Adding Sort to Custom Values


Hi, I have a card that identifies days since last activity date:

Days Since Last Activity Date:

DATEDIFF(CURDATE(),Enrollment Initiative: Last Activity Date)

And I made a bar chart with a custom range using this beast mode:

WHEN Days Since Last Activity<7 then '<7'
WHEN Days Since Last Activity<30 THEN '7-30'
WHEN Days Since Last Activity<90 THEN '30-90'
Else '>90'

But it default sorts like this:

So I tried to make a sort beast mode like this using the same beast mode as the range:

WHEN Days Since Last Activity<7 then 1
WHEN Days Since Last Activity<30 THEN 2
WHEN Days Since Last Activity<90 THEN 3
Else 4

I added this to the sort spot and changed it to no aggregation, but the chart order doesn't change and still has them flipped in the middle. What am I missing on this?



  • DavidChurchman

    Are there any other sorts?

    Do you have anything in your date options in the top right?

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