Is it possible to make beast mode follow the colour rules on a different column?
I have a bar chart that has colour rules set up based on dataset column values. Now I need to use beast mode for the series, instead of using original dataset columns, because the beast mode allows us to convert the column value to different languages. In this case, the bar chart failed to follow the existing colour rules,…
Creating a Beastmode/ Dimension
I have a set of data that includes columns like " Facebook Engagements, Facebook Impressions, Twitter Engagements, Twitter Post Impressions, TikTok engagements, TikTok Impressions" how do I create a dimension or beastmode where you will be able to filter by platform, e.g.: Facebook, Twitter, TikTok.
Dynamic aggregation based on user selected date grain
I have a dataset that appends daily to build out a historical view. I want to be able to always show the latest record per date grain based upon the user selected date range and grain. For example, if a user selected YTD by month, then I would want to show the following values from the last day of each month SUM(values)…
Using FIXED () and Variable?
I'd like to create a BeastMode 'MTD %' that can: Calculate the % of each GL account based of Total Sales Can be dynamically filtered by Month and Year variables Here's my MTD % Beast Mode: SUM(`Amount`)/ (SUM(CASE WHEN `Class 3` = 'Sales' THEN `Amount` ELSE 0 END) FIXED ()) And my MTD Beast Mode: SUM(CASE WHEN Fiscal Year=…
Income Statement % Column
Is it possible to create a Beastmode (or Magic ETLs) to show a column like % of Net Sales?
Keep data in column as constant regardless of date
I have an ETL that includes a weekly upload of new information (employee name, quota, current sales) that is batched on Mondays. The quota is typically the same from week to week. When I use the information in a dashboard looking at last week, it doesn't recognize the quota since it's from the current week. Is there an ETL…
formatting in a table
I have a table like this: Category | Actual | Budget Revenue | 4.50 | 5.50 Sales | 4,250.00 | 5,550.00 For this table, I have in a pivot table, and I want the revenue to be formatted with the ($), and the sales, I want to not have decimals. How can I do this in a beast mode? If I format this for the column on the card it…
MTD, MTD Last Year Beastmodes do not work properly with Date filter
I created 2 Beastmodes that I can drag into the 'Values' in the Pivot Table card: MTD = SUM(CASE WHEN Month = MONTH(CURRENT_DATE()) AND Year = YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) THEN IFNULL(Amount * -1, 0) ELSE 0 END) MTD Last Year = SUM(CASE WHEN Month = MONTH(CURRENT_DATE()) AND Year = YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) - 1 THEN IFNULL(Amount * -1,…
Bucketing different text fields if there is a match
I'm trying to count different text fields from a column called Reason and there are different reasons in that column. One row might have single or multiple reasons separated by a comma. Below are examples. 1) Reason 1 2) Reason 1, Reason 2, Reason 3 3) Reason 3, Reason 2 Beast mode using currently: CASE WHEN Reason LIKE…
MS Office PowerPoint Variable Integration
Hey Community, We are looking to get some better integration with variables in the office plugins. Specifically, we are looking at the Powerpoint plugin, and we want to be able to bring in cards and dashboards that have Beast Modes utilizing Variables in the calculations. Perhaps something like you do for Filters, the…
Variance % formula not working correctly at Grand Total
What I am trying to do is look at Monthly Headcount Trend (Variance %) by Billable, Non-Billable and Total. My approach to identify change % is : (Current Month - Previous Month) / Previous Month. Since, it will be showing multiple months data in a tabular form, so I used the following formula for Variance % (SUM( CASE…
Beast Mode to Categorize the data based upon the pattern
Hello, Can anyone help me in writing this beast mode. Where I'm aiming to categorize these based on the status reversals from Yes to No. Case when current ready status is No and previous status is Yes then considered as reversal. Example like below: I already have first 3 columns in my data. Tried this beast mode but not…
Smart Text as a Variable
At the card level it would be beneficial to know what the current operating environment is for a card and leverage that information in a beast mode. For example, if there were a "system variable" that stored what the current "Graph By" selection is, like what is already available in Smart Text, then you could have a beast…
How can I create a beastmode that will return the desired substring in a field?
Hi all, I've given this multiple attempts and just can't seem to get it. I have a field called 'Destination' that I want to use in a Beastmode that will return the first substring of "B-FGI" or "FGI" in a value such as "Doe, John A-B-FGI-20.15.0003.B-FGI" or "Doe, John A-FGI-20.15.0003.B-FGI". I also want to create another…
I have a chart which is populated yoy basis and has Q4 data being shown twice
Hi, I have a chart which is powered using a beast mode with a variable as following: (CASE WHEN (`Content Type ES Quarterly-2` = 'Project or Image') THEN AVG(`proj_image_insert_user_count`) WHEN (`Content Type ES Quarterly-2` = 'Project') THEN AVG(`customize_makeit_hva_user_count`) WHEN (`Content Type ES Quarterly-2` =…
Number of business days in the month
I am trying to write a beast mode that given a date can tell me the number of business days there are in that month. My company's hours are a little different so I want it to count days according to these rules: Sun: 0, Mon: 0.5, Tues-Fri: 1, Sat: 0.5 I can't seem to figure out how to loop through to do this calculation so…
Can someone help me with this Beast Mode using CASE Statement using FIXED(BY) Formula?
