Aggregating Data for a Beastmode - Counting Survival Analysis
Hi there -- I have a dataset that has an individual record per employee that states if they are active or terminated and that gives their current tenure or the tenure at the time that they left the company. I'm trying to do a survival beastmode using a bar chart where I show 100% at tenure = 0, and then at tenure = 1, I…
Keep beast mode field calculated on total value when filtered
I am creating a beast mode filters which shows me the percentage of the total units by person but when I filter out people the percentage changes to only calculate on the current people in the filter. Is there a way to keep the original numbers and show those on the card while filtering?
Average Session Duration Y/Y
I am importing GA4 data and trying to display Y/Y in a multivalue on a dashboard. I used SEC_TO_TIME(Avg. Session Duration) to change the data to time format, but it's still not showing appropriately. Any ideas?
How to show a unique count for a different period than the selected date range?
Hi All, I have a card where I am showing a year to date breakdown of assets, in order to show this I have 'This Year' selected for my date range. However ideally I want to show a count of unique accounts as at the end of the prior year, a count of unique accounts as at the end of the current month and the difference…
Beastmode to decide how much to spend per ad in a given category
We have a working beastmode that calculates what ‘n’ should be depending on spend, revenue, and page depth (page depth is in 3 categories – all pages, product, and shopping cart). Here is the formula: = 1 / ((spend / revenue) / (sum (all spend per category)/ sum (all revenue per category))) Note that the category of all…
30 Day Interval
Hello! I am looking to create a beastmode that sums video views and revenue separately in the 30-days after the asset is published. While the beastmode is validating and looks to be calculating accurately, the QA is very off. In the screenshot example, I manually filtered the time frame for 30-days after the published date…
Rank Top 5 of the week
I am trying to solve 2 things and would really appreciate your help. When I take out the Sorting filter for SUM of Quantity and Fiscal Month with week (No Aggregation), the number of quantity changes, and the number of products per week also changes. This may be a data issue but is anything odd in this card? Before: After:…
Percentage with Series in Bar Chart
I am trying with no success to calculate the Utilization% of our employees using a bar chart through time. I have a bar chart with the counts of days per period of time and with the requested series that are the utilization types. Formula: SUM(StaffedDays)/ SUM(AvailableDays). This is the counts bar chart that is working…
Update Colors of a Bullet Chart
I am currently utilizing a bullet chart to visualize the number of worked hours comparitive to estimated hours for multiple groups working on a project. Is there a way to update the worked hours bar to help quickly identify the groups that are over or approaching the estimated hours? I have attempted to set the color rules…
Can someone tell me where I am going wrong please?
Edit Bar Charts more dynamically
Hi, I was hoping we could begin using Color rules a bit more dynamically. I was hoping we could assign color rules to different fields in the Card. For instance, elements that are not being used in the Bar chart but elements outside as well that are impacting the Bar chart directly For instance, if I have 3 variables in…
Changing a column used in multiple beast modes to another column
I have around 10 beast modes that that are based on a certain column 'A' in their calculations but I need to change all of them to use a different column 'B' in the calculation. Is there a way to change this instead of manually editing all the column formulas?
