Summary Color Display


I am displaying a Beast Mode calculation as the Summary number. The Beast Mode is the percentage change. Is there a way to color code the percentage where if it is positive, make the value green or if it is negative, then make it red?



  • Yes, you can. It requires adding HTML and also formatting your value because it becomes a string in the process. This post outlines how to do it.

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  • bmartin

    Here is my Beast Mode calcualtion:

    (sum(case when MONTH(invoice_date)=MONTH(CURRENT_DATE() - interval 12 month) and YEAR(invoice_date)=year(CURDATE() - interval 12 month) then total_amount_billed else 0 end)

    sum(case when MONTH(invoice_date)=MONTH(CURRENT_DATE() - interval 13 month) and YEAR(invoice_date)=year(CURDATE() - interval 13 month) then total_amount_billed else 0 end))

    sum(case when MONTH(invoice_date)=MONTH(CURRENT_DATE() - interval 13 month) and YEAR(invoice_date)=year(CURDATE() - interval 13 month) then total_amount_billed else 0 end)

    I do not quite see what specifically to add in to make the Summary Number a color.

    While I saw the Multi-Value chart option. I was hoping to show the billing change as the Summary on the Billing Card.