Dynamic Organization (Span) View
I am trying to find a way by which when a user view the Dashboard, then based on his/her PDP, s/he must see his/her own score and must see his/her Direct Reports entire span/ org score. I have attached a dummy data creating the scenario and along with it I have added Org Chart and the Views that is expected. Any help in…
Grouping beastmodes from different datasets in beastmode manager
Is there a way to group beastmodes from different datasets in the beastmode manager? In our instance, we have multiple datasets that serve different business purposes but have the same name and beastmode formula. If we can group them together as one in the beastmode manager, it would not only better organize the beastmode…
Dynamic Date Range Comparison Using Variables
Hi there, I recently saw this video on DOMO Variables from Zack Cameron and around the 17:30 mark he's using variables to control the Time Range (YYD,QTD,MTD,WTD) and Time Comparison Option (YoY, PoP). This functionality would be perfect for the dashboard I'm building out, but I'm having trouble recreating it. The code for…
Include Variable modifiers inside a filter card
I have my dashboard set up so that the filter options displayed are modified by the value of the variable. EX: notice how the filter by time options change depending on the time frame adjuster value in the screenshots. This is the best way I have found to do it, but my employers find it still extremely unintuitive. I think…
How to count occurrences across multiple columns
I want to count the number of times a value occurs in two different columns my dataset is set up in a way that an order will always have two IDs in the same row. The IDs can repeat in the same column or be in another column, but they will never be in the same row. In the example below, the number of occurrences for "1"…
How to use variables for time comparison?
Jace Mclean has shown in the video published on Domo youtube channel that it's possible to use variables as date selector combined with time comparison (PoP vs YoY). This is exactly a business case that I have in my project. My question - how this setup was created? What changes to the dataset/ETL were done? What beast…
Average time to response but how do I not include weekends?
I am making a dashboard summarizing some trends with Jira tickets and trying to create a metric card that shows the current average time to first response, I am using this formula (which I think I got off this forum): CONCAT( case when ROUND((((86400DATEDIFF([CHART] Date of First…
Beast Mode - Grouping
Hi! I am trying to fix this beast mode calculation to group properly. I need the time to group 12am-6am and then show 7am-7pm as separate lines and then group 8pm-11:59pm. The opened date column i am using is in this format '2023-10-22T07:18:17' which is why I am trying to use the beast mode, but the grouping doesn't seem…
When are Beast Modes calculated and when to place in an ETL or leave as Beast Mode?
I have read several varying degrees of opinions on when a Beast Mode is actually calculated. I thought a Beast Mode, attached to a card or assigned to a dataset, is calculated at the objects rendering, regardless of if the Beast Mode is actually being displayed on said card. So if I have 20 total Beast Modes, some only…
Beast Mode for "Views in the first 30 days"
Hi there, My team wants to create a beast mode that looks at total views in the first 30 days per asset since the video was published. For example, a video was published on March 1, 2024 and we want to know how many total views did it generate through March 30, 2024. We created a couple of sample beast modes that are…
Beast Mode Question
I have three column, first one is how many we gained this year, second one is how many we lost this year, and last column is total. I applied a filter, filter through this year the problem is I want total column go beyond this year, in another word, the filter won't affect it. Can I do this in beast mode, I try create a…
Beast mode question
Hi all, I have a beast mode calculation created which I'm trying to find out the monthly average of open tickets between 5 boards for the past 15 months and this is what I have- SUM(COUNT(TicketNbr)) OVER (PARTITION BY Board_Name ORDER BY last_update)/ DAYOFMONTH( last_update ) But I think the calculations are off. Is…
Budget to Actual - Multiple Dimensions & Different Datasets
I have a budget dataset with the following columns: _Account _Subsidiaries _Department _Doctor _Location (Not in Use) _Headcount Resources _Placeholder 4 _Year _Period _Scenario _Currency _Measure _value I have an actuals dataset with the following columns: Appointment Date Status Appointment Type Patient Account Number…
HI Team, I have a date field and what I'm trying to do is write a beastmode that looks at YTD and MTD without years. I have successfully done that in 2 separate beastmodes to give my a 'Y' or 'N' toggle. However when I try to combine them into one where the user can toggle 'YTD' or 'MTD' the 'MTD' isn't the issue.. it's my…
How to remove duplicate records from the drill down view
Hi Community We have 6 months data in which we have some duplicate emails available, however we have created a beast mode to show the unique count in the chart but when we go to the drill down we are getting all the records with duplicate records too. So is ther any way we can create a beast mode where in drill down we can…
Dynamic Top N Tooltip Beast Mode
Is there any way to create a tooltip that would allow me to display the the top 3 customers on hover for a given category? For the sake of this discussion, let's just pretend that I have a map of the USA, and I want to be able to hover over a state, and have the tooltip show the unique names of the top 3 customers for that…
Creating a date range in Beast Mode
Hi Community So I have 6 months data, which i need to present in weekly using bar graph. When i do so its giving me as Week 1, Week 2 ..etc , but we need with a date range like from 1 Jan to 7 Jan Can anyone please help me to create a beast mode to fix this issue
Multi-Value Card - Revenue and YOY % Change
Hello Community, I need help creating a multi-value card in Domo to show total revenue and year-over-year percentage change based on filter selection. The requirements are: Yearly Comparison: If for example FY25 is selected, show FY25 revenue and compare it with FY24. Similarly, for other fiscal years. Monthly Comparison:…
Filter to show blank cells?
