Looking for highest volume by a specific day as well as highest volume during a specific week
Hello, I am trying to take the data below and generate which day of the week has the average/max/min on volume. I would also like to know the average/max/min by day of the week and week of the month. How would I go about doing this inside DOMO? Essentially I would like to be able to answer the business question as follows:…
Returning a Max Result in a column
CASE WHEN D's % of AOR = MAX(D's % of AOR) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END Some how this is returning the total for the column. All values are returning a 1.
Date Beast mode
Hi everyone, I have a pivot table which contains plan data. The key point is we need to allow one month post plan completion to allow for data collection and input. Country Plan Name Start Date End Date Status Delivered data available Austria Plan 1 1st Jan 2024 1st March 2024 COMPLETED YES Malta Plan 2 1st Jan 2024 1st…
lookup function in beastmode?
Hi all, I have a table that has these columns: loan number other loan number first principle balance hi type description 2nd mortgage amount is the field we are trying to create The logic is such: when hi type description = '1st mortgage' and other loan number is > 1 then i want to look up the first principle balance of…
Count of ID when condition is met
Hi guys, I hope you are able to help me with the following situation. Example: Customer ID1 — Customer ID2 — Status — .. ABC — DEF — ACTIVE ABC — GHI — ACTIVE LMN — OPQ — ACTIVE LMN — RST — INACTIVE Basically I have two IDs per customer, I now want to get a COUNT of "active per customer" but ONLY when Status = ACTIVE. My…
Conditional formatting based on multiple columns
I want to compare two columns and their values in a card. I have column A and B. I want to apply color rules on the lower value cell between the two cells. I know you can set the color rules based on individual columns. I know you can create a beast mode and set a flag for the conditions. I currently have the color rules…
Please Help - Cant get pivot table working properly
I am having a problem with a formula. I am trying to display Yes for a facility if they have a task event status in Completed or CompleteLate status. If they have a task in any other task event status I want to Display No. In my pivot table in domo I am getting an error of multiple results encountered for same location. If…
Domo Feature Request: Allowing Users to Promote a Repository that contains locked beastmodes
We have many beastmodes that are locked on cards. Thus, only admins, beastmode owners, or those with "Manage All Cards and Pages" and "Manage DataSets" grants enabled. We are running into issue where users are unable to promote to our production environment because they don't fit into one of the three above categories. We…
Pivot Table
I have data with plants and tasks. Each plant has a few daily tasks assigned to them. If the status of a task is complete or completelate the task complete column needs to be yes. If it is any other status I need No displayed. I need to aggregate at Plant level so unless all of the tasks meet Yes criteria I want No…
Modify formula
I need to modify a formula. CASE WHEN taskEventStatus = 'Completed' OR taskEventStatus = 'CompleteLate' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END I have plants with event status. Each plant can have 1-4 tasks to complete a day. I need formula so if not all tasks are' complete' or 'completedlate' status (yes) then No. If all tasks are…
Calculated field for before and after date
I have a calculation based on date that is only half working. CASE WHEN (DATE(Date)<'03/01/2024') THEN SS Revenue ELSE (SS Impressions*eCPM/1000) end In the formula, it is pulling in the correct amount when it is BEFORE 3/1/2024, but for some reason, it is returning 0 for anything after that date. When I look at the SS…
Beast mode function to read attributes from end-user profiles.
It would be neat if I could create a beast mode that dynamically did something based on the current users trusted attributes. Something along the lines of: CASE WHEN ATTRIBUTE('Role') = 'Manager' THEN <X> ELSE <Y> END Or even be able to read the timezone from their profile so you can do real-time timezone…
Multiple case statements
I have 3 columns in a table with with fruit name , benchmark value and achieved benchmark value. Ideally I would like to use colors on a table when (in this example) : Apple is equal or greater than Apple benchmark value then Green, else Red Orange is equal or greater than Orange benchmark value then Green, else Red Pear…
Create a date field from separate month and year fields
I have a data set that for some reason has a field for month and a field for year but does not have any date column. Is there a way to string this together in a beastmode to create a date by using the first of every month? Like "01/"&Month&Year?
