We are all overwhelmed with email alerts on dataset failures, right? How often do you open the dataset only to find that it was a single random failure, and has since run successfully? I think it would help to have a setting where the dataset/dataflow failure alerts only trigger when there have been multiple consecutive…
Would like to be able to filter to my datasets with PDP, ideally with two options... those with PDP policies on the dataset and those where PDP is enabled on an input. Today I am using tags to identify them, but it would be nice if I could select with a filter option.
As a simple example, a requirement to have devices updated to the latest operating system. By setting up the dataflow to flag records that don't meet the criteria, then send an email alert to the email address in the specified column. Rather than sending alerts to all people subscribed or that have access, or even all…
Enable YOY (or other period-over-period calculations) as a table. Example below. This can be done in bar and line charts, for a table one must use a series of beast modes. This also then means you can't use the date filters buttons effectively. Example:
On the funnel card, there is currently no option to hide the legend completely. This would be a useful feature.
API Tokens are great but difficult to identify which are being used in order to remove unused one for better security. It'd be great if there was a way we could track the different API token usage within our instance.
Most modern IDEs have the ability to highlight several lines of code and then press a key combination (CMD + /) to automatically comment out the highlighted rows. It'd be great to get this feature within the Beast Mode editor to diagnose beast mode issues easier instead of having to manually comment out each individual…
It would be very useful if the creator of a post was able to change the type of post it was after it was created. It seems as though some people choose the wrong post type when posting to the Dojo, but they can't change it later. For instance, they choose New Topic, but they really are asking a question. When someone…
The red to green heat map is the gold standard of color formatting in the business world. The current single color pallets are....not good. It would be great to have this option as a default for any column in any kind of table. Thank you for your consideration!
There's may times when I need to do a custom summary number that's concatenated with other strings causing me to lose the ability to format the number. So I have to write a long beast mode just to format the number correctly. Like…
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