Hey! I am looking to filter data to show columns that have empty cells. For example showing all results where 'Planning Condition Status' is blank. I had a look at doing a Beast mode formula but wasn't sure how to put 'Blank' in the formula? Is there an easier way for me to do this? Thankyou in advance.
Tagging Customers on Services
Hi Community, excited to see what you think up! BLUF: How can I analyze what nurse saw a patient prior to a surgery or a non-surgery? See my simplified dataset below. My hope is to be able to see which nurses saw which patients/customers that led to a surgery (or not). My current thought is a CASE WHEN to create a label…
Fixed Function At Two Levels (Or nested Fixed Function)
I have a data set that includes duplicate rows for products. I'm using a fixed function to de-dupe an aggregate sum of product prices because I only want one product row to contribute to the total. The fixed function (total_product_price) looks like this: SUM(DISTINCT Price) FIXED (BY Product ID) However, now I need to…
Help with column formula
I am trying to do an a calculation and having some trouble. The formula in my Average Daily Usage column is (Oil Usage / Run TIme Hours) * 24 I guess the formula is technically working when look at columns, but I want this formula to calculate for the subtotal columns when i select a range of dates. So the column in blue…
Compare to Budget - Actuals in one Dataset and Budget Values in second Dataset
Hi community, BLUF: How can I compare budget to actual? We have data in one system that holds our actual sales amounts. We have data in a separate system that holds the budgeted sales amounts. I want to show the actuals and the budgeted in the same card. This seems easy enough in theory, but I've been struggling to…
bar graphs incorrect visuals
Hi, I am experiencing an issue with Grouped bar graphs. The x-axis is duplicated with the items, despite the data is seen correctly on Data Table (inside analyzer) and also when put on a HTML Table. Using beast mode calc for values. The category column is straight from the dataset.
Calculating max of a category using FIXED
If I have the first three columns of the data(model, variant names and total clicks) is it possible to generate a calculated field which shows the highest click value in a given Model? For example, Model A has 3 variants and the highest amount of clicks among the 3 variants is 33, so the 'Max clicks' column should be…
Formula to just take number from column
I have a column with different assets Tank 1 Engine 1 Engine 2 Tank 2 Tank 3 Engine 4 My question is I just want to take out the number from each and put in new column so can sort by just the number in each asset. Can someone help with this?
Need help with CASE statement in beast mode.
I'm getting this error on a pivot table card. The grand totals are correct but I need to see them by data source (Row) Here's the beast mode I'm using: CASE WHEN `Product` != 'SEM' THEN SUM(IFNULL(`Impressions`, 0) / 1000 * IFNULL(`Monday.CPM`, 0)) ELSE SUM(IFNULL(`Cost`, 0) + IFNULL(`Cost` * `SEM Fee`, 0)) END I've also…
multiple Groups shown in just one column
Hello DOMO - Good Day! I am using the Data governance dataset that has the users and groups. what we wanted to show is the pages/dashboard and then all the groups that can view it. currently, I can show the different pages and the different groups in different columns. just wanted to know if we can show all the different…
Variable names in String
Hi, The current variable selector accepts the values either in Default (Numeric) - Gives a comma separator automatically. Percentage Currency - Adds $ as prefix. Do we have any work around to avoid comma? Do we have any work around to use other currency symbols as prefix with currency format?
Calling all Windowed Beast Mode and FIXED Function experts!
I think I'm close on this but am struggling to get my expected result. Here is my end goal—a chart showing data by date, with a line for the "Best Ever" value. Things making it tricky: I need the date range to be dynamic, i.e. user can select different dates I need the "best ever" value to be pulled from across the entire…