 12…
Calculate correlation coefficient in beastmode? Do not want to use correlation chart.
Hi, I need a formula in beastmode to calculate the correlation coefficient between two variables? Thanks, Paul
SEC_TO_TIME Not Displaying in HH:MM:SS
Hello! I am attempting to use the sec_to_time to convert my duration in seconds to HH:MM:SS although, I can not sum duration as it duplicates and when I apply just SEC_TO_TIME(`duration_seconds`) the calculation displays as 'count' and does not display as HH:MM:SS. When I do (SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(`duration_seconds`) it…
Sum x for each unique y
Hi all I'm hoping you lovely people can help me sort the following out, please I have tens of thousands of rows of data which all repeat themselves (for boring reasons). There are 20+ columns but two are always a pair. I've used 'country' and 'value' here to demonstrate (see table below). All I would like to do is add up…
Average Date Calculation
Hi, Is there a way to do an average date calculation in Domo? I am working with a table that has close to 30k rows and all we are trying to do is get an average date for the date column. Is this possible? I looked in the beast mode functions and could not confirm it was in there. Thanks
Remove duplicate unknown comma separated values within a single 'cell'
Hello good people of Domo Very frustrated trying to remove duplicates WITHIN a comma seperated list. I have the following webform: If I 'Group By' (Magic ETL) by 'Who' & 'Manufacturer' (combining 'Model' & 'Colour' with commas) I get the below. This has repeats in R5:C3 (2x 'TT'), R6:C3 (2x V70) and 'Black' is repeated in…
Cumulative Sales between December and January not calculating correctly.
Hello, I'm trying to create a table with daily net sales by date and also cumulative sales up to the current date (1/3 ATM) between two years: For the "Date" column, I used a beast mode to create date index formatted as %m/%d value: CASE WHEN YEAR(`created_at`) = '2024' AND DAYOFYEAR(`created_at`) <= DAYOFYEAR(CURDATE())…
How to calculate % change between these two years in a beast mode on several columns of data?
How do I set up a Beast Mode to count distinct events within a date range?
Hi Domo geniuses, I have a dataset with a timestamp 'Start' field that tells me the date and time that a user session began. There's another column for User Session ID, which has its own unique ID. I want to count the number of distinct user sessions in the first year but Domo is having difficulty processing the data. The…
Calculation inconsistently disconnecting from Date field
Howdy y'all! What I imagine would be a simple Beast Mode formula is confusing me and my team. In advertising data from Facebook, we are making a new field called 'Test Facebook Engagements' that is the sum of reactions, shares, and comments. Here is the formula: SUM(ActionsPost)+SUM(ActionsPostReaction)+SUM(ActionsComment)…
Conditionally formatting colors of horizontal bar chart for over/under budget
I am trying to figure out how to conditionally format my "Actual" sales either green/red for over/under "Budget" by location. Is this possible? I know this may have to be done with a beast mode (unsuccessful so far) as it cannot be done in chart properties.
I would like to do predictive lead scoring for my data
Hi, I have a dataset with the leads information (demographic, titles, etc..). What would be the way to build the predictive score in Domo? For example, Domo can help me predict the score of this lead based on the assigned columns. Thank you for your help!
Date Format formula
Need a date format formula to take this date from 24-hour format to 12-hour format so my date and time goes from 11/02/2023 15:53 PM to 11/02/2023 3:53 PM. Thanks
Table Total Row and Beast mode Aggregation
Hi experts, I'm tying to build a table of consumption by subtracting a total on different days. I'm using the lead to get the next value and subtracting the current one: When I able the total row option an error occurs: My first question is why is it happening? My second question is why doesn't the bar chart aggregate the…
Built in data table functionality & arrows
Hey guys. Weird ask here. Boss is wondering if I can make a visual that gets rid of the light blue bar (Revenue) but keep it in the data table below. Reason being is so I can have two scales for the values instead of the three, which is why the scale for the light grey bar is messed up. She is also asking for up and down…
How to write a function that returns positive if function contains values from another column?
The title is a little confusing, but basically I want to write a function like this: CASE WHEN `Track Split` LIKE '%AZ%' THEN 'AZ' end EXCEPT, instead of basing it off of a string, I want it to pull values from another column. I have a lot of changing data from row to row, so I want the row to check to see if the data…
Dates Being Filtered with Fixed
I'm using the following FIXED expression in one of my Beast Mode functions. The function is showing the right numbers, but when I try filtering by errorCode, it only shows attempt numbers for days when the errors occurred. I want to see the number of attempts for each day, regardless of whether an error was selected or…
Top 25 Accounts
Hello All, I need to build a beast mode for a table chart that will show only the top 25 accounts. I tried to export only 25 rows, however it doesn't export in the order I have them lined up as. I cannot add anything to the ETL as this will change all the data. I just need to add it to a card. The top 25 is based on…
Search for keyword (from text input variable) in a phrase
Hi all, I am trying to find a way in Beast mode in which a user can input a text(keyword) in a box and then the formula would search the phrase to see if that keyword exists. The problem I run into is that I need to add '% and %' respectively to a custom variable as part of LIKE. Can something like CHAR(37)& custom…
How to get Variable textbox to work correctly
I am trying to create a lookup using a variable where the user can type in the ID of a record and then the information for that record will display in a textbox card. Everything seems to work as expected other than pickheaderId will only search on the first record and not the whole dataset. Here's my variable calc: When i…
P&L % of sales
Hello, I have a p&l that breaks out all balances by line item. I am trying to show this cards values as a % of the top line item 'Manufactured' How would I go about creating this beastmode to do this functionality? For example: 2023 Jan shows 2.3 for manufactured. If Warranty cost was .5 then I would like to see .5/2.3 on…
Creating a Rolling 4Q Total
Hello, I have a dataset with a list of all customers and their recurring/non-recurring recognized revenue by quarter. Our business has a tremendous amount of seasonlity so I'm trying to report a rolling 4q total. How could I go about showing the sum of a quarter and the 3 trailing as well?
Tab Functionality in Beastmode Editors Broken
For years when pressing tab on the keyboard when in a DOMO code editor it has functioned like an auto complete or a tab space entry, however recently this functionality has broken. Tab no longer autocompletes nor does it allow to add quick spacing for code readability. Instead, it moves to the next element in the beastmode…
Goal Met Percent
Hello all! I am trying to create a beast mode that shows a % for those that have met the goal. The goal does change month to month. There is a separate beast mode set up for those that have not met the goal/goal has been met. Thank you
Duplicate value handling in ETL
I have a column where there are around 34 values that are duplicated for one line that is supposed to be for two people. See picture for example. Ideally it'd be great to have one formula that can distinguish where the break would be so I don't have to manually create 34 lines of code, and have to continually add lines…
Date Columns is Returning Mixture of Date and Text Formats in the CSV Attachment in Scheduled Report
ISSUE: The date Columns is Returning Mixture of Date and Text Formats in the CSV Attachment in DOMO scheduled Reports. I need them in text format and the correct should be the (e.g. 11-14-2023 10:00:00). Some are appearing correctly but some are giving me in date format in the same column (see screenshot). Is this a known…
create a card to display a number ranking
can anyone point me in the right direction on how to create a card with a number ranking that will auto update? we give the sales people a score based on their activities. the one card will put them in order based off their activity score total. how do I create a separate card to just populate their Activity Score Rank?…
How can use Domos filter to remove response rates less than 15%?
Hello, I have a data set containing all response ever recorded for several different surveys. I would like to build a dashboard that allows the user to select a question and see the response rates for that question (accomplished this by creating a variable and using case statements). The backend > grouped rows by survey to…