Automatically share everything in Domo with admins

It is a pain to remember to share all datasets, ETLs, etc. with the various admins in our system. It would be nice if those items were visible and modifiable by all with the admin role so we don't have to keep remembering to sharing things and can better collaborate on projects between multiple departments.

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  • i'm not sure ...

    i think a better practice would be to manage and share content with a group and then just be good about assigning admins to groups.

    for my projects, I actually like it that I can't see ALL the dashboards when I sign into an instance just b/c I'm an Admin. instead I have a group for each project and just try to make sure I get the right people in that group. when an admin rolls of the project, it's easy for them to keep a cleaner UI.

    Jae Wilson
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