Count Distinct with Or Case Statement in Beast Mode
Hi! Happy Monday! I'm trying to create a beast mode in which I'm counting the distinct sum of registration IDs regardless of the number of products that are attached to that registration ID except when the product name contains 'Guest.' So if a person registers for multiple sessions all of those are under the same…
Find and append a value to a field
I'm trying to align some inconsistencies with our data. What I'd like to do is find any value that does not end with a '/' and append it with that character. Is there a case statement where we can look for a field that does or does not end in a character? I assume if I can do that, I can just append those without with the…
Create Nested Beast Mode that nest more than two levels
Can we have it that we can nest beast within each other for more than two levels? I would like to create a beast using another beast mode and then use that to create another beast mode. The way I understand it, domo does not let us do this. For instance, beast mode 1= CASE WHEN 'column a'= '1' THEN 'column b' END beast…
Using Variables to Pick "Closest Date"
Hey! I wasn't sure if this went in Variables or Beast Mode questions. I have data that is currently structured: Opp Name - Value - Date Updated A - 100 - 3/15 A - 80 - 3/30 A - 120 - 4/5 B - 50 - 4/1 B - 75 - 4/7 The outcome I'm looking for is for a User to be able to input a Date (say 4/1) as a Variable and then have the…
Period over Period Beast Mode
I am trying to create a beast mode that will show me the change from last year's sales to this year's sales. I need it for a table. If anyone has any solutions, that would be amazing.
Count of Active Employees Month by Month
I have a card to build which should show running graph of how many candidates had an active authorization at a particular office locations during a given month. It should be able to show historical running totals of employees that an office has and are they growing or shrinking. So, I have dataset which has columns like…
Calculating Time Diff (in hours) over Multiple Days
Hello 😊 I am trying to write a beast mode that will calculate the time difference in hours (sometimes over a multiple day period). For instance, if the start time is 4/1/24 at 1:00pm and the end time is 4/2/24 at 9:30am I would like the beast mode to calculate 20.5 hours. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
WEEKOFYEAR is not aligning to ISO-8601, is this correct?
Hi, I recently utilised the Week of Year function for a date column. I'm unsure if this is incrementing from 0, but the value for the 12th of Feb 2024 returns 6. I would expect it to return 7. . Can someone confirm if this is intended? It looks to use Sunday as the start of the week in this function. Best, Sam
Beastmode Preview
When selecting "Validate" for a beastmode it would be nice to have a preview presented at the bottom of the window pane. Then you can see if it is behaving as intended with columns used in the beastmode next to the outcome to compare. It would also be nice to see a more in-depth error as to why it did not validate.
Using LAG() OVER function to get difference in a Snapshot dataset
Hello! I am trying to get the right formula to calculate the difference in data within a table (same data APPENDED to create snapshots). Here is an example of a beast mode I have been playing with. I have unique data by Opportunity ID & Snapshot YearWeek in the rows summarized in this chart, I would like to take the 202413…
Accounts with Profit Sharing Formula and Filter
Hello, We've got some customers that have profit sharing rules in place. As my data comes over it doesn't take this into account so it shows full profit attributed to us. I'd like to have a filter to toggle profit sharing on or off to show either full profit or the profit taking into account the sharing. If, for example, I…
Window Function KB article
Domo does not appear to have a KB article for window functions despite having one for (newer) Fixed Functions. It would be nice to have both. Additionally it would be ideal if the Functions list in Beast Mode editor included all the available functions including window functions or statistical functions (MEDIAN() ) once…
Adding Sort to Custom Values
Hi, I have a card that identifies days since last activity date: Days Since Last Activity Date: DATEDIFF(CURDATE(),Enrollment Initiative: Last Activity Date) And I made a bar chart with a custom range using this beast mode: CASE WHEN Days Since Last Activity<7 then '<7' WHEN Days Since Last Activity<30 THEN '7-30' WHEN…
Change Number format in dynamic concat statement
I have create a concat statement to dynamically highlight a certain metric. Essentially it changes as the time period and other categories change. The number is showing in the format in the above picture and I am hoping I could abbreviate in Billion or at least show the number in account format. I would really appreciate…
Help with creating just one single column containing different time frames
Hi, I want to create a column that states the time period. I essentially have a dataset that consists of data that is divided across quarter, month and year. For example I have data that displays revenue for the current month, revenue for the current year and revenue for the current day. I want to create column that uses…
Compare values in a series against overall average
Hi Domo community, I'm looking to create a card that shows which segments are bringing our Net Promoter Score (NPS) up or down. My idea for a visualization is below. The centre line is the monthly overall NPS and then the 4 bars (International, United States, Canada, and regional) are the series that show the different…