How can I set up a graph to show period over period data in a dynamic way?

I am looking for a way to show a bar graph with sales data by period and a growth rate line with period over period percent change. I have a detailed dataset with a large amount of sales data spanning over multiple years. I am having trouble with how to get the prior period data to be on the same line and to be dynamic so that if it is filtered by region or by product line, the totals will change accordingly.

See below for example of final product I want to achieve - bars are total sales by quarter and the line is the QoQ growth rate. Right now I have a quick manual fix for a presentation (this is not real data), but it sums the total prior period and does not change if other variables are adjusted. Is this possible using a Magic ETL? A friend suggested using a method that grouped / ranked data, but I am not that sophisticated in Domo, so I am not sure how to achieve that, although I am trying to learn. Any help would be appreciated.


  • Data_Devon
    Data_Devon Contributor

    Hi hollyrene1225. Have you looked into the "Period over Period" chart types? They are mostly plug and play, so you wouldn't need to do any cooking in Magic ETL - just select the chart and you are off to the races.

    You could also look at a bar chart with a line added - again, mostly plug and play.

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  • Agreed with @Data_Devon ! Period over period chart types are the way to go

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  • Thanks! This does work for THIS task, but I don't think it works for what I need to do next, which is show two variables and two growth rates on one graph. I need to show the sales data for the quarter next to the sales data adjusted for foreign exchange and the separate growth rates for each. I don't think the charts are capable of showing both at the same time, unless i am incorrect on this? Below is the example. The red bar would be the actual sales, the blue bar is the adjust sales. One line is the actual sales QoQ growth and the other line is the adjusted sales QoQ growth. I know, it can't just be simple :)

  • @hollyrene1225 - I recommend restructuring your data so that you have multiple periods within the same dataset. I've done several writeups on this and it allows you to show multiple periods on the same graph. You can find more information on how to do this here:

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