I am trying to create a beast mode that looks at different criteria to only sum certain data. I have tried multiple ways to write this, but I cannot get it to work the way I want it to. If I write it this way, the formula works however it only displays the data from the else portion and ignores the other criteria. CASE…
How to compare to the entire dataset, and not just the filtered part of the card?
Hi, so I have a beast mode calculation in one of my datasets that looks like this: CASE WHEN SUM(SUM(1)) OVER (PARTITION BY TRACK: Title,LIBRARY: Name,TRACK: Version) > 1 and TRACK: Version = 'Full Mix' THEN 'YES' WHEN TRACK: Version <> 'Full Mix' THEN null else 'NO' end The purpose is to make sure that there aren't…
One SKU has multiple mail date and trying to filter out all skus that have date greater than today
Hi, I am running into a problem with my visual I want to filter out any SKUs with a future mail date but since each SKU has multiple mail dates it is not recognizing the future ones it is going off the first mail date it sees. For example, the calculated field I have created is this "CASE WHEN MailDate > CURRENT_DATE()…
Is it possible to fill in missing dates at the card level | Fill Missing Dates button isn't working
I read the article linked above… Is there a way to do this sort of thing at the card level? The Fill Missing Dates option is not working. I'm having an issue with it dropping dates that have no corresponding values on almost all of my bar charts. My dates are all weekly and there's weeks with no data on every card. I don't…
Percent of total in grand total row
How can I have the percent of total for the grand total rather than the sum of the WoW column? e.g. (mktg visits - lw sessions) / lw sessions in to the total row
Beast Modes Affecting Card Performance
Hello, I'm curious if anyone else has noticed degraded performance making and editing cards due to the amount of beast modes on the dataset/card? We are trying to isolate this issue with some of our datasets, and try moving calculated field logic down to the ETL to come through as a column. Has anyone else experienced or…
Is there a way to aggregate the output using a FIXED function used in a CASE statement?
I'm a MajorDomo in a large retailer, and I'm working to rewrite our TY/LY Beast Modes to calculate off of a "Week Number in Epoch" column, rather than comparing against Fiscal Week as we move into a Week 53. I previously asked about writing a temp table in a Beast Mode (https://dojo.domo.com/main/discussion/comment/59532),…
How to create a beast mode for 1st initial of first name and add the last name
Hi everyone, I'm having issues trying to get a beast mode to work when trying to get the 1st letter of the first name and adding it to the last name. This is what I have - SUBSTRING('Ticket_Owner_First_Name',1) + 'Ticket_Owner_Last_Name' I've tried different variations of this but can't seem to get it correct. Any…
Calculating Time difference in Seconds Beast Mode
Hello, Is there any way to do the difference between 2 timestamps in seconds using a lead function in beast mode. For example in below table take the first 2 rows 9:51:47 seconds subtracting with first row that is 9:51:14 seconds and output should be 33 seconds. The column is in String datatype. Can I achieve this using…
Beast Mode Description
Similar to how you can describe individual columns in a dataset (via the dataset schema view), a useful new feature could be the ability to describe beast modes. Currently, our practice has been to add a comment inside of the beast mode expression explaining what it's used for, but this comment cannot be referenced in…
Calculating period over period change in Domo
I've been trying to find a solution for easily calculating percent change of metrics between two periods and put them in a table. Like "What is the percent change for "costs" between this month, and last month?" Normally this is easy to calculate outside of Domo using the standard formula: (V2 - V1) / V1) *100 However,…
Aggregate (SUM) the results of Lead Function Beast mode at Card Level
I have a dataset wherein I have to count the number of cases which falls in the below filter and conditions. CASE -- Check if the current row is 'Ringing' and lasted 11 seconds or less WHEN STATE = 'Ringing' AND TIME_TO_SEC(AGENT STATE TIME) <= 11 AND LEAD(STATE) OVER (PARTITION BY AGENT NAME ORDER BY DATE, AGENT NAME) =…
BeastMode code to take one value from each category
This question is going to be really difficult to describe, but I will try anyway. I am trying to get a unit count for each facility, the problem is that bc we filter by time and different facilities can gain units over time, I can not just have one row per facility, I have a row for each month. That being said I need it to…
forcing x-axis in bar chart to ignore filters
Hi all I have 30-40,000 rows of data presented to a bar chart with 5 dashboard filters operating across the data. There are 15 different categories presented as the x-axis. Occassionaly filtering removes one of these categories. I'm trying to find a way to leave the category on the x-axis despite the fact that it is no…