Question on acceptance rate calc
Hello, I am trying to calculate total accpetance rate of the students. I have 2 calculated fields Accepted Students: case when (acceptance_flag = 1) then count(students) Total Students: count(students) I am having a table format and calculation for acceptance rate: (case when (acceptance_flag = 1) then count(students)…
Top 100 Values
In my data i have a 'client','quarter' and a Beast mode 'Score'. I have created a bar chart with quarter on x axis and Score on y axis. I have to create a card which shows scores for only top 100 clients quarter wise. How i can do that. I am not able to find a way at the moment. If we can do that in Beast modes it will be…
How would I filter for Order Numbers that contain UN codes? While keeping all other part numbers
Hi all, I am trying to figure out how to do this in Analyzer via Beastmode or filter tool. I am trying to only filter/display Orders that contain a product with a UN battery code while still displaying all other items in that Order Number. I'm having a tough time finding a function that could do this. Any ideas? Thanks in…
Identify if value exists in field to then classify data
Hey community. I've got a data set that is not optimal for what I'm trying to do. My optimal data set is sitting in a backlog and I'm looking to get some preliminary answers while i wait - so frankly, looking for a hack. I have a data set that has all of the participants associated with all of the events that we track. So…
Beastmode listagg/group concat
Hello, I usually refer to the list of magic etl functions documentation for functions that I can potentially use in beastmode since some working functions do not exist in the list within the beast mode editor. However, a function that can combine strings from multiple rows into a single string like GROUP_CONCAT and LISTAGG…
Calculate a ratio
Hi, I am looking for a calculation that will allow me to look at a requisition number and then look at number of people Forwarded to Hiring manager and number who were hired and calculate a ratio For example the calculation should be able to say 3:1 for the below example 3 forward to HM : 1 hire Sometimes we have more…
How to count number of Occurrences in a Column
I have a dataset where I am trying to get a count of each occurrence a value in a specific column has: For the example above I would want the result to return that there are Two : "0's", Three: "Nulls", and Three: "1's".
Creating A Date Field
Hi Domo Community, How would I go about creating a usable date field from two columns I have? One column is the year, and the other is the month. How could I create a date field from those two columns? For example, 2/1/2024 from a column that has February and a column that has 2024. Thanks!
Table Subtotaling
Having an issue when trying to subtotal the time columns. I want to be able to see the total off all the times rather than the count of each row? etg. 00:00:20 + 00:11:57+ 00:05:07… I moved my beast mode into ETL formula to try and get the field to work, but I cant get anything besides 'text' field to work.
Calculation error: Duplicate calculation name
Over the past few days, I've been facing the issue of a calculation error: Duplication calculation name. I believe that other DOMO users might have also be experiencing this issue. Despite having different datasets, when validating a BM with the same name, a duplication error occurs. This problem started occurring a few…
Beast Mode calculation when data is in rows and then how to chart
Hi All I have a dataset (a sample is attached) where the 2 series I want to track are in the same column, identified by the Split Answer (i.e. male or female). I want to calculate the % split answer value by dividing the value by the sum of all values where the Split Detail is held constant (i.e. what is the % of female…
How can I add an icon representing a file type for a URL into a table?
I have a data set which contains a column for URL's for file a user has upload and a second column that contains the type of file that has been uploaded. I have created a beast mode that displays a thumbnail of any uploads that are images. I now want to display an icon for items that are not images but cannot get the icons…
Create X-Axis to Only Display Day over Several Months
I am wanting to recreate the X-Axis here only showing days - then show changes MoM using lines. Ultimately, I want to create a filter that allows users to pick how many days they would like to go back and allow that to be compared. Any suggestions?
Multi Select Variables?
I am building a dashboard that analyzes what the specific categories of items in any given transaction. For this example, let's assume there are 4 potential categories [Milk, Eggs, Bread, Fruit] on any given order. The end goal is to allow the user to select one or more of these categories in a slicer card (or similar),…
Convert datatype in a BeastMode
I have data coming in from a sql table, and I cannot change the datatype of it at the source. I'm trying to join on the columns but it won't join on certain rows of data b/c One column is varchar25 and the other is nchar10 from the SQL Server side it comes from. They are already string, so when I use the Magic Tile to…
Coalesce for a missing month?
I can't seem to get a magic to work, nor can I seem to get a beast mode to work. I am sorting data by month. If though, my data does not have data for May (5) then I want there to be a row for May, even if there isn't data. Somewhat obviously, a case statement wont work because again, when there is no data, then no row.…
Avg Time Formulas
I am having lots of trouble trying to figure this conversion out.. I have an excel file that I am bringing into domo.. within the card (table format) I am trying to get the average (as the average column already existing cannot be properly summed within domo). I am trying to take the 'talk time' divided by 'call id count'…
Array Function in Beast Mode
Hello, I created a card where users can filter multiple IDs at once. This is useful to quickly filter the card based on the account IDs that we got from another card. Users can simply highlight all the Account IDs, copy and paste them in the Input Text Box The variable is called enter_account_ids. Is there a better…